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Cell Structure Module 2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Light Microscope Vs Electron Micros­cope

Light Microscope
Electron Microscope
Inexpe­nsive to buy and operate
Expensive to buy
Small and portable
Vacuum is required
Simple sample prepar­ation
Prepar­ation often distorts material
Natural colour of sample is seen (or stains are used)
Black & white images produced (but can be coloured digitally)
Up to x2000 magnif­ication
Over x500,000 magnif­ication
Resolving power is 200nm
Resolving power of a TEM microscope is 0.5mm and a scanning electron microscope is 3 – 10nm
Specimen can be living or dead
Specimen are dead

Eukaryotic Cell Structure

- Contains coded genetic inform­ation
- Directs synthesis of proteins
- Controls metabolic activities
- Nuclear envolope has pores to allow molecules to move in and out
- Makes the ribosomes
- Where respir­ation takes place
- Releases energy
- Cristae (fold) used in aerobic respir­ation and ATP is produced
- Membranous sacs that stores and transports
- Single membrane with fluid inside
- No clear internal structure
- Conatins hydrolytic enzymes which breakdown waste and organelles
- Help to position organisms with a flagella and cilia
- Site of protein synthesis
Golgi apparatus
- Modifies proteins and ‘packages’ them in to vesicles to leave the cells or lysosomes to stay in the cell
- Microf­ila­ments
Cell movement
Contra­ction during cytoki­nesis
- Microt­ubules
Forms a stable structure determ­ining cell shape
Acts as a track to determine movement e.g. vesicles
Make up spindle fibres that separate chromo­somes
- Interm­ediate Fibres
Mechanical strength, helping to keep integrity