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Science 10 : Unit III : Chapter VII Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

for qualifying examination

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


- a network of nerves that connect the spinal cord and the brain to the rest of the body and allow a stimul­us-­res­ponse reaction to occur among different organs
- has numerous functions in the human body, since nerves begin at the brain and connect to different organs they serve as a control system that dictates all voluntary and involu­ntary actions performed by the body


- nerve cells called neurons carry out the main functions of the nervous system
Neurons - the fundam­ental units of the nervous system
- these are cells that translate external stimuli into electrical signals transm­itted into the brain where the delivered inform­ation is interp­reted
- the nervous system contains billions of neurons that are made up of three main sections


Three Main Sections of Neurons

Cell Body / Soma - the main part of the neuron where the nucleus is located[1] - translates DNA inform­ation that is transp­orted to the dendrites and the axon[2]
Axon - the thick branch that trails behind the soma[1] - the axon terminal at the end of the axon allows commun­ication among various neurons[2] - the axon is surrounded by the myelin sheath (a protecting covering that insulates the axon and lets electrical impulses travel more quickly along the unmyel­inated axon, the impulses are transm­itted through a process called action potential[3]
Dendrites - smaller branch­-like extensions attached to the ends of the soma[1] - dendrites process electrical impulses before transm­itting them to the axon through the action potential[2] - the inform­ation received by dendrites may be either excitatory ( fires up neurons ) or inhibitory ( represses the neurons' tendency to fire up )[3] - the dendrites of one neuron connects with the dendrites of other neurons[4] - they can change sizes as they receive inform­ation and the transm­ission of signals from a neuron of tissues of various body organs is exhibited[5] - this process works through the three types of neurons distri­buted throughout the body; then these signals are passed on by the axon; after the brain interprets the signals. intern­eurons in the spinal cord receive the inform­ation and transmit it to motor neurons in various body organs

Transm­ission of Signals from Neurons to Tissues

Three Neuron Classi­fic­ation

Sensory Neurons - react to both external and internal stimuli[1] - they pick up inform­ation from outside your body and deliver it to your central nervous system allowing you to perceive your surrou­ndings through sight, hearing, smell. taste, and touch[2] - the sensory functions of these neurons are controlled by a reflex arc that enables involu­ntary functions in the nervous system through the spinal cord[3]
Intern­eurons - translate the inform­ation between sensory neurons and motor neurons[1] - integrate the sensory neurons and motor neurons within the spinal cord[2]
Motor Neurons - pick up inform­ation from the central nervous system and transmit them through nerves in the rest of the body[1] - these neurons mobilize a person and enable physical changes in the body[2]

Flow of Inform­ation through the Nervous System


Central Nervous System

Brain - the major organ of the nervous system ; reads inform­ation and controls all the functions of the human body with the help of nerves and neurons
- the brain's exterior structure is made up of a protective layer called meninges that wraps the folds ( gyri ) and indent­ations ( sulci )
- consists of two hemisp­heres subdivided into three main parts : the forebrain, midbrain, and the hindbrain

1 : Forebrain

- makes up the brain's frontal area
- contains the largest section called cerebrum which comprises about 85% of the entire human brain structure
- respon­sible for sensory perception , thinking , processing inform­ation , unders­tanding and speaking languages
- most inform­ation processing takes place within the cerebral cortex ( the outer part o cerebrum ) that is catego­rized into four cortex lobes ( frontal , parietal , occipital , and temporal lobes
frontal lobe - located at the forefront of the cerebral structure divided into the motor cortex ( topmost portion that controls the motor functions and voluntary actions of an individual ) and the prefrontal cortex ( governs person­ality traits, cognitive functions, memory, decisi­on-­making process, reasoning, and judgement )
parietal lobe - located behind the frontal lobe and contains the somato­sensory cortex ( processes the sensory inform­ation and controls the sense of touch ; this also influences the ability of a person to understand spatial orient­ations and to maintain body coordi­nation )
occipital lobe - located at the posterior part of the cerebrum ( to control visual perception ; it allows a person to recognize the physical charac­ter­istics of objects that he/she sees ; controls the ability to determine the position and the distance of objects )
temporal lobe - occupies the position beneath the frontal and parietal lobes ( auditory perception , speech and memory ; also influences partly other sensory percep­tions , language compre­hen­sions , and emotional control )


2 : Midbrain

- lies underneath the forebrain and one of the subdiv­isions of the brainstem ( a short tubular structure that connects the brain to the spinal cord )
- to control eyesight and hearing
- has three main parts ; the tectum / colliculi , the tegmentum , and the cerebral peduncles
colliculi - consists of two sections of neuron : superior colliculi ( analyze visual signals from the surrou­ndings and send them to the occipital lobe ) , inferior colliculi ( process auditory signals from the ears and transmit them to the thalamus [ a structure above the brainstem that carries signals to the cerebrum ]
tegmentum - portion that extends along the length of the brainstem ; divided into three sections identified by their colors : the pinkish section [ iron-rich, controls a person's coordi­nation ] , the gray section [ periaq­ued­uctal gray, controls the ability to suppress pain ] , and the substrate sigma [ dark pigmented neuron cluster, controls the synthesis of the dopamine hormone and the mediation of body movements and motor functions ]
cerebral peduncles - bundles of nerve fibers at the back of the midbrain, behind the thalamus ( passag­eways for signals that are travelling from the cerebral cortex to other parts of the central nervous system partic­ularly the coordi­nation of body movements )


3 : Hindbrain

- positioned at the lower back area of the brain
- includes parts that are necessary for breathing and the beating of the heart
- has three primary parts : the pons , medulla oblongata , and cerebellum
pons - bulbous area situated beneath the midbrain, bridging the cerebral cortex and the brainstem ( to process commun­ication signals between two major brain hemisp­heres and the spinal cord ) ; contains 4 of 12 cranial nerves [ the abducens nerve ( respon­sible for eye movements ) , the trigeminal nerve ( controls chewing and transports sensory inform­ation between the head and the faces ) , the vestib­ulo­coc­hlear nerve ( controls the sense of hearing and balance ) , and the facial nerve ( manages coordi­nation of the body movements and sensation in the face )