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Hummel Quest 1.4 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

A quick reference sheet for the Hummel Quest TTRPG system.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Ability Checks

Add up scores of specified abilities.
Roll number of d10s equal to result.
Each die with roll result at least equal to first number of TN counts as 1 success.
Check is passed if number of successes at least equal to number of TN after the slash.
Example: TN6/3 needs 3 results of 6 or higher to pass the check.

Rolling 1 or 10

Rolled two or more 1s:
check failed automa­tically
Rolled two or more 10s:
check passed automa­tically
Multiple 1s and 10s:
no effect
These don't apply to contested checks!

Assisted Rolls

When two or more characters assist each other on a check, all of them roll for the check. Any success by any partic­ipating character counts towards passing.

Passive Checks

No roll, the ability score(s) are compared directly against a TN or other charac­ter's ability score(s).


In normal condit­ions, tanks can...
...see up to 3000 meters.
...hear an unlimited distance.
...smell strong odours.
...feel rudime­ntary sensations and shapes.
In difficult condit­ions, such as...
...moderate darkness, TNs for sight-­based checks are increased by 2 and +1 per 100 meters.
...complete darkness, sight-­based checks fail.
...bright light, the TN for sight-­based checks is increased by 2.
...noisy enviro­nments, TN for hearin­g-based and Unwinding checks is increased by 2. Can attempt a Buf check (TN6/2) to remove penalties for 1 turn (combat) or 10 minutes (outside combat).
Using senses passively doesn't require an intera­ction check. Using them actively does.

Turning off the Engine

To prevent being detected, tanks can turn off their engine for 3 hours before they suffer 1 point OST damage per 10 minutes. The engine turns back on if OST is reduced to 1 this way, tank is unable to act for 2d10 minutes afterw­ards.
Tanks with a turned off engine can't move, unwind, sleep, or be rallied.
Turning the engine off/on requires no intera­ction.


rudime­ntary commun­ication
can alter the voice at will or imitate others
Verbal Radio Message:
can be used instead of talking
Nonverbal Radio Message:
silent commun­ica­tion, takes longer than talking
send and receive location
A tank can only commun­icate when it is able to act.

Manipu­lating Vehicles

To Rally a vehicle that can hear you, roll Ment+Ins. TN is difference target's max OST - current OST, needs 2 successes. On pass, target regains 1 OST. Failed check can be repeated next turn.
To Intimidate a vehicle that can hear you, roll Ment+Size. Target must roll Ment. TN8. If you have more successes, target loses 1 OST. Failed checks can't be repeated on same vehicle in same battle.
To Push or Pull an unwilling vehicle, both roll Strength. TN is (target's Size - your Size)+5. If you have more successes, you can move the vehicle.
To Push or Pull an willin­g/u­nco­nsc­iou­s/i­nca­pac­itated vehicle, you roll Strength. TN is (target's Size - your Size)+5. You need 1 success to move the vehicle.
Tanks can never move other tanks that are 2 or more Sizes bigger than themse­lves.
For pushing, no aid is required. Pulling requires a tow rope.


Every repair check takes 30 minutes.
To repair itself or others, a tank rolls Mechan­iCo­n+Dex.
The TN is 11 + target max DT + current DT damage. (Max 10, min 2.)
On a success, tank regains x points of DT. "­x" is repairing tank's MechaniCon score.
Interr­upted repair checks fail.
Use Spare Parts to automa­tically pass the check.
1d10 less for repair checks without Repair Kit.


Takes 10 minutes.
Make Ment+Buf check. TN11/2 + max OST - current OST. (TN max 10, min 2.)
Noisy enviro­nments increase number of needed successes.
Successful check restores 1 OST.
Failed checks can be repeated with 1d10 less after each consec­utive fail. A successful check breaks this chain.
Takes 4 hours. No ability checks needed.
When sleeping at least 4 hours without interr­uption, OST is fully restored.


Every 24 hours, make Fuel check. TN8.
On a fail, current Fuel score is reduced by 1.
If current Fuel reaches 0, lose 1 OST every 20 minutes. Can't rest/s­leep, or be rallied. If OST reduced to 1, tank falls uncons­cious.
Uncons­cious tanks can't act.
Raising current Fuel above 0 wakes up the tank.
Every 24 hours, uncons­cious tanks make a Buf check (TN2). On a failure, the tank dies.
Willin­g/u­nco­nscious tanks can be refueled. Treated as intera­ction check with automatic pass.
Refueling restores 1 current Fuel score and requires 1 unit of fuel.
The MM may request Fuel checks after strenuous activity or fights.

Combat Progre­ssion

1. Ambush? Ambushing tanks add +2 to their Initiative roll. Ambushed party can't act on the first round and their weapons with reload are unloaded.
2. Take Positions. MM decides where all combatants are located.
3. Roll Initia­tive. Every combatant rolls Initia­tive. Results decide the turn order.
4. Take turns. Tanks with higher Initiative rolls act first.
5. Repeat step 4 until combat ends.
The combat ends when the MM decides you won or you lost, or there was a draw. After a battle, all partic­ipants gain Experience Points.

