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XNAT Gradle Plugin Creation (v1.7.6+) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

XNAT 1.7+ supports customizing and extending its functionality through the use of plugins. A plugin is a compiled, self-contained package separate from your XNAT server but installed into the XNAT plugins folder. Once installed, the plugin runs in the same process space with XNAT as a fully integrated extension to the core XNAT server.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Download the Demo Plugin Template

Start building your own plugin project

Once you have your
files, whether by copying or generating them, you can start modifying them to set up your own plugin project. There are a number of required and optional elements in your Gradle config­ura­tion, as described in the next sections.

Start from Scratch with Gradle

$ gradle init
Type this command in the folder where you want to develop your plugin