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STIX2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX)

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Structured Threat Inform­ation Expression (STIX™) is JSON schema and vocabulary for commun­icating cyber threat intell­igence (CTI), such as attacks, malware, threat actors, and mitiga­tions. The STIX specif­ication is managed by OASIS.

Example Attack Pattern

      "type": "attack-pattern",
      "id": "attack-pattern--183dcab1-9bd1-4973-aede-0e2ab0183d11",
      "name": "Example Attack",
      "description": "An example 'technique' or attack.",
      "x_mitre_detection": "A short description of how the attack can be detected.",
      "created_by_ref": "identity--b9e8b9fd-6d27-472b-bfee-3f6501edf3e9",
      "created": "2017-12-14T16:46:06.044Z",
      "modified": "2019-06-13T14:49:56.024Z",
      "kill_chain_phases": [
          "kill_chain_name": "example-kill-chain",
          "phase_name": "initial-access"
      "x_mitre_version": "1.0",
      "external_references": [
          "external_id": "ID123",
          "source_name": "example-attack",
          "url": ""

Object Types

Attack Pattern
A type of Tactics, Techni­ques, and Procedures (TTP) that describes ways threat actors attempt to compromise targets.
A grouping of advers­arial behaviors that describes a set of malicious activities or attacks that occur over a period of time against a specific set of targets.
Course of Action
An action taken to either prevent an attack or respond to an attack.
Indivi­duals, organi­zat­ions, or groups, as well as classes of indivi­duals, organi­zat­ions, or groups.
Contains a pattern that can be used to detect suspicious or malicious cyber activity.
Intrusion Set
A grouped set of advers­arial behaviors and resources with common properties believed to be orches­trated by a single threat actor.
A type of TTP, also known as malicious code and malicious software, used to compromise the confid­ent­iality, integrity, or availa­bility of a victim’s data or system.
Observed Data
Conveys inform­ation observed on a system or network (e.g., an IP address).
Collec­tions of threat intell­igence focused on one or more topics, such as a descri­ption of a threat actor, malware, or attack technique, including contextual details.
Threat Actor
Indivi­duals, groups, or organi­zations believed to be operating with malicious intent.
Legitimate software that can be used by threat actors to perform attacks.
A mistake in software that can be directly used by a hacker to gain access to a system or network.
Used to link two SDOs and to describe how they are related to each other.
Denotes the belief that an element of CTI was seen (e.g., indicator, malware).