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Stem Cell Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Stem Cell Research

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

One Minute Pitch

The high sensit­ivity of RNAscope Technology coupled with its ability to reliab­ility detect ANY gene in situ , makes it ideal to identify and localize stem cell popula­tions, charac­terize stem cell markers (maint­enance or regene­ration) and identify the signals secreted from stem cells.
Typical challenges with stem cell markers and sweet spots for RNAscope (a) newly discovered & require valida­tion, (b) lack antibodies and/or (c) expressed at low levels in rare stem cell popula­tions.

Pain points & Our Benefits as a Solution

Elucidate popula­tions
Context Identify, charac­terize, & localize stem cell popula­tions
Low expressing or rare
Sensit­ivity Detect low expressing genes & identify rare stem cell popula­tions
Multiplex Enables scientists to look at markers for stem cell maitenance & those of regene­ration
No antibodies
Any Gene Many stem cell markers do not have antibodies
Gene family
Any Gene Enables study of multiple genes in a family
Secreted Proteins
Any Gene Reliably detect secreted proteins and its target receptors.
In situ expression enables newly discovered markers to be validated within morpho­logical context
Noncoding RNA
LncRNA capable addresses expression of this RNA species

Key Tools

Spotlight Interview Anne Marie Baker(Showpad)
Presen­tation Stem Cell Slide Deck (Showpad)
2 Applic­ation Notes in Showpad
1. Cellular locali­zation of RNA Expression in Stem Cells using RNAscope® Technology
2. Visual­ization of Lgr5+ stem cells and the immune response in the inflamed mouse colon by the RNAscope® in situ hybrid­ization assay

Dual ISH + IHC Turkekul et al Methods Mol. Biology, 2017
LncRNA Boo *et al. Nature Comm, 2015 linc1253
Single­-Cell RNAseq Validation Joost et al Cell Systems, 2016

KOL Reference (Name to Drop)

Roel Nusse Principal Invest­igator at Stanford University

KOL in WNT signal­ling, Stem Cell and Develo­pmental Biology

His lab's work is seminal in the discovery of WNT signaling.

2012 public­ation Science used RNAscope to visualize over 15 WNT family genes. RNAscope continues to be one of their mainstream applic­ations, Nusse is senior author in ~10 RNAscope public­ations.
See Pubcrush for the following:
Lim et al. Science, 2012 (15+ Wnt genes, Axin, Dkk in epidermal tissues)
Tan et. al PNAS 2014 (19 Wnt genes in bone tissues)
Lim et al PNA 2016, (Wnt family in hair follicles)

Gene Target LGR5--No Antibodies

LGR5 is a member of the Wnt signaling pathway, often invest­igated with R-spondin & Wnt-3a, LRP6 and FZD5
LGR5 shown to be a tumor suppressor gene, and that its main role is delimiting stem cell expansion in their respective niches
LGR5 expression levels observed to indicate different stages of gastro­int­estinal cancers, which suggests that the histoa­nat­omical distri­bution of LGR5+ve stem cells determine how the cancer advances. So understand morpho­ligical context with expression is important.
Over 30 LGR5 RNAscope papers published, LGR5 public­ation list in Showpad
Spotlight interview of Anne Marie Baker, Cancer Research UK discussing her public­ation in Nature using RNAscope

Neural Stem Cell Markers

Neural stem cells (NSCs)
Three Major Cell Signaling Pathways: Wnt/β-­catenin pathway, Notch signaling, Shh-Gli signaling
NSC Self-R­enewal
HES1/5, CBF-1,­SOX2, HMGA2, BMI-1,­Gli­-2/­3,TLX
NSC Growth
SoxB1, GLI family, HES1 and HES5, BMI-1,­HESR1 and HESR2, REST
NSC Differ­ent­iation
Long list...SO­X4-11, SOX17, MASH1, NGN3,P­ITX3, FOXA1/A, NGN2

