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CYH Blood vessels Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Hgjuihbgvygbhijnhbv fyghbnj

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

General features

Closed tubes (except spleen)
Variable wall
Permeable (only capill­aries)

Layers of elastic artery

Tunica intima­(Inner layer)
:epith­eli­um:­end­oth­elial cell,sub endoth­elial ct,smooth muscle
Tunica media (middle layer)
Thickest layer,­mostly made of smooth muscle arranged in parallel and elastic lamina
Tunica advent­iti­a(o­ute­rmost)
Typical dense irregular ct (collagen bundle­,fi­bro­cyt­e/b­last)
—vasa vasoru­m:bld vessel mostly found in Adventitia but could be found in media supplies the wall of the heart
—elastic lamina: sheet of elastin, open not solid sometimes interc­onn­ected

Vascular system

Large veins
Elasti­c/c­ond­ucting arteries (high pressu­re)­(highly elastic) aorta and its main branches)
Veins ->
-> lymph
Muscul­ar/­dis­tri­buting arteri­es:­smaller less elastic
Post capillary venules ↪️

Elastic artery

Elastic artery
Largest vessel
3 layers :
Tunica intima­(inner layer)
Tunica media(­middle layer)
Tunica advent­iti­a(o­ute­rmost layer)