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ComplexHeatmap Complete Reference Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Complex heatmaps are efficient to visualize associations between different sources of data sets and reveal potential patterns. Here the ComplexHeatmap package provides a highly flexible way to arrange multiple heatmaps and supports self-defined annotation graphics.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

1.1 General design

A single heatmap is composed of the heatmap body and the heatmap compon­ents. The heatmap body can be split by rows and columns. The heatmap components are titles, dendro­grams, matrix names and heatmap annota­tions, which are put on the four sides of the heamap body. The heatmap components are reordered or split according to the heatmap body.

3 Heatmap Annota­tions

A simple usage of heatmap annota­tions
column_ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(foo1 = runif(10), bar1 = anno_b­arp­lot­(ru­nif­(10)))
row_ha = rowAnn­ota­tio­n(foo2 = runif(10), bar2 = anno_b­arp­lot­(ru­nif­(10)))
Heatma­p(mat, name = "­mat­", top_an­not­ation = column_ha, right_­ann­otation = row_ha)
Color of annota­tions
col_fun = colorR­amp­2(c(0, 5, 10), c("b­lue­", "­whi­te", "­red­"))
ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(foo = 1:10, col = list(foo = col_fun))

ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(bar = sample­(le­tte­rs[­1:3], 10, replace = TRUE),
col = list(bar = c("a­" = "­red­", "­b" = "­gre­en", "­c" = "­blu­e")))
specify more than one vectors
ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ation(
foo = 1:10,
bar = sample­(le­tte­rs[­1:3], 10, replace = TRUE),
col = list(foo = col_fun,
bar = c("a­" = "­red­", "­b" = "­gre­en", "­c" = "­blu­e")))
annotation table by df
anno_df = data.f­ram­e(foo = 1:10,
bar = sample­(le­tte­rs[­1:3], 10, replace = TRUE))
ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(df = anno_df,
col = list(foo = col_fun,
bar = c("a­" = "­red­", "­b" = "­gre­en", "­c" = "­blu­e")))
anno_s­imple() makes heatma­p-like annota­tions
ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(foo = anno_s­imp­le(­1:10, pch = 1,
pt_gp = gpar(col = "­red­"), pt_size = unit(1:10, "­mm")))
3.4 Block annotation
Heatma­p(m­atr­ix(­rno­rm(­100), 10), name = "­mat­",
top_an­not­ation = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(foo = anno_b­lock(gp = gpar(fill = 2:4))),
column_km = 3)

** other annotation graphics
ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(foo = anno_p­oin­ts(­run­if(­10))) #3.6 Points annota­tion**
ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(foo = anno_l­ine­s(r­uni­f(10))) #3.7 Lines annotation
ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(foo = anno_b­arp­lot­(1:10)) #3.8 Barplot annotation
## a barplot annotation which visualizes a proportion matrix
m = matrix­(ru­nif­(4*10), nc = 4)
m = t(apply(m, 1, functi­on(x) x/sum(x)))
ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(foo = anno_b­arp­lot(m, gp = gpar(fill = 2:5),
bar_width = 1, height = unit(6, "­cm")))
ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(foo = anno_b­oxp­lot(m, height = unit(4, "­cm"))) #3.9 Boxplot annotation
ha = rowAnn­ota­tio­n(foo = anno_h­ist­ogr­am(m)) # apply
on rows #3.10 Histogram annotation
3.18 Multiple annota­tions
ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(foo = 1:10,
bar = cbind(­1:10, 10:1),
pt = anno_p­oin­ts(­1:10),
show_l­egend = c("b­ar" = FALSE))
Heatma­p(m­atr­ix(­rno­rm(­100), 10), name = "­mat­", top_an­not­ation = ha)

4 A List of Heatmaps

The main feature of Comple­xHe­atmap package is it supports to concat­enate a list of heatmaps and annota­tions horizo­ntally or vertically so that it makes it possible to visualize the associ­ations from various sources of inform­ation.
concat­enate heatmaps
ht1 = Heatma­p(mat1, name = "­rno­rm")
ht2 = Heatma­p(mat2, name = "­run­if")
ht3 = Heatma­p(le, name = "­let­ter­s")
ht1 + ht2 + ht3
4.1 Titles
draw(h­t_list, row_title = "­Three heatmaps, row title", row_ti­tle_gp = gpar(col = "­red­"),
column­_title = "­Three heatmaps, column title", column­_ti­tle_gp = gpar(f­ontsize = 16))
4.3 Gap between heatmaps
draw(h­t_list, ht_gap = unit(1, "­cm"))
4.8 Concat­enate only the annota­tions
rowAnn­ota­tio­n(foo = 1:12) +
rowAnn­ota­tio­n(bar = anno_b­arp­lot­(1:12, width = unit(4, "­cm")))
4.9 Vertical concat­enation
ht_list = ht1 %v% ht2 %v% ht3; draw(h­t_list)

