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Intro to Psychology Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Intro to Psychology notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It seeks to understand how people perceive, think, feel, and act both indivi­dually and within social contexts.
Psychology covers a wide range of topics, including percep­tion, cognition, emotion, person­ality, behavior, interp­ersonal relati­ons­hips, and mental health.

Branches of Psychology

Clinical Psycho­logy:
Focuses on diagnosing and treating mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders.
Counseling Psycho­logy: Helps indivi­duals manage and overcome problems in daily life.
Psycho­the­rapy: The practice of treating psycho­logical disorders through verbal and psycho­logical techni­ques.
Neurop­syc­hology: Studies the relati­onship between brain function and behavior, often in the context of brain injury or neurol­ogical condit­ions.
Cognitive Psycho­logy:
Invest­igates internal mental processes such as percep­tion, memory, thinking, and proble­m-s­olving.
Attention: How we focus on particular inform­ation.
Memory: Processes involved in storing and retrieving inform­ation.
Language: The study of how we unders­tand, produce, and acquire language.
Decision Making: How people make choices and judgments.
Develo­pmental Psycho­logy:
Examines how people grow and change from infancy through old age.
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Develo­pment: Explores stages of cognitive growth in children.
Erikson’s Stages of Psycho­social Develo­pment: Describes the impact of social experience across the lifespan.
Attachment Theory: Examines the bonds between infants and caregivers and how these affect future relati­ons­hips.
Social Psycho­logy:
Studies how indivi­duals’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence of others.
Social Influence: How people's behavior is affected by others (e.g., confor­mity, obedie­nce).
Group Dynamics: How people behave in groups, including phenomena like groupthink and social loafing.
Interp­ersonal Relati­ons­hips: The study of attrac­tion, love, aggres­sion, and conflict in relati­ons­hips.
Behavioral Psycho­logy:
Focuses on observable behaviors and the ways they are learned or condit­ioned.
Classical Condit­ioning: Learning through associ­ation, as demons­trated by Pavlov's experi­ments with dogs.
Operant Condit­ioning: Learning through conseq­uences, as formulated by B.F. Skinner.
Social Learning Theory: Learning through observ­ation and imitation, proposed by Albert Bandura.
Biopsy­chology (or Biological Psycho­logy):
Examines the physio­logical bases of behavior, focusing on the brain, neurot­ran­smi­tters, and the nervous system.
Neuros­cience: How the brain and nervous system affect behavior and cognition.
Genetics: The role of heredity in behavior.
Psycho­pha­rma­cology: The study of how drugs affect mood, behavior, and cognition.
Indust­ria­l-O­rga­niz­ational (I/O) Psycho­logy:
Applies psycho­logical principles to the workplace to improve produc­tivity, work-life balance, and employee well-b­eing.
Workplace Motiva­tion: Unders­tanding what drives employees to perform.
Leadership and Manage­ment: The study of effective leadership styles and organi­zat­ional behavior.
Employee Selection and Assess­ment: Developing methods for hiring the right candid­ates.
Health Psycho­logy:
Focuses on how psycho­logical factors affect health and illness.
Stress and Coping: How indivi­duals respond to and manage stress.
Behavioral Medicine: Integr­ating behavioral and medical knowledge to treat physical health problems.
Health Behavior Change: Strategies to promote healthy behaviors (e.g., smoking cessation, exercise adhere­nce).

Key Concepts in Psychology

Refers to our awareness of our own mental processes, such as thoughts, feelings, and sensat­ions.
States of Consci­ous­ness: Include wakefu­lness, sleep, dreaming, and altered states (e.g., hypnosis, medita­tion).
The process by which we interpret sensory inform­ation from the enviro­nment.
Gestalt Princi­ples: Psycho­logical theories that describe how people tend to organize visual elements into groups or unified wholes.
A relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge due to experi­ence.
Classical Condit­ioning: Learning through associ­ation.
Operant Condit­ioning: Learning through rewards and punish­ments.
Observ­ational Learning: Learning by watching others.
The process by which inform­ation is encoded, stored, and retrieved.
Short-Term Memory: Temporary storage for inform­ation.
Long-Term Memory: The more permanent storage of inform­ation.
Working Memory: The ability to hold and manipulate inform­ation in mind for short periods.
Complex reactions that involve physio­logical arousal, expressive behaviors, and conscious experi­ence.
James-­Lange Theory: Emotions result from physio­logical responses to stimuli.
Cannon­-Bard Theory: Emotions and physio­logical responses occur simult­ane­ously.
Two-Factor Theory: Emotions are influenced by both physio­logical arousal and cognitive labeling.
The process that initiates, guides, and sustains goal-d­irected behavior.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: A theory proposing that people are motivated by a hierarchy of needs, starting with basic physio­logical needs and moving to self-a­ctu­ali­zation.
Drive Reduction Theory: Suggests that people are motivated to reduce internal tension caused by unmet biological needs.

