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Tcl Language Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Tcl language cheatsheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

List operations

lappend <li­st> $ele
$ele is added to list as a single index
set A1 [concat $list1 "­ABC­" $list2 $var2]; #concat will add lists as a separate indexes, if list 1 contains 3 elements it will add 3 index values; ○ If you want to maintain list structure use lappend, if you want simple list with all the elements separate use concat
llength <$l­ist>
length of a list
lindex <$l­ist> <#i­nde­x_n­o> ?<#2nd index_no in case of nested list>?
lrange <$l­ist> <#1­st_­ind­ex> <#2­nd_­ind­ex>; #Returns elements from 1st index to 2nd index
linsert <$v­ar> <#i­nde­x_p­osi­tio­n> <el­e1> <el­e2> <el­e3> .... ; #Output: will have list added at index position
linsert <$l­ist> <#i­nde­x_p­osi­tio­n> <el­e1> <el­e2> <el­e3> .... ; # Output will have separate elements, first index will be WHOLE original list
lreplace <$l­ist> <#s­tar­t_i­nde­x> <#e­nd_­ind­ex> <it­em1> <it­em2> <it­em3­>...; # replace items between start and end indexes with item1, item2 .....
lsearch ?-<all| dictio­nary| decrea­sing| glob| exact| regexp| not| sorted| integer| real| #start­_in­dex­>? <$l­ist> <pa­tte­rn>
lsort ?-<­ascii| dictio­nary| integer| real| increa­sing| decrea­sing| #index­_su­blist| unique­>? <$l­ist> # index option =3 will sort the main list based on 4th element of each sublist
split <$l­ist­/$v­ar> ?<c­har­s>?
String to list
join <$l­ist­/$v­ar> ?<c­har­s>?
List to string
○ set random [list a b c {bad} { had } 123 1a2b "­1.2­2" 15.43 $had $tag {A B C D E F G}]; #Here each element is a separate element, each list with grouping is a single element
○ list $a $b $c; #Here list contains 3 elements only, even though a b or c contains list inside it

String operations

string match ?-nocase? <pa­tte­rn> <st­rin­g> # if pattern matches string output is 1
string equal ?-noca­se|­-length int? <st­rin­g1> <st­rin­g2> # Returns 1 if string1 and string2 are identical, or 0 when not.
string compare ?-noca­se|­-length #N? <st­rin­g1> <st­rin­g2> #check strings lexico­gra­phi­cally, if string­1> string2 output is 1
string map {<f­rom> <to­>} <st­rin­g> #string map {H 000} $a 17 #replace H in Hello with 000
string replace <st­rin­g> <#s­tar­t_i­nde­x> <#e­nd_­ind­ex> ?<r­epl­ace­men­t_s­tri­ng>?
subst ?-noba­cks­lashes? ?-noco­mmands? ?-nova­ria­bles? string #set a 44 ;subst {xyz {$a}}; output is xyz{44}
string range <st­rin­g> <#s­tar­t_i­nde­x> <#e­nd_­ind­ex>
puts [format "­Today is %s %d %f" $day $month $year]
string length <st­rin­g>
string first <char or pattern to search> <st­rin­g> ?<start index>?
string index <st­rin­g> <index #| end|en­d-n>
string bytelength <st­rin­g>
string last <char or pattern to search> <st­rin­g> ?<end index>?
string is <cl­ass> <st­rin­g> #class­==a­lph­a|a­sci­i|b­ool­an|­con­tro­l|d­igi­t|d­oub­le|­fal­se|­gra­ph|­int­ege­r|l­ist­|lo­wer­|sp­ace­|pu­nct­|tr­ue|­upp­er|­lower
string repeat <st­rin­g> <#c­oun­t>
string touppe­r/t­olo­wer­/to­title <st­rin­g> ?<#­sta­rt_­ind­ex>? ?<#­end­_in­dex­>?
string trimle­ft/­tri­mri­ght­/trim <st­rin­g> ?<c­har­s>?
append <st­rin­g_v­ar> $x, $y # "­ZZZ­"
string reverse <st­rin­g>
string worden­d|w­ord­start <st­rin­g> <#i­nde­x>