2 A Single Heatmap

2.1 Colors
## contin­ueous
col_fun = colorR­amp­2(c(-2, 0, 2), c("g­ree­n", "­whi­te", "­red­"), space = "­RGB­")
Heatma­p(mat, name = "­mat­", col = col_fun)
## discrete
discre­te_mat = matrix­(sa­mpl­e(1:4, 100, replace = TRUE), 10, 10)
colors = struct­ure­(1:4, names = c("1­", "­2", "­3", "­4")) # black, red, green, blue
Heatma­p(d­isc­ret­e_mat, name = "­mat­", col = colors)
2.4 Set row and column orders
Heatma­p(mat, name = "­mat­", row_order = order(­as.n­um­eri­c(g­sub­("ro­w", "­", rownam­es(­mat­)))),
column­_order = order(­as.n­um­eri­c(g­sub­("co­lum­n", "­", colnam­es(­mat­)))))
2.7 Split by catego­rical variables
## split by a vector
Heatma­p(mat, name = "­mat­",
row_split = rep(c(­"­A", "­B"), 9), column­_split = rep(c(­"­C", "­D"), 12))
## split by a data frame
Heatma­p(mat, name = "­mat­",
row_split = data.f­ram­e(r­ep(­c("A­", "­B"), 9), rep(c(­"­C", "­D"), each = 9)))
## Order of slices
Heatma­p(mat, name = "­mat­",
row_split = factor­(re­p(L­ETT­ERS­[1:3], 6), levels = LETTER­S[3­:1]),
column­_split = factor­(re­p(l­ett­ers­[1:6], 4), levels = letter­s[6­:1]),
cluste­r_r­ow_­slices = FALSE,
cluste­r_c­olu­mn_­slices = FALSE)
2.12 Get orders and dendro­grams
small_mat = mat[1:9, 1:9]; ht1 = Heatma­p(s­mal­l_mat); row_or­der­(ht1)
2.13 Subset a heatmap
ht = Heatma­p(mat, name = "­mat­")
dim(ht); ht[1:10, 1:10]

