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Linux Keyboard Shortcuts (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Bash Shortcuts

Moving the Cursor
Go to start of line
Go to end of line
Previous command (Up arrow)
Next command (Down arrow)
Go left (back) one word
Go right (forward) one character
Move between the beginning of the line and the current position of the cursor
Deleting Text
Ctrl+D or Delete
Delete the character @ cursor
Delete all characters after the cursor on the current line
Ctrl+H or Backspace
Delete the character before the cursor
Cutting and Pasting
Cut the word before the cursor
Cut the part of the line after the cursor
Cut the part of the line before the cursor
Paste the last thing you cut

ps shortcuts

Display all processes
$ ps ax
$ ps -ef
Use the "­u" option or "­-f" option to display detailed info
$ ps aux
$ ps -ef -f
Display process by [user]
$ ps -f -u [www-data]
Show process by name or pid
To search the processes by their name or command use the "­-C" option followed by the search term
ps -C apache2
To display processes by process id, use the "­-p" option and provides the process ids separated by comma
$ ps -f  -p 3150,7­298­,6544
The "­-C" must be provided with the exact process name. To search more flexibly, use grep
$ ps -ef | grep apache
Sort process by cpu or memory usage
$ ps aux --sort­=-p­cpu­,+pmem
Display the top 5 cpu cosuming processes
$ ps aux --sort­=-pcpu | head -5
Display process hierarchy in a tree style
$ ps -f --forest -C apache2
Display child processes of a parent process
finding all forked apache processes
$ ps -o pid,un­ame­,comm -C apache2
list all child processes
$ ps --ppid [2359]
Display threads of a process
$ ps -p [3150] -L
Change the columns to display
The following command shows only the pid, username, cpu, memory and command columns
$ ps -e -o pid,un­ame­,pc­pu,­pme­m,comm
rename the column labels
$ ps -e -o pid,uname=USERNAME,pcpu=CPU_USAGE,pmem,comm

Screen Shortcuts

screen -S name
start a screen session name
screen -rD name
resume a screen session name
screen -l
list screen sessions
Activate commands for screen
Ctrl-a c
Create a new instance of terminal
Ctrl-a n
Go to the next instance of terminal
Ctrl-a p
Go to the previous instance of terminal
Ctrl-a "
Show current instances of terminals