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2022 ENED Review final


Who defines ethics
Global organi­zation (UN, WHO, etc.) –Count­rie­s/s­oci­eties –Local commun­ities –Profe­ssional organi­zations –Teams, clubs, etc. –Families
4 basic attributes of a profession
1. Requires sophis­ticated skills, judgment, and discretion 2. Extensive formal education versus appren­tic­eship 3. Self regulation 4. Signif­icant public good results from practice
Being a profes­sional requires you to
–Be competent in your discipline –Take on an attitude of “life-­long” learning to enhance your technical knowledge and skills –Act in a way that shows respect for your profession
Codes of Ethics
-Designed to help profes­sionals distin­guish right from wrong in order to govern their decision making
–Give guidance on how to approach problems and the standards to which the employees are held
–Outline the mission and values of an organi­zation
NSPE Code of Ethics
1. Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
2. Perform services only in areas of their compet­ence.
3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4. Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
5. Avoid deceptive acts.
6. Conduct themselves honorably, respon­sibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputa­tion, and usefulness of the profes­sion.

Engine­ering Design Process

Develop a deep unders­tanding of the challenge
Clearly articulate the problem (goals and criteria
Brainstorm potential solutions, select and develop solutio
Design protot­ype(s) to test all or part of your solutio
Engage in short­­cycle test process to refine and improve solutio
Deliver a compelling experience to the user
- Money and Time – almost always
- Materials
­- Vendors
- Enviro­nmental factors
- Specif­ication design must meet to be successful
- Functions
­- Features


Team develo­pment stages
1.) Forming
2.) Storming
3.) Norming
4.) Performing
5.) Adjourning
Team roles
- Meeting Coordinator
- Recorder/Scribe
- Time-Keeper
- Encourager/Gatekeeper
- Devil’s Advocate
Charac­ter­istics of a successful student team
- Positive Interd­epe­ndence (team members rely on each other to complete project)
Goal Specif­ication (what needs to be accomp­lished and when)
Cohes­iveness (estab­lishing a bond between team members)
Effective and Respectful Communication
Roles and Norms
Charac­ter­istics of a successful student team
- Positive Interd­epe­ndence (team members rely on each other to complete project)
Goal Specif­ication (what needs to be accomp­lished and when)
Cohes­iveness (estab­lishing a bond between team members)
Effective and Respectful Communication
Roles and Norms

Accuracy vs precision

Python Snippets

User Input
user1 = int(in­put­("Enter the first digit: "))
if(user1 == rand1):
numbCo­rrect = numbCo­rrect + 1
for x in range(­1000):     numbCo­rrect = 0
while x != 1:
#code to loop
- When taking numeric inputs make sure to specify the data type (int, float..)
- With the while loop we can execute a set of statements as long as a condition is true.

Ethical Approaches

The Utilit­arian Approach
Which option will produce the most good and do the least harm?
The Rights Approach
Which option best respects the rights of all who have a stake?
The Justice Approach
Which option treats people as I want to be treated?
The Ethic of Care Approach
Which option is best for those most in need?
The Virtue Approach
Which option leads me to act as a respec­table person?

Project management

• Project Management helps us to keep track of all the tasks associated with completing a design process to make sure things get done on time and in the right order
• Systems Thinking helps us to break down our complex proble­m/s­olution into smaller, easier to manage problems that are less daunting to solve
• Project Management Tools
o 1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): figure out what “things” are needed to achieve the project delive­rable
o 2. Precedence Network (PN): depict the order in which items from the WBS need to be completed to achieve the project delive­rable
o 3. Critical Path Method (CPM): add timing to each item in the PN to determine amount of time needed to achieve the project delive­rable
o 4. Gantt Chart: visual diagram showing the items/­tasks and timeline for achieving the project delive­rable
• System Thinking- thinking about a complex system as a combin­ation of components or processes that work together towards a common goal


Secondary Units


Problem Statement --> Diagram --> Theory --> Assump­tions --> Solution steps --> Verify --> Conclusion

Log graph


Academic Misconduct @ UC

Examples of Cheating
Obtaining assistance with or answers to examin­ation questions from another person with or without that person’s knowledge.
What are the Penalties?
Zero on a test/a­ssi­gnment • Failure in a course • Expulsion from the program • Expulsion from the college
What's the process?
Upon receiving a Notifi­cation Form, you have two options:
Option 1: Accept respon­sib­ility for the misconduct and the proposed sanction;
Option 2: Respond to the instructor to challenge the allegation of misconduct and/or to discuss if the sancti­on(s) are commen­surate to the violation.
What's the process? (Option 1)
If the student chooses Option 1, they must send the Notifi­cation Form back to the instructor within 5 days. The instructor will then forward this to their C.C.A., and the student must complete the agreed upon sanctions.
What's the process? (Option 2)
If you choose Option 2, you must meet with the instructor within 5 business days of the instru­ctor's receipt of the Notifi­cation Form back from you.
College hearing panel? (final step)
- You can ask for a College Hearing Panel, you and the instructor will be asked if you would like to appear at the hearing and provide any evidence supporting your position.
-The chair consists of the hearing chair, one repres­ent­ative selected by the college faculty, and one repres­ent­ative selected either by the college tribunal of Student Government for underg­rad­uates, or by the graduate college tribunal of Graduate Student Governance Associ­ation for graduate students.
- Within three (3) days, the hearing chair of the C.H.P. will notify the student of the C.H.P.’s decision and appeal proced­ures.

Sig Fig Rules

• Multip­lic­ati­on/­div­ision: round the result to the least number of signif­icant digits among the values in the calcul­ation
• Additi­on/­sub­tra­ction: round the result to the least precise value (i.e. fewest number of decimal points) among the values in the calcul­ation
• Additi­on/­sub­tra­ction and multip­lic­ati­on/­div­ision: perform the comput­ation in steps following the correct order of operat­ions, keeping track of the number of signif­icant digits­/de­cimal places as you go but only rounding the value to the correct number of signif­icant digits at the end of the calcul­ation

What graphs to use (linear, log etc)

LINEAR: y=mx+b
POWER: y=bx^m --> LOG LOG
EXPONE­NTIAL: y=be^mx --> linear on X axis and Log on y axis


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