Python Lists
List |
To Create a List: thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] print(thislist) output:: ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'] |
A list can contain different data types:: |
Example:: list1 = ["abc", 34, True, 40, "male"] |
What is the data type of a list? |
mylist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] print(type(mylist)) output:: <class 'list'> |
List items can be accessed by referring to the index number: |
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] print(thislist[1]) output:: banana |
To change the value of a specific item, refer to the index number: |
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] thislist[1] = "blackcurrant" print(thislist) output:: ['apple', 'blackcurrant', 'cherry'] |
To add an item to the end of the list, use the append() method: |
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] thislist.append("orange") print(thislist) output:: ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'orange'] |
To append elements from another list to the current list, use the extend() method. |
list_A = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] list_B = ["mango", "pineapple", "papaya"] list_A.extend(list_B) print(list_A) output:: ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'mango', 'pineapple', 'papaya'] |
The remove() method removes the specified item. |
list_A = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] list_A.remove("banana") print(list_A) output:: ['apple', 'cherry'] |
The pop() method removes the specified index with out idex it will remove last item |
list_A = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] list_A.pop(1) print(list_A) output:: ['apple', 'cherry'] |
The **del keyword removes the specified index Also delete the list completely |
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] del thislist[0] print(thislist) output::['banana', 'cherry'] |
The clear() method empties the list. |
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] thislist.clear() print(thislist) output::[] |
loop through the list items by using a for loop: |
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] for x in thislist: print(x) output:: apple banana cherry |
loop through the list items by referring to their index number. Use the range() and len() functions to create a suitable iterable. |
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] for i in range(len(thislist)): print(thislist[i]) output:: apple banana cherry |
loop through the list items by using a while loop. |
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] i = 0 while i < len(thislist): print(thislist[i]) i = i + 1 output :: apple banana cherry |
List Comprehension offers the shortest syntax for looping through lists: |
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] [print(x) for x in thislist] output:: apple banana cherry |
List comprehension offers a shorter syntax when you want to create a new list based on the values of an existing list. |
Without list comprehension fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi", "mango"] newlist = [] for x in fruits: if "a" in x: newlist.append(x) print(newlist) With list comprehension you can do all that with only one line of code fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi", "mango"] newlist = [x for x in fruits if "a" in x] print(newlist) |
sort() method that will sort the list alphanumerically, ascending, by default: |
thislist = ["orange", "mango", "kiwi", "pineapple", "banana"] thislist.sort() print(thislist) output:: ['banana', 'kiwi', 'mango', 'orange', 'pineapple'] |
To make a copy, one way is to use the built-in List method copy(). |
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] mylist = thislist.copy() print(mylist) output::['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'] |
List count() Method Return the number of times the value "cherry" appears in the fruits list: |
fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'] x = fruits.count("cherry") output:: 1 |
There are some list methods that will change the order, but in general: the order of the items will not change.
Dictionaries in Python
Dictionaries are used to store data values in key:value pairs. It is a collection which is ordered*, changeable and do not allow duplicates. |
Create and print a dictionary: thisdict = { "brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964 } print(thisdict)
output {'brand': 'Ford', 'model': 'Mustang', 'year': 1964} |
You can access the items of a dictionary by referring to its key name, inside square brackets: |
thisdict = { "brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964 } x = thisdict["model"] print(x) output::Mustang |
The keys() method will return a list of all the keys in the dictionary. |
thisdict = { "brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964 } x = thisdict.keys() print(x) output:: dict_keys(['brand', 'model', 'year']) |
The values() method will return a list of all the values in the dictionary. |
thisdict = { "brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964 } x = thisdict.values() print(x) output::dict_values(['Ford', 'Mustang', 1964]) |
we can change the value of a specific item by referring to its key name: |
thisdict = { "brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964 } thisdict["year"] = 2018 print(thisdict) output::{'brand': 'Ford', 'model': 'Mustang', 'year': 2018} |
The update() method will update the dictionary with the items from the given argument. |
thisdict = { "brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964 } thisdict.update({"year": 2020}) print(thisdict) output::{'brand': 'Ford', 'model': 'Mustang', 'year': 2020} |
Adding an item to the dictionary is done by using a new index key and assigning a value to it: |
thisdict = {"brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964 } thisdict["color"] = "red" print(thisdict) output:: {'brand': 'Ford', 'model': 'Mustang', 'year': 1964, 'color': 'red'} |
You can loop through a dictionary by using a for loop. |
thisdict = { "brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964 } for x in thisdict: print(x) output:: brand model year |
Make a copy of a dictionary with the copy() method: |
thisdict = { "brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964 } mydict = thisdict.copy() print(mydict) output:: {'brand': 'Ford', 'model': 'Mustang', 'year': 1964} |
A dictionary can contain dictionaries, this is called nested dictionaries. |
myfamily = { "child1" : { "name" : "Emil", "year" : 2004 }, "child2" : { "name" : "Tobias", "year" : 2007 }, "child3" : { "name" : "Linus", "year" : 2011 } } print(myfamily) output:: {'child1': {'name': 'Emil', 'year': 2004}, 'child2': {'name': 'Tobias', 'year': 2007}, 'child3': {'name': 'Linus', 'year': 2011}} |
To access items from a nested dictionary, you use the name of the dictionaries, starting with the outer dictionary: |
myfamily = { "child1" : { "name" : "Emil", "year" : 2004 }, "child2" : { "name" : "Tobias", "year" : 2007 }, "child3" : { "name" : "Linus", "year" : 2011 } } print(myfamily["child2"]["name"]) output::Tobias |
setdefault() Method |
car = { "brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964 } x = car.setdefault("model", "Bronco") print(x) output:: Mustang |
As of Python version 3.7, dictionaries are ordered. In Python 3.6 and earlier, dictionaries are unordered.
