Basic Data Structures and Methods in Python
List Methods
append(value) |
adds a value at the end of the list |
clear() |
empties the list |
copy() |
creates a copy of the list |
count(value) |
counts the number of times a value appears in the list |
extend(iterable) |
adds the elements of an iterable at the end of the list |
index(value) |
returns the index where the specified value first occurs |
insert(index, value) |
inserts the new value at the specified index |
pop(index) |
removes the element at the specified index |
pop() |
removes the last value from the list |
remove(value) |
removes the first occurrence of the specified value |
reverse() |
reverses the order of the list |
sort() |
sorts the list values in ascending order(default) |
sort(reverse = True) |
sorts the list in descending order |
Random Module
randint(a,b) |
returns a random integer between a and b(both inclusive) |
choice(iterable) |
returns a random element from the given iterable |
choices(iterable) |
returns a list containing a random element from the given iterable |
random() |
returns a random floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0(both exclusive) |
uniform(a,b) |
returns a random floating point number between a and b(both inclusive) |
shuffle(iterable) |
changes the original sequence of the iterable randomly |
sample(iterable, k=n) |
returns a sample of size k(k<=len) from the iterable |
Tuple Methods
count(element) |
returns the number of times an element occurs in a tuple |
index(element) |
returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element |
Built-in Function
ord(char) |
returns the unicode value of a character |
chr(unicode) |
returns the character that represents the unicode |
bin(n) |
converts n into its binary equivalent and returns it as a string |
oct(n) |
converts n into its octal equivalent |
hex(n) |
converts n into its hexadecimal equivalent |
sum(iterable,start(optional)) |
sums all the values of an iterable, start is an optional value to be added to the sum |
dir(object) |
lists all the attributes of an object |
Dictionary Methods
clear() |
removes all the dictionary elements |
copy() |
creates a copy of the dictionary |
get(key) |
gets the value of the specified key |
keys() |
returns a list of all the keys in the dictionary |
values() |
returns a list of all the values in the dictionary |
items() |
returns a list of all elements in the dictionary as tuples of key-value pairs |
pop(key) |
removes the specified key and its value |
popitem() |
removes the last inserted key and its value |
dict.fromkeys |
creates a dictionary with the specified keys and value(optional), default is none |
setdefault(key-value pair) |
returns the value of the specified key, inserts the key if it does not already exist |
update(key-value pairs/dictionary) |
updates the dictionary with the given values, inserts keys if they do not already exist |
Set Methods
add(element) |
adds an element to the set |
clear() |
empties the entire set |
copy() |
creates a copy of the list |
x.difference(iterable(s)) |
returns a new set containing all the elements of set x that are not present in the other iterables |
x.difference_update(iterable(s)) |
removes all elements from set x that are present in other iterables |
pop() |
removes any element from the set and returns it |
discard(element) |
removes a specified element from the set, does not raise an error if element not found |
remove(element) |
removes a specified element from the set, raises an error if element not found |
intersection(iterable(s)) |
returns a new set containing those elements that are common to all iterables |
x.intersection_update(iterable(s)) |
keeps only those elements in set x that are common to all iterables and removes the rest |
isdisjoint(iterable(s)) |
returns False if the iterables have at least one common element, otherwise True |
x.issubset(y) |
returns True if set x is a subset of y(any iterable) |
x.issuperset(y) |
returns True if x is a superset of y(any iterable) |
x.union(iterable(s)) |
returns a set containing elements present in all the iterables, duplicates are excluded |
x.update(iterable(s)) |
updates the set x by adding all the elements from the other iterables, duplicates are excluded |
union(iterable(s)) |
returns a set which is the union of all the iterables |
update(iterable(s)) |
updates the set with the union of all iterables |
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