private |
class private |
(default) |
package private |
protected |
package private+subclass |
public |
any class |
Optional specifier
static |
class method,accessed by class name or obj reference |
abstract |
w/o body, even empty {} |
final |
no overridden by subclass |
synchronized |
OCP, thread safe |
native |
interact with other language |
strictfp |
float point calc portable |
Return type
Required |
void =return; or no return statement |
void method(){return;} |
void method(){} |
String method(){return "";} |
String method(){return null;} |
String[] method(){return null;} |
Integer method(){return null;} |
void method(){return null;} |
This not compiled |
String method(){if ... return null; else return;} |
Not compile |
Method name
follow variable naming rule |
start with |
letters, &, _ |
can contains |
number |
Can not start with number |
Parameter list
Must have a parameter list |
if no parameter, use empty () |
parameter separated by ; |
Optional Exception List
throws excaption_name1,exception_name2,... |
Method body
MUST for all non abstract method, Could by empty {} |
abstract method could not have a body, even empty {} one |
Order must be followed
accessor --optional-modifier -- return type name() optional-throws .... {} |
accessor could be omitted for default access |
accessor,return type, name, (), {} are required |
signature: return type + name + () |
overloading: same name, but differs in parameter list, overloading won't care about return type |
//varargs=variable arguments,
//array but variable in length
//only last one parameter could be varargs
//accessed like array
public void walk (int start, int...steps)
{ System.out.print(steps.length +"," +steps[0]);}
walk(1,2) //1,2
walk(1,new int[] {1,2,3}); //3,1
walk(1,new int[3]); //3,0
protected members
pacakage |
subclass |
direct access |
by obj ref |
same |
Yes |
yes |
yes |
same |
No |
yes |
Yes |
diff |
Yes |
yes |
No * |
diff |
diff |
No |
No |
could access protected member from parent by obj ref of subclass itself
Design static methods and fields
2 use cases |
shared component among instances |
util/helper which not require any obj state |
2 calling approaches |
by class name |
by obj ref ( null obj can too) |
Static variables |
Counter, Constant |
Static initializer- run once |
static {....}//bad practice |
import static java.util.Arrays.asList |
import static java.util.Arrays.*; |
static import java.util.Arrays.*; |
syntax error |
import static java.util.Arrays; |
Can not static import class |
Name conflicts: not compiled |
Solution: regular import,ref by classname |
Object has its status, but shared the code, and static data
Static vs instance
type |
calling |
legal |
how |
static method |
static |
Yes |
Class name |
static method |
instance |
No |
create obj |
instancd method |
static |
Yes |
class name,obj ref |
instance method |
instance |
Yes |
obj ref |
Object has its status, but shared the code, and static data
Passing data among method
pass by value |
change in callee not affect caller |
pass by ref |
change in callee do affect caller |
Return value, if not used, will be discarded. |
Overloading a method
Method signature |
name+parameter list |
Overloading: |
same name+different parameters |
varargs |
2nd test can't compile, varargs and array = same parameter list |
void test(int... a){}; void test(int[] a){} |
test(new {1,2,3}) call either |
test(1,2,3) call test(int... a) only |
autoboxing |
void fly(int a){}; void fly(Integer a){}; |
fly(3) call fly(int a); if not exit, call fly(Integer a) |
Ref type |
void fly(Object o){}; |
fly(3):match fly(int) >fly(Integer) >fly(Object o) |
Primitive |
autocast(wider), explicitly cast(narrower) |
overloading matching order |
exact match -> unwrapping -> promotion -> wrapping ->varargs(exact match, promotion, wrapper) |
promotion is an independent check, it retains no influence over wrapping check |
void play(Long l){} |
play(4); compile error, 2 step conversion, only 1 conversion allowed, play(4L) will work. |
Create constructors
Same name as class |
no return type |
default no-argument constructor |
auto generated if no constructor provided |
overloading of constructor |
Constructor chain |
by this(...) |
Calling Constructor |
This(...): not in static method |
first line of method |
new Constructor(...) |
Create new object |
final field |
must be initialized by the time of constructor completion |
super() |
call automatically in any constructor implicitly |
all class are subclass of Object |
order of initialization |
super() is always call in every constructor implicitly; super(...) must be called explicitly |
super() ->static declaration and static {} as its order ->instance declaration and {} as its order ->constructor |
example |
class Bunny{ } |
public bunny(){} |
wrong |
public Bunny(){} |
OK |
public void bunny(){} |
OK |
public void Bunny(){} |
wrong |
Encapsulating data
Encapsulation: binding fields with method; data hiding(hiding properties+implementation details): private fields+public setter and getter; purpose: data validation and integrity + flexibility code for upgrade and maintenance |
private attributes |
public getter(), setter(), isA() |
Immutable class |
Math, String |
Class w/o public setter |
no status change of object once created |
safe to passing around and easy to maintain |
bette performance by limiting the number of copies ( string pool) |
String and StringBuffer |
Mutated by StringBuffer, return a String |
JavaNean |
a class with no-argument constructor |
naming convention:instance variable, getA,setA,isA, |
reusable |
easy to code |
Lambdas expression
Why lambdas? |
less code |
delayed implementation |
declarative |
what's lambdas? |
a declarative block of code |
passed to the associated 1 method interface, as delayed dynamic implement the method |
Syntax |
parameter |
-> |
body |
()->true |
simplest format |
a->a.canHop() |
type is optonal |
(Animal a) ->{return a.canHop();} |
can't miss ; or return if use{}; need () if has type |
(a,b)->a.canHop() |
() required if >1args; if >1 statement, need {} |
Context |
functional method to match the only method of an interface |
replace the implementing class of the interface |
parameter type will be get from the associated interface API |
Notes |
lambdas expr could access static/instance variable. method parameter and local variable also fine if not assigned a new value |
can not redeclare a variable same name as local variable |
(a,b)->{int a=0;return 5;} |
won't compile |
Lambdas example - Predicate
//Predicate interface
public interface Predicate<T>{
boolean test(T t); }
class Animal{
private String canHop;
public void setCanHop(boolean b)
{ canHop =b; }
public boolean canHop()
{ return canHop; }
public interface CheckTrait
{ boolean test(Animal a); }
public class CehckIfHopper implements CheckTrait{
public boolean test(Animal a)
{ return a.canHop();}
import java.util.function.Predicate;
public class TestLambdas {
public static void main(String[] args){
Animal a1 = new Animal();
print (a1,a->a.canHop());
// print2 (new checkIfHopper());
void print(Animal a, Predicate<Animal> p) {
if (p.test(a) {} }
void print2(Animal a, CheckTrait c) {
if (c.test(a) {}
//for Predicate version, no interface and implementing class needed
// {return a.canHop();} will be delayed dynamic implementation of test method in Predicate interface.
Type must match in lambda expr, or just do put type
Lambdas - ArrayList.removeIf()
//Java 8 intergrated Predicate interface into ArrayList
default boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super E> filter)
ArrayList<? super E> : super class of E, upper bound: "This can be cast to E".
ArrayList<? extends E>: hold type= subclass of E, lower bound: "E can be cast to this."
ArrayList< E>: holder type E
What happens after new Constructor()
1. allocate memory space on the heap |
2. create the object and instance variables are initialized with default value |
3. explicit initialize the instance variabls |
4. constructor code are executed |
Notes:static variable are initialized once for all objects to be created, so it is before step 2 |
for no argument constructor, super() is called first for initialization |