Combat Turns

Each round represents 3.6 seconds.
In 1 round, every combatant gets 1 turn, on which they can act.
On your turn, you can...
...move up to your maximum Speed distance.
...make 1 intera­ction, as long as your Intera­ction Pool is not 0.
...speak, gestic­ulate, move your turret, etc.
...choose to do nothing.
Turning on the spot costs 10 meters of movement.
You cannot end your movement on another tank or move through them.

Attacking - Ramming

Move at least half of your Speed score towards the target. This consumes your entire movement.
You must be able to reach the target with your movement.
Make an Intera­ction Pool check. TN is target's "TN to be struck­". Requires 2 successes.
On a failure, target moves away up to half of its Speed and you take its place.
On a success, inflict your Damage from Strike, reduced by target Dur+Size. Target inflicts their Damage from Strike, reduced by your Dur+Size.
If a target moved towards you during its turn, you can move less than half of your Speed score.

Attacking - Shooting

1. Pick a target. You need to see it. Can be a tank, building, or arbitrary spot.
2. Determine TN To Hit. See "TN To Hit".
3. Make a roll To Hit. Roll 1d10 and add RealityCom score +/- bonus/­pen­alty.
4. Determine DT damage. Roll number of d10 indicated by weapon's first Damage stat. Number of lowest results indicated by second Damage stat are counted.
5. Resolve DT damage. Apply damage to target, which may incapa­citate it.
6. Determ­ine­/Re­solve OST damage.
Only roll To Hit once for all your weapons combined.

TN To Hit - Base

< 100m
> 100m, < 400m
> 400m, < 800m
> 800m, < 1200m
> 1200m, < 3000m
> 3000m

TN To Hit - Modifiers

Decrease TN To Hit by...
...tar­get's Size score.
...1 if hitting target tank's side or rear.
Increase TN To Hit by...
...1 if you moved at least half your Speed.
...half of the target's Mob score (round down).
...dif­ference between your Firepower and target's Dur score if Dur is higher.
...1 if target is half behind hard cover.
The TN can never be lower than 3.

Incapa­citated Tanks

If a tank's DT falls to 0, it is incapa­citated.
An incapa­citated tank is unable to move or act, but can still perceive their surrou­ndings and commun­icate with other tanks.
Repair the DT to 1 or above to no longer be incapa­cit­ated.
An incapa­citated tank becoming the target of an attack that would cause DT damage rolls 2d10. On a result of 2, the tank dies.

Attacking Structures

Buildings and other structures have a Dur and a DT. Make a normal shooting attack to damage or destroy them.

OST Damage

A tank whose OST is 0 panics.
Panicked tanks immedi­ately move their full Speed score into the direction of the least enemies.
At the beginning of each turn while panicked, make Ment check (TN6).
On a fail, repeat the movement. On a success, you gain 1 OST and your turn ends.
OST damage is inflicted during battles when...
...1 point if you are hit by a shot and your DT is below 8
...1 point if an enemy intimi­dates you
...2 points if you witness an ally get incapa­citated or panicked
Panicked tanks can be the target of attacks.

Size Scores

in meters
in feet
2 or smaller:
3 or 4:
5 or 6:
7 or 8:
9 and above:

Weapon Special Rules

Weapon Size score decreased by 1. Can only shoot targets partially or wholly within 90° radius tangential to shooting tank's front.
Number in parent­heses indicates how many rounds the weapon needs to reload before being fired again.
Number in parent­­heses indicates penalty to To Hit score.
Number in parent­­heses indicates how many times the weapon can fire in one turn.

Class Skills

Level 1:
class skills come into effect
Level 2:
pick a role, gain new skills
Level 6:
skill improv­ements
Level 10:
skill improv­ements
Once chosen, a role cannot be changed.


Vehicles are assumed to be in normal state by default. They can have multiple states.
Normal: No effect.
Fallen Over: Speed score reduced to 0 until vehicle is righted.

Load Limits

% of Load Limit used
no restri­ctions
Speed decreased to 60%
Speed decreases to 40%
Speed decreases to 0%

Tank Arms

Every tank has 4 arms by default.
Each arm can extend 4 meters and lift up to 170 kg.
Each arm can be moved indepe­nde­ntly.
Using arms takes an intera­ction check.
Make only 1 check for all arms doing the same task.
Simult­aneous tasks require separate checks. The required successes for all tasks increase by 1 for each additional task.


Vehicles move at half speed.
Moving requires Mob check (TN8). Failure gets vehicle stuck.
If entering terrain, gets stuck. Can't get unstuck on its own.
Stuck vehicles have Speed core of 0. Once per combat round or every 3 minutes, they can repeat the Mob check (TN8) to no longer be stuck.


Total EXP

Increasing Ability Scores

Every time you level up, you gain 2 talent points.
Spending 1 talent point increases an ability score by 1.
If your Buf or Ment scores increase, roll 1d10 for each point the abilities increased and add it to your max OST.
If your Dur or Size scores increase, roll 1d10 for each point the abilities increased and add it to your max DT.
Ability scores can only be increased by 1 point per level.
After increasing ability scores, increase your attributes accord­ingly.
You can use 5 instead of rolling for DT and OST.