Python Strings
Strings |
Strings in python are surrounded by either single quotation marks, or double quotation marks. Example:: print("Hello") print('Hello') output:: Hello Hello |
Assign String to a Variable |
Example:: a = "Hello" print(a) output:: {nl}} Hello
Multiline Strings |
Example:: a = """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt {nl}} ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.""" print(a) output:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. |
Strings are Arrays |
Example:: Get the character at position 1 (remember that the first character has the position 0): a = "Hello, World!" print(a[1]) {nl}}output:: e |
Looping Through a String |
Example:: for x in "banana": print(x) output:: {nl}}output:: **b a n a n a |
String Length |
The len() function returns the length of a string: Example:: a = "Hello, World!" print(len(a)) output:: 13 |
Check String |
Example:: txt = "The best things in life are free!" print("free" in txt) output:: {nl}}True |
Use it in an if statement: |
Example:: txt = "The best things in life are free!" if "free" in txt: print("Yes, 'free' is present.") {nl}}output:: Yes, 'free' is present. |
Check if NOT |
Example:: txt = "The best things in life are free!" print("expensive" not in txt) output:: {nl}}True using 'if' Example:: txt = "The best things in life are free!" if "expensive" not in txt: print("No, 'expensive' is NOT present.") {nl}}output:: No, 'expensive' is NOT present. |
Slicing |
Example:: b = "Hello, World!" print(b[2:5]) output:: llo |
Modify Strings to Upper Case |
Example:: a = "Hello, World!" print(a.upper()) output:: HELLO, WORLD! |
Modify Strings to Lower Case |
Example:: a = "Hello, World!" print(a.lower()) output:: hello, world! |
Remove Whitespace |
The strip() method removes any whitespace from the beginning or the end: Example:: a = " Hello, World! " print(a.strip()) output:: Hello, World! |
Replace String |
Example:: a = "Hello, World!" print(a.replace("H", "J")) output:: Jello, World! |
Split String |
Example:: a = "Hello, World!" b = a.split(",") print(b) output:: ['Hello', ' World!'] |
String Concatenation |
Example:: a = "Hello" b = "World" c = a + b print(c) output:: HelloWorld To add a space between them, add a " ": Example:: a = "Hello" b = "World" c = a + " " + b print(c) output:: Hello World |
Format - Strings |
Use the format() method to insert numbers into strings: Example:: age = 30 txt = "My name is Srinivas, and I am {}" print(txt.format(age)) output:: My name is Srinivas, and I am 30 You can use index numbers {0} to be sure the arguments are placed in the correct placeholders: Example:: quantity = 3 itemno = 567 price = 49.95 myorder = "I want to pay {2} dollars for {0} pieces of item {1}." print(myorder.format(quantity, itemno, price)) output:: I want to pay 49.95 dollars for 3 pieces of item 567 |
Escape Characters |
The escape character allows you to use double quotes when you normally would not be allowed: Example:: txt = "Iam \"Important\" in this line." print(txt) output:: Iam "Important" in this line |
Capitalize() Method In Strings |
The first character is converted to upper case, and the rest are converted to lower case: Example:: txt = "python is FUN!" x = txt.capitalize() print (x) output:: Python is fun! |
String count() Method |
Return the number of times the value "apple" appears in the string: Example:: txt = "I love apples, apple are my favorite fruit" x = txt.count("apple") print(x) output:: 2 |
String endswith() Method |
Example:: txt = "Hello, welcome to my world." x = txt.endswith(".") print(x) output:: True |
String find() Method |
Example:: txt = "Hello, welcome to my world." x = txt.find("welcome") print(x) output:: 7 |
String isalnum() Method |
Example:: txt = "Company12" x = txt.isalnum() print(x) output:: True |
String isalpha() Method |
Example:: txt = "CompanyX" x = txt.isalpha() print(x) output:: True |
Strings in python are surrounded by either single quotation marks, or double quotation marks.