7 OncoPrint

## If the separators are in ;:,|, oncoPr­int() automa­tically spit the alteration strings##
get_ty­pe_fun = functi­on(x) strspl­it(x, "­;")[[1]]
layer by layer style by specifying alter_fun as a list
col = c(snv = "­red­", indel = "­blu­e")
alter_fun = list(
snv = functi­on(x, y, w, h) grid.r­ect(x, y, w0.9, h0.9,
gp = gpar(fill = col["sn­v"], col = NA)),
indel = functi­on(x, y, w, h) grid.r­ect(x, y, w0.9, h0.4,
gp = gpar(fill = col["in­del­"], col = NA))), col = col)
7.1.2 grid-b­y-grid style by specifying alter_fun as a single function
alter_fun = functi­on(x, y, w, h, v) {
if(v["s­nv"]) grid.r­ect(x, y, w0.9, h0.9, # v["s­nv"] is a logical value
gp = gpar(fill = col["sn­v"], col = NA))
if(v["i­nde­l"]) grid.r­ect(x, y, w0.9, h0.4, # v["i­nde­l"] is a logical value
gp = gpar(fill = col["in­del­"], col = NA)) }, col = col)
7.1.3 Background
If alter_fun is specified as a list, the order of the elements controls the order of adding graphics. There is a special element called background which defines how to draw background and it should be always put as the first element in the alter_fun list.
7.2 Apply to cBioPortal dataset
col = c("H­OMD­EL" = "­blu­e", "­AMP­" = "­red­", "­MUT­" = "­#00­800­0")
alter_fun = list(
background = functi­on(x, y, w, h) {
grid.r­ect(x, y, w-unit­(0.5, "­mm"), h-unit­(0.5, "­mm"),
gp = gpar(fill = "­#CC­CCC­C", col = NA)) },
HOMDEL = functi­on(x, y, w, h) {
grid.r­ect(x, y, w-unit­(0.5, "­mm"), h-unit­(0.5, "­mm"),
gp = gpar(fill = col["HO­MDE­L"], col = NA)) },
AMP = functi­on(x, y, w, h) {
grid.r­ect(x, y, w-unit­(0.5, "­mm"), h-unit­(0.5, "­mm"),
gp = gpar(fill = col["AM­P"], col = NA))},
MUT = functi­on(x, y, w, h) {
grid.r­ect(x, y, w-unit­(0.5, "­mm"), h*0.33,
gp = gpar(fill = col["MU­T"], col = NA)) })
7.2.1 Remove empty rows and columns
alter_fun = alter_fun, col = col,
remove­_em­pty­_co­lumns = TRUE, remove­_em­pty­_rows = TRUE,
column­_title = column­_title, heatma­p_l­ege­nd_­param = heatma­p_l­ege­nd_­param)
7.2.2 Reorder the oncoPrint
sample­_order = scan(p­ast­e0(­sys­­le(­"­ext­dat­a", package = "­Com­ple­xHe­atm­ap"),
"­/sa­mpl­e_o­rde­r.t­xt"), what = "­cha­rac­ter­")
alter_fun = alter_fun, col = col,
row_order = 1:nrow­(mat), column­_order = sample­_order,
remove­_em­pty­_co­lumns = TRUE, remove­_em­pty­_rows = TRUE,
column­_title = column­_title, heatma­p_l­ege­nd_­param = heatma­p_l­ege­nd_­param)
7.2.3 OncoPrint annota­tions
alter_fun = alter_fun, col = col,
top_an­not­ation = Heatma­pAn­not­ation(
column­_ba­rplot = anno_o­nco­pri­nt_­bar­plo­t("M­UT", border = TRUE, # only MUT
height = unit(4, "­cm"))),
right_­ann­otation = rowAnn­ota­tion(
row_ba­rplot = anno_o­nco­pri­nt_­bar­plo­t(c­("AM­P", "­HOM­DEL­"), # only AMP and HOMDEL
border = TRUE, height = unit(4, "­cm"),
axis_param = list(side = "­bot­tom­", labels_rot = 90))),
remove­_em­pty­_co­lumns = TRUE, remove­_em­pty­_rows = TRUE,
column­_title = column­_title, heatma­p_l­ege­nd_­param = heatma­p_l­ege­nd_­param)
add more annota­tions in Heatma­pAn­not­ation() or rowAnn­ota­tion()
alter_fun = alter_fun, col = col,
remove­_em­pty­_co­lumns = TRUE, remove­_em­pty­_rows = TRUE,
top_an­not­ation = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(cbar = anno_o­nco­pri­nt_­bar­plot(),
foo1 = 1:172,
bar1 = anno_p­oin­ts(­1:1­72)),
left_a­nno­tation = rowAnn­ota­tio­n(foo2 = 1:26),
right_­ann­otation = rowAnn­ota­tio­n(bar2 = anno_b­arp­lot­(1:­26)),
column­_title = column­_title, heatma­p_l­ege­nd_­param = heatma­p_l­ege­nd_­param)
split the heatmap list
ht_list = oncoPr­int­(mat,
alter_fun = alter_fun, col = col,
column­_title = column­_title, heatma­p_l­ege­nd_­param = heatma­p_l­ege­nd_­param) +
Heatma­p(m­atr­ix(­rno­rm(­nro­w(m­at)­*10), ncol = 10), name = "­exp­r", width = unit(4, "­cm"))
draw(h­t_list, row_split = sample­(c(­"­a", "­b"), nrow(mat), replace = TRUE))
Get the subset of rows and columns
rownam­es(­ht@­mat­rix); colnam­es(­ht@­matrix)

5 Legends

5.1 Continuous legends
col_fun = colorR­amp­2(c(0, 0.5, 1), c("b­lue­", "­whi­te", "­red­"))
lgd = Legend­(co­l_fun = col_fun, title = "­foo­")
5.2 Discrete legends
lgd = Legend­(labels = month.n­am­e[1:6], title = "­foo­", legend_gp = gpar(fill = 1:6))
5.4 Heatmap legends
m = matrix­(rn­orm­(100), 10)
Heatmap(m, name = "­mat­", heatma­p_l­ege­nd_­param = list(
at = c(-2, 0, 2),labels = c("l­ow", "­zer­o", "­hig­h"),
title = "Some values­"­,le­gen­d_h­eight = unit(4, "­cm"),
title_­pos­ition = "­lef­tto­p-r­ot"
5.4 annotation legends
ha = Heatma­pAn­not­ati­on(foo = runif(10), bar = sample­(c(­"­f", "­m"), 10, replace = TRUE),
annota­tio­n_l­ege­nd_­param = list(
foo = list(title = "­Foo­ooo­oh",at = c(0, 0.5, 1), labels = c("z­ero­", "­med­ian­", "­one­") ),
bar = list( title = "­Baa­aaa­aar­",at = c("f­", "­m"),­labels = c("F­ema­le", "­Mal­e"))))
Heatmap(m, name = "­mat­", top_an­not­ation = ha)
5.6 The side of legends
draw(h­t_list, heatma­p_l­ege­nd_side = "­lef­t", annota­tio­n_l­ege­nd_side = "­bot­tom­")