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Support & Movement Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Support and Movement

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Human Skeleton

Human have around 300 bones at birth
206 bones when adult
18% of total body weight


Along bone has 3 distinct regions Epiphy­­si­s­,­Di­­aphysis and Metaphysis
3 types of cells,­Ost­eob­las­t,O­ste­oclast & Osteocytes


Only one type of cells chondr­ocytes
3 types of cartil­age­,Hy­ali­ne,­Elastic & Fibroc­art­ilage

Axial Skeleton

Consists of skull, vertebral column­,st­ernum and ribs
Skull parts; Cranium, facial and Ear ossicles
Cranium 8 bones
Facial 14 bones
Ear ossicles 6 bones
1 hyoid bone
In Cranium,2 paired bones named Parietal and Temporal bones
In Cranium,4 unpaired bones named Sphenoid, Occipital, Frontal and Ethmoid
In Facial bones, 6 paired bones named Palati­ne,­Max­ill­a,L­acr­ima­l,N­asa­l,I­nferior concha and Zygomatic
In Facial bones,2 unpaired bones named Vomer & Mandible
In Ear ossicles,3 paired bones named Malleu­s,Incus & Stapes
Vertebral column parts; Cervical, Thoracic, Lumber & Pelvic
Cervical - 07 vertebras
Thoracic - 12 vertebras
Lumber - 05 vertebras
Pelvic -09 vertebras fusion into 2 named Sacrum 05 vertebras & Coccyx 04 vertebras
Total Vertebras no: 26
Ribs types True,False & Floating
True ribs number 14 (07 pairs)
False ribs number 06 (03 pairs)
Floating ribs number 04 (02 pairs)
Total bones in Axial Skeleton Skull-29, Vertebral column -26,St­ern­um-01 and Ribs-24 = 80 bones

Append­icular Skeleton

consists of 126 bones
Divisi­ons­:Pe­ctoral girdle­+Fore limb& Pelvic girdle & Lower limb
Total no of bones associated with Pectoral girdle=64 bones (both sides)
2-Clav­icl­e,2­-sc­upula in pectoral girdle both sides(­Total 4)
Anterior limb(Arm) bones:­2-h­ume­rus­,2-­rad­ius­,2-­uln­a,1­6-c­arp­als­,10­-me­tac­arpals & 28 phalanges in both both limbs
Total no of bones associated with Pelvic girdle=62
2-coxal bones, posterior limbs includ­e,2­-fe­mur­,2-­tib­ia,­2-f­ibu­la,­2-p­ate­lla­,14­-ta­rsa­ls,­10-­met­ata­rsals & 28 phalanges


Site 2 or more bones meet
Approx­imately 360 joints in our body
3 types:­Fib­rous, Cartil­aginous & Synovial
Different types of synovial joints present in our body like Hinge,­Piv­ot,Ball & Socket­,Co­ndy­loid, Gliding Joint

Disorders of Skeleton

Mainly: Disc slip, Spondy­losis, Sciatica & Arthritis

Muscle­s,it's types & Structure

Half of the human body mass
3 types of muscles: Skeletal, Cardiac &S­mooth
Muscle fibre diameter 10-100um
Myofibrils diameter 1-2um
Myosin filament is thick,16nm in diameter
Actin filament is thin,7-8nm in diameter
The Sliding Filament Model of muscle contra­ction proposed by Hugh Huxley & Jean Hanson in 1954

Energy of muscle contra­ction

ATP & Phosph­ocr­eatine
ATP: Immediate source of energy for muscle contra­ction
Phosph­ocr­eatine: reserve of high-e­nergy phosphate comoou­nd.Of the total energy expended in muscle contra­cti­on,only 35% is utilized for the perfor­mance of work: remaining is liberated in the form of heat,which is employed to maintain body temper­ature

Muscle Problems

Cramps­,Muscle Fatigue & Tetany
Muscle cramps often occur after exercise or at night,­lasting a few seconds to several minutes