Backgr­ound: Concepts & Vocabulary

Stem cell
Undiff­ere­ntiated biological cells that can differ­entiate (Potency) into specia­lized cells and can divide (through mitosis) to produce more stem cells (Self-­ren­ewal).
Ability to go through numerous cycles of cell division while mainta­ining the undiff­ere­ntiated state
Capacity to differ­entiate into specia­lized cell types. totipotent or plurip­ote­nt—to be able to give rise to any mature cell type
an artifi­cially grown mass of cells or tissue that resembles an organ. Used as tools to study organ develo­pment.
Lgr5-eGFP mice
Use these mice as an altern­ative to identify LGR5+ cells. These resear­chers are strong targets as they probably don't know that RNAscope can directly detect LGR.
Potency is also described as the gene activation potential within a cell which like a continuum begins with totipo­tency to designate a cell with the most differ­ent­iation potential, plurip­otency, multip­otency, oligop­otency and finally unipotency

Type 1 Embryonic Stem Cell

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are the cells of the inner cell mass of a blastocyst (4–5 days post fertil­iza­tion), an early-­stage embryo.

ES cells are plurip­otent (has potential to become any of the 200 cell types) and give rise during develo­pment to all deriva­tives of the three primary germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm.

Research applic­ati­ons-- uses mouse and human embyonic stem cells (ferti­lized in vitro) to
(1) determine the presence of transc­ription factors such as Nanog and Oct4 that turn genes on and off at the right time, important in cell differ­ent­iation and embryonic develo­pment. Both are associated with stem cell mainta­inance and self-r­enewal.
(2) determine the presence of particular cell surface markers that are typically produced by undiff­ere­ntiated cells.

Type 2 Non-em­bry­onic/ Adult/ Somatic Stem Cells

Adult stem cells also called somatic stem cells maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found in children and adults
Plurip­otent adult stem cells are rare

Research of adult stem cell is richer, less contro­versial and aimed to charac­terize their potency and self-r­enewal capabi­lities.

Adult stem cells include:
Hemato­poietic stem cells give rise to all the types of blood cells
Mesenc­hymal stem cells present in many tissues. Those from bone marrow (bone marrow stromal stem cells, skeletal stem cells) give rise to a variety of cell types: bone cells (osteo­blasts and osteoc­ytes), cartilage cells (chond­roc­ytes), fat cells (adipo­cytes), and stromal cells that support blood formation.
Neural stem cells give rise to neurons, astrocytes and oligod­end­roc­ytes.
Epithelial stem cells in the lining of the digestive tract occur in deep crypts and give rise to several cell types: absorptive cells, goblet cells, Paneth cells, and entero­end­ocrine cells.
Skin stem cells occur in the basal layer of the epidermis and at the base of hair follicles.

Type 3 Induced Plurip­otent Stem Cells (iPSCs)

Induced plurip­otent stem cells, iPSCs reprogram adult stem cells to become like embryonic stem cells. They can differ­entiate into all types of specia­lized cells in the body. This means they can potent­ially produce new cells for any organ or tissue. To create iPSCs, scientists geneti­cally reprogram the adult stem cells so they behave like embryonic stem cells.
Resear­chers would need to validate targets typical of embryonic stem cells

Type 4 Cord Blood Stem Cells

Cord blood stem cells and amniotic fluid stem cells
Cord blood stem cells are harvested from the umbilical cord after childb­irth. They can be frozen in cell banks for use in the future. These cells have been succes­sfully used to treat children with blood cancers, such as leukemia, and certain genetic blood disorders.

Probing Questions for Adult Stem Cell Resear­chers

How many different kinds of stem cells are you interested in and in which tissue do they exist?
Are these adult stem markers "­lef­tov­er" embryonic stem cells, or do they arise in some other way? Are they common or rare popula­tions?
Are you examining stem cell mainte­nan­ce—­which markers? Antibo­dies? LncRNA? Secreted Proteins? Low expres­sin­g/rare?
Are you interested in stem cell renewa­l—which markers? Antibo­dies? LncRNA? Secreted Proteins? Low expres­sin­g/rare?
Are you examining mechanisms driving differ­ent­iation? What genes are activated to signal differ­ent­iation? Is differ­ent­iation influenced by the state of the neighb­oring cells? Are any of these secreted proteins. Is the location of the receptors of the secreted proteins important?
Are you looking at factor­s/genes that stimulate stem cells to relocate to sites of injury or damage?
What is known about the expression level of your gene target in your tissue of interest?