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Notable Witch Hunts & Trials Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Notable Witch Hunts & Trials notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Early Witch Hunts (c. 15th - 16th Century)

The Valais Witch Trials (1428-­1447)
Location: Valais, Switze­rland
Details: One of the earliest large-­scale witch hunts in Europe, the Valais trials saw hundreds of people accused and executed for witchc­raft. The trials began in the French­-sp­eaking part of Valais and spread to the German­-sp­eaking regions.
The Basel Witch Trials (1430)
Location: Basel, Switze­rland
Details: Among the first recorded witch trials in Switze­rland, the Basel trials resulted in several execut­ions. These early trials laid the groundwork for later, more intense witch hunts in the region.
The Trier Witch Trials (1581-­1593)
Location: Trier, Germany
Details: One of the largest and deadliest witch hunts in Europe, with around 1,000 execut­ions. The trials were fueled by local author­ities and religious leaders, who saw witchcraft as a major threat to Christian society.
The Navarre Witch Trials (1525)
Location: Navarre, Spain
Details: Initiated by the Spanish Inquis­ition, these trials primarily targeted the Basque popula­tion. Several hundred people were accused, and many were executed or impris­oned.
The Wiesen­steig Witch Trials (1562-­1563)
Location: Wiesen­steig, Germany
Details: A signif­icant early trial in the Holy Roman Empire, where 63 women were executed. The Wiesen­steig trials were part of a wave of witch hunts in the German territ­ories during the Reform­ation.
The Scottish Witch Trials (1550s - 1700s)
Location: Scotland
Details: Scotland witnessed numerous witch trials over two centuries, with thousands accused and many executed. Notable trials include the North Berwick Witch Trials (1590-­1592) and the Great Scottish Witch Hunt (1661-­1662).

Height of the Witch Craze (Late c.16th - 17th)

The North Berwick Witch Trials (1590-­1592)
Location: North Berwick, Scotland
Details: Triggered by the stormy voyage of King James VI of Scotland, these trials resulted in the execution of several people, including Agnes Sampson. The trials were marked by confes­sions obtained through torture.
The Würzburg and Bamberg Witch Trials (1626-­1631)
Location: Würzburg and Bamberg, Germany
Details: Among the most notorious witch hunts in history, these trials saw the execution of hundreds, including children. The hunts were fueled by religious and political turmoil during the Thirty Years' War.
The Fulda Witch Trials (1603-­1606)
Location: Fulda, Germany
Details: Initiated by Balthasar von Dernbach, the prince­-abbot of Fulda, these trials led to the execution of around 250 people. The trials were charac­terized by the use of torture and the involv­ement of local elites.
The Pendle Witch Trials (1612)
Location: Lancas­hire, England
Details: One of the most famous witch trials in England, where 12 people were accused of witchc­raft, 10 of whom were executed. The trial records are some of the best-p­res­erved from the period.
The Aix-en­-Pr­ovence Posses­sions (1611)
Location: Aix-en­-Pr­ovence, France
Details: A high-p­rofile case involving the alleged demonic possession of several Ursuline nuns. The ensuing trials resulted in the execution of Louis Gaufridi, a priest accused of being in league with the Devil.
The Loudun Posses­sions (1634)
Location: Loudun, France
Details: Another infamous case of alleged demonic possession involving Ursuline nuns. The trial led to the execution of Father Urbain Grandier, accused of witchcraft and consorting with the Devil.
The Great Scottish Witch Hunt (1661-­1662)
Location: Scotland
Details: The largest and most intense witch hunt in Scottish history, with hundreds of people tried and many executed. The hunt was part of a broader European wave of witch trials during the period.
The Torsåker Witch Trials (1675)
Location: Torsåker, Sweden
Details: The largest witch trial in Sweden's history, resulting in the execution of 71 people (65 women and 6 men) in a single day. The trial was part of the broader Swedish witch hunt known as the "­Great Noise."­

Decline of Witch Craze (Late c.17th - c.18th)

The Salem Witch Trials (1692-­1693)
Location: Salem, Massac­hus­etts, USA
Details: The most famous witch trials in American history, where 20 people were executed, and several others died in prison. The trials were driven by religious extremism, social tensions, and mass hysteria.
The Paisley Witches (1697)
Location: Paisley, Scotland
Details: The last mass execution for witchcraft in Scotland, involving the trial and execution of seven people. The trial was fueled by the accusation of a young girl who claimed to be bewitched.
The Szeged Witch Trials (1728-­1729)
Location: Szeged, Hungary
Details: One of the last major witch hunts in Europe, resulting in the execution of 14 people. The trials were marked by the use of torture and the involv­ement of the local nobility.
The Pappen­heimer Witch Trials (1600)
Location: Bavaria, Germany
Details: A partic­ularly gruesome trial where five members of the Pappen­heimer family were executed following extensive torture. They were accused of various crimes, including witchc­raft, but were likely scapegoats in a larger political conflict.
The Würzburg Prince­-Bishop Trials (1749)
Location: Würzburg, Germany
Details: One of the last major witch trials in Germany, where several people were executed under the orders of the Prince­-Bishop of Würzburg. The trial marked the waning of witch hunts in the region.
The Trial of Anna Göldi (1782)
Location: Glarus, Switze­rland
Details: Often considered the last execution for witchcraft in Europe, Anna Göldi was accused of causing the illness of a child through supern­atural means. Her execution is now seen as a judicial murder rather than a legitimate witch trial.
The Silesian Witch Trials (1740s)
Location: Silesia (now in Poland, Germany, and the Czech Republic)
Details: A series of witch trials in the mid-18th century that reflected the lingering belief in witchcraft in rural areas. These trials were among the last in Central Europe.