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The Hollywood Ten Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

The Hollywood Ten notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Definition of the Hollywood Ten
The Hollywood Ten were a group of screen­wri­ters, directors, and producers who were blackl­isted in 1947 for refusing to testify before the House Un-Ame­rican Activities Committee (HUAC) regarding their alleged communist affili­ations
Their defiance of HUAC marked a signif­icant moment in the history of Hollywood and the broader context of McCart­hyism and the Red Scare
Historical Context
Post-World War II America was marked by the onset of the Cold War and growing fears of communist infilt­ration within the United States
The House Un-Ame­rican Activities Committee (HUAC), establ­ished in 1938, intens­ified its invest­iga­tions into alleged communist activities during this period, with a particular focus on the entert­ainment industry

HUAC and the Entert­ainment Industry

HUAC’s Focus on Hollywood
HUAC believed that Hollywood, as a powerful medium for shaping public opinion, was a potential breeding ground for communist propaganda
The committee sought to identify and root out communists in the film industry, believing that they could influence American audiences through subtle messaging in movies
Initial Invest­iga­tions
In October 1947, HUAC began a series of hearings to invest­igate communist influence in Hollywood
The committee called on prominent figures from the entert­ainment industry to testify, including studio heads, actors, and filmmakers
Some witnesses, known as "­fri­endly witnes­ses­," cooperated with HUAC, naming indivi­duals they believed to be communists or sympat­hizers

The Hollywood Ten

Members of the Hollywood Ten
Alvah Bessie - Screen­writer
Herbert Biberman - Screen­writer and Director
Lester Cole - Screen­writer
Edward Dmytryk - Director
Ring Lardner Jr. - Screen­writer
John Howard Lawson - Screen­writer
Albert Maltz - Screen­writer
Samuel Ornitz - Screen­writer
Adrian Scott - Producer and Screen­writer
Dalton Trumbo - Screen­writer
Refusal to Testify
The Hollywood Ten were subpoenaed to testify before HUAC but refused to answer questions regarding their political beliefs or affili­ations
They cited their First Amendment rights, arguing that HUAC’s questions violated their freedom of speech and assembly
Conseq­uences of Defiance
Their refusal to cooperate led to charges of contempt of Congress
In November 1947, all ten were cited for contempt and subseq­uently blackl­isted by the Hollywood studios, meaning they were denied employment in the industry

The Trials and Impris­onment

Legal Procee­dings
The Hollywood Ten were tried and convicted of contempt of Congress in 1948
Each of the ten received a sentence of six months to one year in prison and a fine of $1,000
The members of the Hollywood Ten served their sentences in various federal prisons
Their impris­onment had a profound impact on their careers and personal lives, as they were unable to work in Hollywood and faced financial and social hardships

The Hollywood Blacklist

Creation of the Blacklist
In response to the HUAC hearings, Hollywood studio executives met and issued the Waldorf Statement in November 1947, in which they announced the blacklist of the Hollywood Ten and anyone else suspected of communist affili­ations
The blacklist extended beyond the Hollywood Ten, affecting hundreds of writers, directors, actors, and others in the entert­ainment industry who were denied employment due to alleged communist ties
Impact on Careers
The blacklist had devast­ating effects on the careers of those affected, with many being forced to work under pseudo­nyms, leave the industry, or move abroad to find work
Some blackl­isted indivi­duals, like Dalton Trumbo, continued to write screen­plays under assumed names, with Trumbo even winning Academy Awards for "­Roman Holida­y" (1953) and "The Brave One" (1956) under different names

The Legacy of the Hollywood Ten

Cultural and Political Impact
The Hollywood Ten became symbols of resistance to government overreach and the suppre­ssion of free speech during the Red Scare
Their defiance highli­ghted the dangers of McCart­hyism and the broader anti-c­omm­unist hysteria that gripped the United States in the late 1940s and 1950s
End of the Blacklist
The blacklist gradually weakened over the years, partic­ularly after Dalton Trumbo was openly credited for his work on "­Spa­rta­cus­" (1960) and "­Exo­dus­" (1960), signaling the beginning of the end of the practice
By the early 1960s, the blacklist was largely disman­tled, though its effects lingered for many indivi­duals
Rehabi­lit­ation and Recogn­ition
Over time, the members of the Hollywood Ten and others who were blackl­isted began to be rehabi­litated in the public eye
In 1997, the Writers Guild of America posthu­mously gave credit to blackl­isted writers for their work, including those who had written under pseudonyms

Broader Implic­ations

First Amendment Rights
The Hollywood Ten's stance brought attention to the importance of protecting First Amendment rights, especially in times of political fear and repression
Their case serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of govern­mental overreach and the suppre­ssion of dissenting voices
Impact on American Cinema
The blacklist and the persec­ution of the Hollywood Ten had a chilling effect on American cinema, with studios and filmmakers avoiding contro­versial topics or political themes for fear of reperc­ussions
The era marked a period of self-c­ens­orship in Hollywood, with many films avoiding critical engagement with contem­porary social and political issues