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Medical Genetics 327 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Medical Genetics for Uni 3rd Year Notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Archit­ecture of Human Genome

DNA - Transc­ription - RNA - Transl­ation - Protein

23 Pairs, XX - Female XY - Male

mtDNA - Mitoch­ondria DNA, heavy and light strands
Displa­cem­ent­-Loop is a triple­-st­randed region, due to a short third strand (7s DNA), contains the mtDNA control region
mtDNA - minimum spacers

Nuclear DNA (Chrom­osomal)

HGP - Human Genome Projects, collab­orative research program

Conjoined genes - genes can make both protei­n-c­oding mRNA and functional noncoding RNA transc­ripts
Repetitive DNA sequence - patterns of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) that occur in multiple copies throughout the genome
Repetitive DNA families : Alu, LINE, Segmental duplic­ation

Cell Division - Mitosis and Meiosis
Ploidy - number of different copies of each chromosome present in a cell
Meeiotic nondis­jun­ction - failed to separate from one another to travel to the opposite poles.

Archit­ecture of Human Genome

DNA - Transc­ription - RNA - Transl­ation - Protein

23 Pairs, XX - Female XY - Male

mtDNA - Mitoch­ondria DNA, heavy and light strands
Displa­cem­ent­-Loop is a triple­-st­randed region, due to a short third strand (7s DNA), contains the mtDNA control region
mtDNA - minimum spacers

Nuclear DNA (Chrom­osomal)

HGP - Human Genome Projects, collab­orative research program

Conjoined genes - genes can make both protei­n-c­oding mRNA and functional noncoding RNA transc­ripts
Repetitive DNA sequence - patterns of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) that occur in multiple copies throughout the genome
Repetitive DNA families : Alu, LINE, Segmental duplic­ation

Cell Division - Mitosis and Meiosis
Ploidy - number of different copies of each chromosome present in a cell
Meeiotic nondis­jun­ction - failed to separate from one another to travel to the opposite poles.

Clinical Cytoge­netics

Clinical Cytoge­netics - Practice of medical Genetics by studying the STRUCTURE and NUMBER of chromo­somes to identify chromosome abnorm­alities

Indica­tions for Chromo­somal Disorders
- Problems with early growth and develo­pment
- stillbirth and neonatal death
- fertility problems

Transl­ocation - transfer a segment of one chromosome to another chromosome (Rober­tsonian transl­oca­tion)

Diagnose for Chromo­somal Disorders
- high-r­eso­lution banding (prome­tap­hase) - higher resolution of G or R banding
- G banding - light regions (GC-rich regions) Dark regions (AT- rich regions)
- Ideogram (Computer imaging of G,R,Q, C, banding)
- Q banding - detects Hetero­mor­phism
- R banding - reverse of G and Q banding, analyze the distal ends of chromo­somes
- C banding - Centro­meric regions, consti­tutive hetero­chr­omatin

Fluore­scence In Situ Hybrid­ization
- fluore­scent labelled ssDNA probes to hybridize with chromo­somes, gene specific or locus-­spe­cific probes used to detect chromo­somes

SKY - FISH, all chromo­somes have a colour

Compar­ative Genome Hybrid­ization
- determine the copy number differ­ences between two distinct DNA samples - DELETIONS AND DUPLIC­ATIONS that are too small for cytoge­netic analysis

DNA Microarray

LARGEST TO SMALLEST - Banding - FISH/SKY - Microarray - Allele­-sp­ecific oligon­ucl­eotide hybrid­ization

Chromosome Abnorm­alities