Tuples In Python
Tuple: |
Tuples are used to store multiple items in a single variable. A tuple is a collection which is ordered and unchangeable. Tuples are written with round brackets. Example:: thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") print(thistuple). output::('apple', 'banana', 'cherry')
Tuple Items |
Tuple items are ordered, unchangeable, and allow duplicate values. Tuple items are indexed, the first item has index [0], the second item has index [1] etc. |
Ordered |
When we say that tuples are ordered, it means that the items have a defined order, and that order will not change. |
Unchangeable |
Tuples are unchangeable, meaning that we cannot change, add or remove items after the tuple has been created. |
Allow Duplicates |
Example:: thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry", "apple", "cherry") print(thistuple) output:: ('apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'apple', 'cherry') |
Create Tuple With One Item |
To create a tuple with only one item, you have to add a comma after the item, otherwise Python will not recognize it as a tuple. thistuple = ("apple",) print(type(thistuple)) #NOT a tuple thistuple = ("apple") print(type(thistuple)) output:: <class 'tuple'> <class 'str'> |
Access Tuple Items |
Print the second item in the tuple: thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") print(thistuple[1]) output:: banana |
Change Tuple Values |
Once a tuple is created, you cannot change its values as they are called immutable. But there is a workaround. You can convert the tuple into a list, change the list, and convert the list back into a tuple. x = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") y = list(x) y[1] = "kiwi" x = tuple(y) print(x) output:: ("apple", "kiwi", "cherry") |
Add tuple to a tuple. |
Example:: Create a new tuple with the value "orange", and add that tuple: thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") y = ("orange",) thistuple += y print(thistuple) output:: ('apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'orange') |
Unpacking a Tuple |
When we create a tuple, we normally assign values to it. This is called "packing" a tuple: Packing a tuple: fruits = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") print(fruits) output:: ('apple', 'banana', 'cherry') But, in Python, we are also allowed to extract the values back into variables. This is called "unpacking": unpack Tuple fruits = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") (green, yellow, red) = fruits print(green) print(yellow) print(red) output:: apple banana cherry |
Using Asterisk* |
If the number of variables is less than the number of values, you can add an * to the variable name and the values will be assigned to the variable as a list:
Example:: fruits = ("apple", "banana", "cherry", "strawberry", "raspberry") (green, yellow, *red) = fruits print(green) print(yellow) print(red) output:: apple banana ['cherry', 'strawberry', 'raspberry'] |
Loop Through a Tuple |
You can loop through the tuple items by using a for loop. Example:: thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") for x in thistuple: print(x) output:: apple banana cherry |
Loop Through the Index Numbers In Tuples |
Use the range() and len() functions to create a suitable iterable. Example:: thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") for i in range(len(thistuple)): print(thistuple[i]) output:: apple banana cherry |
Using a While Loop In Tuples |
Example:: thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") i = 0 while i < len(thistuple): print(thistuple[i]) i = i + 1 output:: apple banana cherry
Join Two Tuples |
To join two or more tuples you can use the + operator: Example:: tuple1 = ("a", "b" , "c") tuple2 = (1, 2, 3) tuple3 = tuple1 + tuple2 print(tuple3) output:: ('a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2, 3) |
Multiply Tuples |
Example:: fruits = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") mytuple = fruits * 2 print(mytuple) output:: ('apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'apple', 'banana', 'cherry') |
Tuple count() Method |
Example:: thistuple = (1, 3, 7, 8, 7, 5, 4, 6, 8, 5) x = thistuple.count(5) print(x) output:: 2
Tuple index() Method |
Example:: thistuple = (1, 3, 7, 8, 7, 5, 4, 6, 8, 5) x = thistuple.index(8) print(x) output:: 3 |
When creating a tuple with only one item, remember to include a comma after the item, otherwise it will not be identified as a tuple.