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Practice Questions Ch 7, 9, 10 Cheat Sheet by

Chapter quizzes from class.

Chapter 7

If predictors are very different in scales, should we standa­rdize predictors before running kNN?
Consider a kNN model with k=7. For a new observ­ation, there are 5 nearest neighbors in class 1 and 2 nearest neighbors in class 0. With a cutoff = 0.75, which class should we assign this observ­ation to?
Class 0. C1 = 5, C0 = 2. C1 = (5/7 = 0.71). C2 =(2/7 = 0.28). Y=0 -> (p (0.71) < cutoff­(0.75)) ---> Class 0
Which of the following weights are reasonable for kNN of predic­tion? Denote by di the distance of the i-th nearest neighbor.
(1/di) / (1/d1 + 1/d2 +... + 1/dk)
Consider the same 2-class classi­fic­ation problem and use the same output table as in the previous question. Which value for k is most approp­riate?

Validation Error with Different K Values

Contin­uous: You and XLMiners will pick the LOWEST one.
Binary: Pick the lowest non-even K

Probab­ilitiy new observ­ation belongs to class A

In kNN with k = 3, what is the probab­ility that the new observ­ation belongs to class A?
Class A: C0: 1
Class B: C1: 2
K = 1/3 ---> # in class A over K = #

Chapter 9

For continous variable with 100 unique values, how many possible partitions are there along that variable in the recursive partit­ioning
Suppose we are studying a 4-class classi­fic­ation problem with classi­fic­ation tree. What is the maximum value of entropy measure of impurity?
2 ---> log2(4) = 2
How many possible partitions can we have for a catego­rical predictor with 4 catego­ries? (Hint: you can enumerate them)
7 --> abcd, a-bcd, b-acd, c-dab, d-abc, ab-cd, ac-bd, ad-ac
Is a full tree over fitted
Which tree is smaller, minimum error tree or best pruned tree ? Suppose they are different (sometimes they can be the same tree)
Best Pruned Tree
How do we measure the impurity of a partition in regression tree?
Sum of Squared Deviations
Is CART a model free algorithm

chapter 10

For a logistic regression mode estimated as below, what is the probab­ility of accepting personal loan offer for a person with income of 50K dollars (X= 50)?
1.22% i think. use the regression equation and sub in for x. =(1/(1­+(E­XP(­6.3­525­-0.0­39­2*(­50))))) = probab­ility
Using the cutoff of 10%, should this person be classified as who will accept the offer?
What are the Odds of accepting the loan offer for this person?
0.0124 --> p/ (1-P) = the odds
What is the odds ratio of income?
Is logistic regression a model- free algorithm


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