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Thinking Psychologically Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Key ideas from the book Thinking Psychologically

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Criteria for Evaluating Theories in Psycho­logy

What it means
Does the theory cover everything it should?
Is the theory concise?
Clarity of Constructs
Is the theory clearly expressed?
Internal Consis­tency
Do all the bits of the theory hang together?
Can the theory be tested?
Empirical Support
Is there evidence to support the theory?
Heuristic Value
Does the theory help us think in new and intere­sting ways?
Adpated from McGhee, 2001 Thinking Psycho­log­ically, London: Palgrave p40 Table 3.4. Presented by permission of the author.