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Arts Management Quiz 3 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Business Model

What Building blocks of business model can be broken down into what segments
customers, offers, infras­tru­cture, financial stability
What are customer segments
niche market, segmented market, divers­ified market
what is a niche market
a very specific market
what is a segmented market
targeting two different markets but they're similar
what is a divers­ified market
targeting two completely different markets
why are customer groups different
needs to justify a distinct offer, different distri­bution channels, different kinds of relati­ons­hips, different aspects
What are reasons why a customer turns to a specific company or organi­zation
newness, custom­iza­tion, brand/­status, price, access­ibility
What are the types of customer relations
personal or automated, retention, boosting,
What is retention
loyal customers
what is boosting
you dont care about the relati­onship you want the sales
Whats the difference between transa­ction and recurring stream
recurring happens more than once like a subscr­iption
what is a usage fee
the more you use the more you pay
what is asset sales
just selling the product
What are the assets of your organi­zation
physical, financial, intell­ectual, human
What are key activities
action an organi­zation does to make their business model work
Who are suppliers who make a business model work
strategic alliance, cooper­ative strate­gies, joint ventures, buyer/ supplier

Human Resources

What are the advantages of paid employees
stable work force, loyalty to organi­zation, can develop long term relati­onships
what are the disadv­antages of paid employees
cost of salary, cost of benefits
what are the advantages of contracted employees
can hire for special skills, hire for limited period of time, no need to pay benefits
what are the disadv­antages of contracted employees
not loyal, cost per hour might be high af
what are the advantages of outsou­rcing
hire for special skills, don't have to manage employees, can build community relati­onships
what are the disadv­antages of outsou­rcing
company policy may differ, high af
what are the advantages of volunteers
no cost to the org, can seek special skills,
what are the disadv­antages of volunteers
need to retrain, instab­ility, lack of skills/ experience
What do personnel committees do?
take policies to the board, handles grieva­nces, conducts perfor­mance evalua­tions
what does recrui­tment do
descri­ption of jobs, respon­sib­ili­ties, specific duties, requir­ements for employ­ment, compen­sation, how to apply
what is the staffing process
personnel policies, planning recruiting and selecting, orienting training and evalua­ting, firing and replacing