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Git-Bash Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Optional value
User-d­efined value
SHA-1 reference to commit or tag
List of paths/­wil­dcards to match files
git --help glossary
Git vocabulary

Init Repository

Create new git repository in current folder
git init
Create a copy of git repository by given url
git clone https:­//r­epo­sit­ory.git
List remote reposi­tories
git remote -v
Create alias origin for remote repository
git remote add origin https:­//r­epo­sit­ory.git
Change url of remote repository with alias origin
git remote set-url origin https:­//r­epo­sit­ory­-2.git
Manage remote reposi­tories
git repository --help


Create new branch
git checkout -b branch­-name [<c­omm­it>] // -B to override existing branch
Switch to existing branch
git checkout branch­-name
Remove branch
git branch -d branch­-name // Use -D or -df to force
Rename current branch
git branch -m new-br­anc­h-name
List branches
git branch --list [pattern] // -r (remote) -a (all) -v (show last commit) 
// --contains <co­mmi­t> (contains specified commit)
// --merged (can be safely removed) --no-m­erged (may need attention)
Create branch without commits history
git checkout --orphan -b branch­-name [<c­omm­it>]
More actions with branches
git branch --help 
git checkout --help







Commit Changes

Add selected files to staging (prepare to commit)
git add <pa­ths> // '.' will match all unstaged files
Describe current state of local repository
git status
Make commit with message
git commit -m "message"
Make commit and append it to previous one
git commit --amend
Make commit and append it to previous one with new message
git commit --amend -m "message"

Undo Changes

Get the previous version of a given files
git checkout <co­mmi­t> <pa­ths> // HEAD is used implicitly if <co­mmi­t> omitted
Revert certain commit by applying another one (to persist history)
git revert <co­mmi­t>
Unstage files
git reset <pa­ths>
Unstage all files
git reset
Move state to specified commit
git reset <co­mmi­t> 
// --hard (to remove changes) --soft (to leave changes staged)
Set specified files to state of certain revision
git checkout <co­mmi­t> <pa­ths>

Exchange with Remote

git fetch
git pull
git push

Difference and Merge


Hide Changes


Watch History


General Configs



Reference to last commit in current branch
First parent of selected commit
Second (and so on) parent of specified commit
N-th parent of selected commit (e.g. ^2)
git --help revisions
More git revision syntax here

Advanced Configs






Use Cases

Remove all the local updates
git reset --hard

git clean -f