This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Getting Help
sfdx |
check the details if it exists |
sfdx force |
documentation Url's |
sfdx force -h |
Force commands help |
sfdx force:org -h |
sub level help |
sfdx force:auth:web:login -a DevHub -d |
Authorize a Sandbox Org set an alias and make it the default Dev Hub |
sfdx force:auth:web:login -a MyAlias -s -r |
Authorize a Prod/Trailhead Org, set an alias, make it the default Org |
sfdx force:config:set |
Set default Dev Hub |
sfdx force:config:set |
Set default Org |
sfdx force:config:list |
List defaults |
sfdx force:org:list |
Get a list of connected Orgs |
sfdx force:org:open |
Open Current Org in Browser |
sfdx force:org:delete -u MyOrgAlias -p |
Delete an Org |
sfdx force:org:create -a MyAlias -s -f config\project-scratch-def.json -d |
Create Scratch Org and make default Org |
sfdx force:source:push |
Push Source to Scratch Org |
sfdx force:source:pull |
Pull Source from Scratch Org |
sfdx force:source:status |
Local & Remote Source Code Changes |
sfdx force:limits:api:display |
Org Limits |
sfdx update |
Update the Salesforce CLI |
sfdx force:data:tree:import --plan data/sample-data-plan.json |
Import |
sfdx force:data:tree:export -h |
Export |