Cheatsheet of all my custom keymaps for nvim setup
add file |
toggle quick menu |
navigate to file 1 |
navigate to file 2 |
navigate to file 3 |
navigate to file 4 |
lsp zero
Autocompletion keymaps |
select prev item |
select next item |
confirm selection |
complete |
lsp keymaps over code |
go to definition |
n gd |
hover over symbol under cursor |
n K |
find by symbol in workspace |
open error diagnostics in float window |
go to next diagnostics |
go to next diagnostics |
code action available on current symbol position |
show all files where symbol under cursor is referenced |
rename all appearences of symbol under cursor |
displays signature info about symbol under cursor |
find files |
find files registered in git |
find files by string using Grep > |
help tags |
Plugin to navigate project
Fugitive [git manipulations]
Undotree [plugin to manipulate file history]
Move selected items up |
Move selected items down |
Rewrite selected symbols from buffer without rewriting buffer |
copy to clipboard |
revrite all ouccrancies of symbol under cursor in file |
surr*ound_words |
ysiw) |
(surround_words) |
*make strings |
ys$" |
"make strings" |
[delete ar*ound me!] |
ds] |
delete around me! |
remove <b>HTML t*ags</b> |
dst |
remove HTML tags |
'change quot*es' |
cs'" |
"change quotes" |
<b>or tag* types</b> |
csth1<CR> |
<h1>or tag types</h1> |
delete(functi*on calls) |
dsf |
function calls |
The three "core" operations of add/delete/change can be done with the keymaps ys{motion}{char}, ds{char}, and cs{target}{replacement}, respectively. For the following examples, * will denote the cursor position
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