--prod |
Flag to set configuration to "prod". |
--configuration (alias: -c) |
Specify the configuration to use. |
--main |
The name of the main entry-point file. |
--polyfills |
The name of the polyfills file. |
--ts-config |
The name of the TypeScript configuration file. |
--optimization |
Defines the optimization level of the build. |
--output-path |
Path where output will be placed. |
--aot |
Build using Ahead of Time compilation. |
--source-map |
Output sourcemaps. |
--eval-source-map |
Output in-file eval sourcemaps. |
--vendor-source-map |
Resolve vendor packages sourcemaps. |
--vendor-chunk |
Use a separate bundle containing only vendor libraries. |
--common-chunk |
Use a separate bundle containing code used across multiple bundles. |
--base-href |
Base url for the application being built. |
--deploy-url |
URL where files will be deployed. |
--verbose |
Adds more details to output logging. |
--progress |
Log progress to the console while building. |
--i18n-file |
Localization file to use for i18n. |
--i18n-format |
Format of the localization file specified with --i18n-file. |
--i18n-locale |
Locale to use for i18n. |
--i18n-missing-translation |
How to handle missing translations for i18n. |
--extract-css |
Extract css from global styles onto css files instead of js ones. |
--watch |
Run build when files change. |
--output-hashing |
Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode. |
--poll |
Enable and define the file watching poll time period in milliseconds. |
--delete-output-path |
Delete the output path before building. |
--preserve-symlinks |
Do not use the real path when resolving modules. |
--extract-licenses |
Extract all licenses in a separate file, in the case of production builds only. |
--show-circular-dependencies |
Show circular dependency warnings on builds. |
--build-optimizer |
Enables @angular-devkit/build-optimizer optimizations when using the 'aot' option. |
--named-chunks |
Use file name for lazy loaded chunks. |
--subresource-integrity |
Enables the use of subresource integrity validation. |
--service-worker |
Generates a service worker config for production builds. |
--ngsw-config-path |
Path to ngsw-config.json. |
--skip-app-shell |
Flag to prevent building an app shell. |
--index |
The name of the index HTML file. |
--stats-json |
Generates a 'stats.json' file which can be analyzed using tools such as: #webpack-bundle-analyzer' or https: //webpack.github.io/analyse. |
--fork-type-checker |
Run the TypeScript type checker in a forked process. |