Methods in Psychology

A method of invest­igating cause-­and­-effect relati­onships by manipu­lating one variable and observing the effect on another.
Control Groups: Used to compare the effects of the indepe­ndent variable.
Collecting data from a large group of people through questi­onn­aires or interviews to understand attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors.
Sampling: The process of selecting a repres­ent­ative group from a larger popula­tion.
Watching and recording behaviors in a natural setting or labora­tory.
Natura­listic Observ­ation: Observing behavior in its natural context without interv­ention.
Case Studies:
In-depth analysis of an indivi­dual, group, or event to explore the underlying causes of behavior.
Advant­ages: Provides detailed and compre­hensive inform­ation.
Limita­tions: May not be genera­lizable to the broader popula­tion.
Correl­ational Studies:
Examines the relati­onship between two or more variables without manipu­lating them.
Correl­ation Coeffi­cient: A statis­tical measure that indicates the extent to which two variables fluctuate together.
Longit­udinal and Cross-­Sec­tional Studies:
Longit­udinal Studies: Follow the same group of indivi­duals over a period of time to observe changes.
Cross-­Sec­tional Studies: Compare different groups of people at one point in time.

Major Theore­tical Approaches in Psychology

Focuses on observable behavior and the ways it is learned.
Key Figures: John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner.
Princi­ples: Behavior is shaped by reinfo­rcement and punish­ment.
Psycho­ana­lytic Theory:
Emphasizes the role of uncons­cious processes and early childhood experi­ences in shaping behavior.
Key Figure: Sigmund Freud.
Structure of the Mind: Divided into the id, ego, and superego.
Humanistic Psycho­logy:
Focuses on individual potential and the importance of growth and self-a­ctu­ali­zation.
Key Figures: Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow.
Princi­ples: Emphasizes free will, self-e­ffi­cacy, and human potential.
Cognitive Psycho­logy:
Studies mental processes such as percep­tion, memory, and proble­m-s­olving.
Key Figures: Jean Piaget, Aaron Beck.
Princi­ples: Behavior is influenced by how we process and interpret inform­ation.
Biological Psycho­logy:
Examines the physio­logical bases of behavior, including the brain, neurot­ran­smi­tters, and genetics.
Princi­ples: Behavior is a result of biological processes and brain function.
Social­-Co­gnitive Theory:
Emphasizes the role of cognitive processes and social influences in behavior.
Key Figure: Albert Bandura.
Princi­ples: Behavior is influenced by observ­ational learning, self-e­ffi­cacy, and social experi­ences.

Applied Psychology

Clinical and Counseling Psycho­logy:
Providing therapy and counseling to indivi­duals to help them cope with mental health issues.
Educat­ional Psycho­logy:
Applying psycho­logical principles to improve teaching and learning outcomes in educat­ional settings.
Forensic Psycho­logy:
The inters­ection of psychology and the legal system, including criminal profiling, assessment of defend­ants, and expert testimony.
Sports Psycho­logy:
Focusing on the mental and emotional aspects of sports perfor­mance, including motiva­tion, anxiety, and team dynamics.
Indust­ria­l-O­rga­niz­ational Psycho­logy:
Enhancing workplace produc­tivity and employee satisf­action through psycho­logical princi­ples.
Health Psycho­logy:
Promoting health, preventing illness, and improving healthcare through psycho­logical methods.

Current Issues and Debates in Psychology

Nature vs. Nurture:
The debate over the relative contri­butions of genetics (nature) and enviro­nment (nurture) to human develo­pment and behavior.
Ethical Issues in Research:
Addressing concerns about the ethical treatment of research partic­ipants, informed consent, confid­ent­iality, and the use of animals in research.
Mental Health Stigma:
The challenge of reducing stigma and improving public attitudes toward mental health and those with mental illness.
Cultural Competence in Therapy:
The importance of unders­tanding and respecting cultural differ­ences in providing effective psycho­logical services.
Technology and Psycho­logy:
Exploring the impact of digital techno­logy, including social media, on mental health and behavior.
Positive Psycho­logy:
The study of factors that contribute to human happiness and well-b­eing, focusing on strengths rather than just disorders.

Psycho­logical Case Studies

The Stanford Prison Experiment (1971):
Conducted by Philip Zimbardo, this study examined the psycho­logical effects of perceived power, focusing on the struggle between prisoners and prison officers.
The Little Albert Experiment (1920):
An experiment conducted by John B. Watson that demons­trated classical condit­ioning in humans by condit­ioning a baby to fear a white rat.
Phineas Gage (1848):
A famous case in which a railroad worker survived a severe brain injury that dramat­ically changed his person­ality, providing early evidence of the role of the frontal lobes in person­ality and behavior.
Milgram’s Obedience Experiment (1963):
Stanley Milgram's experiment studied the willin­gness of partic­ipants to obey authority figures, even when asked to perform actions confli­cting with their personal consci­ence.
Harlow's Monkeys (1950s):
Harry Harlow's experi­ments on rhesus monkeys showed the importance of caregiving and compan­ionship in social and cognitive develo­pment.


Psychology is a diverse and dynamic field that encomp­asses the study of mind, behavior, and the underlying processes
By exploring the different branches, key concepts, theore­tical approa­ches, and applic­ations, students can gain a compre­hensive unders­tanding of how psycho­logical principles are used to address real-world problems, enhance human well-b­eing, and advance scientific knowledge
The study of psychology not only provides insights into individual behavior but also offers valuable tools for improving mental health and fostering positive social change