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Vagrant Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Here are some vagrant commands you may need for your daily work.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

vagrant up

estroy the newly created machine if a fatal, unexpected error occurs. This will only happen on the first vagrant up. By default this is set.
Bring multiple machines up in parallel if the provider supports it.
--provider x
Bring the machine up with the given provider. By default this is "­vir­tua­lbo­x".
Force the provis­ioners to run.
--prov­isi­on-with x,y,z
This will only run the given provis­ioners. For example, if you have a :shell and :chef_solo provis­ioner and run vagrant provision --prov­isi­on-with shell, only the shell provis­ioner will be run.
This command creates and configures guest machines according to your Vagran­tfile.
This is the single most important command in Vagrant, since it is how any Vagrant machine is created. Anyone using Vagrant must use this command on a day-to-day basis.

vagrant halt

-f (--force)
Don't attempt to gracefully shut down the machine. This effect­ively pulls the power on the guest machine.
This command shuts down the running machine Vagrant is managing.
Vagrant will first attempt to gracefully shut down the machine by running the guest OS shutdown mechanism. If this fails, or if the --force flag is specified, Vagrant will effect­ively just shut off power to the machine.

vagrant reload

Force the provis­ioners to run.
--prov­isi­on-with x,y,z
This will only run the given provis­ioners. For example, if you have a :shell and :chef_solo provis­ioner and run vagrant provision --prov­isi­on-with shell, only the shell provis­ioner will be run.
The equivalent of running a halt followed by an up.
This command is usually required for changes made in the Vagran­tfile to take effect. After making any modifi­cations to the Vagran­tfile, a reload should be called.
The configured provis­ioners will not run again, by default. You can force the provis­ioners to re-run by specifying the --prov­ision flag.

vagrant suspend

This suspends the guest machine Vagrant is managing, rather than fully shutting it down or destroying it.
A suspend effect­ively saves the exact point-­in-time state of the machine, so that when you resume it later, it begins running immedi­ately from that point, rather than doing a full boot.
This generally requires extra disk space to store all the contents of the RAM within your guest machine, but the machine no longer consumes the RAM of your host machine or CPU cycles while it is suspended.

vagrant resume

This resumes a Vagrant managed machine that was previously suspended, perhaps with the suspend command.

vagrant status

This will tell you the state of the machines Vagrant is managing.
It is quite easy, especially once you get comfor­table with Vagrant, to forget whether your Vagrant machine is running, suspended, not created, etc. This command tells you the state of the underlying guest machine.

vagrant ssh

-c COMMAND (--command COMMAND)
This executes a single SSH command, prints out the stdout and stderr, and exits. stdin will not be functional on this executed command.
-p (--plain)
This does an SSH without authen­tic­ation, leaving authen­tic­ation up to the user.
This will SSH into a running Vagrant machine and give you access to a shell.
If a -- (two hyphens) are found on the command line, any arguments after this are passed directly into the ssh execut­able. This allows you to pass any arbitrary commands to do things such as reverse tunneling down into the ssh program.

vagrant destroy

-f (--force)
Don't ask for confir­mation before destro­ying.
This command stops the running machine Vagrant is managing and destroys all resources that were created during the machine creation process. After running this command, your computer should be left at a clean state, as if you never created the guest machine in the first place.
This command usually asks for confir­mation before destro­ying. This confir­mation can be skipped by passing in the -f or --force flag.