<a href="URL"> </a> |
create an hyperlink |
<abbr> </abbr> |
represents an abbreviation or acronym |
<b> </b> |
draw the reader's attention to the element's content |
<bdi> </bdi> |
element tells the browser's bidirectional algorithm to treat the text it contains in isolation from its surrounding text |
<bdo> </bdo> |
element overrides the current directionality of text, so that the text within is rendered in a different direction. |
<br> |
line break |
<cite> </cite> |
a quote |
<code> </code> |
show some code |
<data> </data> |
show a content with a machine-readable translation |
<dfn> </dfn> |
indicate the term being defined within the context of a sentence |
<em> </em> |
marks text that has stress emphasis (important text) |
<i> </i> |
range of text that is set off from the normal text |
<kbd> </kbd> |
inline text denoting textual user input |
<mark> </mark> |
marked or highlighted a text |
<q> </q> |
short quotations that don't require paragraph breaks |
<rp> </rp> |
provide fall-back parentheses for browsers that do not support display of ruby annotations using the <ruby> element |
<rt> </rt> |
ruby text component of a ruby annotation |
<ruby> </ruby> |
small rendered annotations |
<s> </s> |
format for element no longer relevant |
<samp> </samp> |
quote output from a program |
<small> </small> |
change element size |
<span> </span> |
generic container for phrasing content |
<strong> </strong> |
elements with strong importance |
<sub> </sub> |
text which should be displayed as subscript for solely typographical reasons |
<sup> </sup> |
text which is to be displayed as superscript for solely typographical reasons |
<time> </time> |
indicate a specific period in time |
<u> </u> |
mark text as having some form of non-textual annotation applied. |
<var> </var> |
name of a variable in a mathematical expression or a programming context |
<wbr> |
represents a word break opportunity |