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"Git, GitHub, and Linux Command Cheat-Sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

"Git, GitHub, and Linux Command Cheat-Sheet: A Comprehensive Guide to Commonly Used Commands"

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Linux Commands

Commands for Process Management
Sets the priority of a process to determine its share of CPU time.
Changes the priority of an already running process.
Lists the background jobs currently running in the shell.
Brings a background job to the foregr­ound.
Sends a job to the backgr­ound.

Linux Commands

Additional Linux Commands

Creates a shortcut for a command or a group of commands.
df -h
Shows the disk usage of all the mounted file systems in human-­rea­dable format.
du -h
Displays the disk usage of a file or directory in human-­rea­dable format.
Securely copies files between hosts over a network.
Searches for files and direct­ories in a specified location based on different criteria.
Quickly finds files and direct­ories by name or pattern in a specified location.
Compresses and archives files and direct­ories into a single file.

Linux Commands

Additional Linux Commands
Transfers data to or from a server using various protocols like HTTP, FTP, etc.
Stream editor that can perform find-a­nd-­replace operations on text data.

Git/GitHub Commands

GitLab Commands Cheat Sheet

The GitLab Runner is the open source project that is used to run your jobs and send the results back to GitLab.
The config­uration file for defining GitLab CI/CD pipelines.

Git/GitHub Commands

Additional Git Commands Cheat Sheet
git diff
Shows the difference between two commits, branches, or files.
git tag
Adds a tag to a specific commit to mark it as a milestone or release.
git rebase
Reapplies the changes from one branch to another, preserving the commit history.
git cherry­-pick
Applies a specific commit from one branch to another.

Git/GitHub Commands

Additional Git Commands Cheat Sheet
git bisect
Helps to identify the commit that introduced a bug or issue by performing a binary search on the commit history.
git submodule
Manages submodules or external reposi­tories within the main reposi­tory.
git archive
Creates a compressed archive of the reposi­tory's source code.