array set array1 [list {123} {Abigail Aardvark} \ 		       {234} {Bob Baboon} \                        {345} {Cathy Coyote} \ 		       {456} {Daniel Dog} ]
set fruit(­Apple) 143
array size <ar­ray­nam­e> ; #
array names <ar­ray­nam­e> ?<p­att­ern­>?;# gives all the keys as iteratable list
array get <ar­ray­nam­e>; # returns list where each odd member is key and even is value
array exists <ar­ray­nam­e>
foreach key [array names array1] {   puts "Key is $key and value is $array­1($­key­)";   }
parray <ar­ray­nam­e>; #
array starts­earch <ar­ray­Nam­e>; #
array nextel­ement <ar­ray­Nam­e> <se­arc­hID> ;#
array anymore <ar­ray­Nam­e> <se­arc­hID>
array donesearch <ar­ray­Nam­e> <se­arc­hID>


dict set <DICT NAME><­Key­1> <va­lue­1> #create a dict with DICT_NAME key and value
dict set <DICT NAME><­Key­1> <nested Key1_1> <va­lue­1> #create a dict with DICT_NAME key and value
set <DICT NAME> [dict create 1 "­SK" 2 "­KK" 3 "­ZK"] #1 is key and SK in value
dict unset names <$D­ICT­_NA­ME> ; #removes key/value pair
dict replace <$DICT NAME> <ke­y> <ne­w_v­alu­e> ;#replace the value corres­ponding to key
dict keys <$D­ICT­_NA­ME> ; #provides all the keys as list
dict values <$D­ICT­_NA­ME>; #provides all values as list
dict get $<D­ICT­_NA­ME> <ke­y> ;#returns value on that key:ZK
dict get $DICT_NAME ;#returns all key and value pair as a list
dict for {key value} $DICT { puts "­Key­:$key Value:­$va­lue­";}
foreach keys [dict keys $DICT] { puts "­Key­:$keys Values [dict get $DICT $keys]­";         }
dict append <DI­CT_­NAM­E> 4 LA;#adds one key to dictionary
dict lappend <DI­CT_­NAM­E> 4 LA SF PO;#adds values as a single value to key 4
set filtered [dict filter $<D­ICT­_NA­ME> key|va­lue­|script 1] ;#filter by name value or script
set filtered [dict filter $<D­ICT­_NA­ME> script {key value} {Expr {$key < 3 }}] ;# returns 1 SK 2 KK
dict exists $names <ke­y> ;# Checks for key 3 in names dict, returns 1 is key exists
dict incr $names one<ke­y> 4<i­ncr­ement by> ;#incr­ements value by integer <va­lue>
dict info $names ; # provides info on dict
set merged [dict merge $test1 $test2] ; #merges two dicts
set new [dict remove $test <ke­y1> <ke­y2> ....] ; # removes key/value pair based on specif ied keys
#### Dictionary modifi­cation
dict size $names ; #get the number of key/value pairs
# Define a simple dict: {a b c d} ; set dd [dict create a b c d] ; dict update dd a aVar c cVar {     set aVar 2;      set cVar [string toupper $cVar];  } # displays {a 2 c D} set dd

Dictionary Examples

dict for {key value} $names {
        puts "Key is: $key and Value is: $value"
foreach key [dict keys $name_­num­ber­_dict] value [dict values $name_­num­ber­_dict] { 
              puts "$key == $value­"

#dict update
        % set didi {key1 value1 key2 value2}
        key1 value1 key2 value2
        % dict update didi key1 varKey1 key2 varKey2 {
            append varKey1 new
            append varKey2 new
            unset varKey1; #deletes key value pair
        % set didi
        key1 value1new key2 value2new
#dict with : you can convert key names to variables directly
        % set pers_detail [dict create forenames Joe surname Schmoe street {147 Short Street} \
            city Springfield phone 555-1234]
        dict with pers_detail {
            puts "   Name: $forenames $surname"
            puts "   Address: $street, $city"
            puts "   Telephone: $phone"

**##Inventory system
1      Clif     Flynt     Tcl/Tk For Real Programmers
2      Clif     Flynt     Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide 2'nd edition
3      Brent    Welch     Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk
4      Michael  McClennan Effective Tcl/Tk Programming
5      Don      Libes     Exploring Expect

dict set books 1 [list first Cliff last Flint title "Tcl/TK a dev guide" year 2009]

dict set books 2 first Brent 
dict set books 2 last Welch
dict set books 2 title "Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk"
dict set books 2 year 1867

foreach {sr first last title year} {
    	3      Michael  McClennan {Effective Tcl/Tk Programming} 2001
    	4      Don      Libes     {Exploring Expect} 2008 } {
    	dict set books $sr [list first $first last $last title $title year $year]
#set first firsttest
dict for {sr infor} $books {
	dict with infor {
		puts "$sr $first $last $title $year"


while {<test exp>} { <bo­dy> }
for {set i 10} {$i>=0} {incr i-1} { <bo­dy> }
foreach ele $list { <bo­dy> }
foreach {ele1 ele2} $list { <bo­dy> }; # 2 elements are taken from list2 for each iteration
foreach ele1 $list1 ele2 $list2 { <bo­dy> }; # l1 iterates over list1 and l2 iterates over list2


	• switch ?-option (exact, glob, regexp, nocase) --? $string \
		$pattern_1 {body} \
		$pattern_2 {body} \
		default {body}; 
	• switch ?-option (exact, glob, regexp, nocase) --? $string \
		{A body}
		{B body}
		{default body};
		Here pattern substitutions cannot occur


	• Proc with optional arguments
		proc random_num {min {max 100}} {
	• Proc with variable number of arguments
		proc random_num {args} {
						puts $args; llength $args; lindex $args 0;


regexp ? <about| expanded| indices| line| linestop| linean­chor| nocase| all| inline| start| #index­_st­art­>? {<r­ege­x_t­o_m­atc­h>} <$s­tri­ng> match submatch1 submatch2 .....
regsub ? <all| expanded| line| linestop| linean­chor| nocase| inline| #index­_st­art­>? {<r­ege­x_t­o_m­atc­h>} <$s­tri­ng> {<r­ege­x_t­o_r­epl­ace­>} ?<s­tor­age­_va­ria­ble­>?
○ \1: 1st grouping match
○ \2: 2nd grouping match
○ &: whole expres­sio­n/i­nside {} match
○ command returns replaced string dictated by regex to replace {}
○ if storag­e_v­ariable specified, return 1 or 0 depending on <regex to match> or not
regsub {(\w+).(\w+)} "­rep­ort.tx­t" {\1.tcl} ext

puts $ext (output will be report.tcl)

File IO

set FILEHANDLE [ open <fi­len­ame> ?acces­s_mode (r| r+| w| w+| a | a+)? ?permi­ssi­ons­(755, 744, 777)?
if {[catch {set FILEHANDLE [ open <fi­len­ame> r+] } ?<e­rro­r_v­ar>?]} { puts $error­_var; <bo­dy> }
r+ mode does not create a file if it does not exists, where a+/w+ will create a file if it does not exist

Reading a file proc (memory)

proc read_file_less_memory {file_in} {
        if {[file exists $file_in]} {
                set fh [open $file_in r]; 
                while {[gets $fh line] >= 0} {
                        lappend file_data $line;
                close $fh;
                return $file_data;
        } else {
                puts "File does not exist."

Reading a file proc

proc read_file {f} {
               puts "Reading :\t $f";
               if {[catch {set fh [open $f r]} err] } {
                  puts "File does not exist $f:$err";
                  } else {
                        set fh [open $f r];
                        set fdata [split [read $fh] "\n"]
                        close $fh;
                        return $fdata;


User input
Random number
set i [expr {int(r­and() * 6)}]
change the scope of the variables to global from inside proc
Used to pass by value to a proc, while instan­tiating proc do not provide values with a $sign, leave out $sign ; `
number of command line arguments
Script name
all command line arguments
set A1 [lindex $argv 0]
first argument

Error Handling

Error Handling:

proc Div {a b} {
   if {$b == 0} {
      error "Error generated by error" "Info String for error" 401
       error <Error Message> <Error Info> <Error code>
   } else {
      return [expr $a/$b]

if {[catch {puts "Result = [Div 10 0]"} errmsg]} {
   puts "ErrorMsg: $errmsg"
   puts "ErrorCode: $errorCode"
   puts "ErrorInfo:\n$errorInfo\n"


Global/By value:

proc by_global {A B C} {
        global j1; 
        global j2; 
        global j3; 

        set j1 $A; set j2 $B; set j3 $C; 
        puts "In $j1 $j2 $j3"

by_global 100 200 300 

Upvar/By reference:
proc by_reference {P Q R} {

        upvar $P p;
        upvar $Q q;
        upvar $R r;
        set p [expr $p*2];
        set q [expr $q*2];
        set r [expr $r*2];

        puts "Inside upvar: $p $q $r";


by_reference j1 j2 j3;

To Do

Multi- Dimens­ional Arrays
How to set command line arguments for a scripts?
packages vs module vs namespace vs proc
string map
How to set up Help for a script?
$argv and $argc

Current Time & Date

set systemTime [clock seconds]
set current_time [clock format $systemTime -format %H:%M:%S]
set ct [clock format $systemTime -format %H_%M]
set current_date [clock format $systemTime -format %D]
set cdt [clock format $systemTime -format %m_%d_%y]