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International Relations Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

International Relations Lecture

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Intern­ational Relations (IR) is the study of the intera­ctions between states, intern­ational organi­zat­ions, non-go­ver­nmental organi­zations (NGOs), and other global actors.
It examines the comple­xities of global politics, power dynamics, conflict, diplomacy, and cooper­ation
This field is crucial for unders­tanding how the global system functions, how states interact with one another, and how global challenges are managed

Unders­tanding Intern­ational Relations

Definition and Scope: Intern­ational Relations is an interd­isc­ipl­inary field that encomp­asses the study of politics, history, economics, law, and sociology on a global scale. It involves analyzing the behavior of states, the role of intern­ational instit­utions, and the impact of non-state actors in global affairs.
Importance of Intern­ational Relations: IR is vital for unders­tanding global peace and conflict, economic interd­epe­ndence, human rights, and enviro­nmental issues. It helps policy­makers, scholars, and the public to comprehend and navigate the comple­xities of global politics.

Realism Approach

Key Concepts: Realism is centered on the idea that the intern­ational system is anarchic, meaning there is no overar­ching authority above states. States are the primary actors, driven by the pursuit of power and national interest.
Major Thinkers: Thomas Hobbes, Niccolò Machia­velli, Hans Morgen­thau.
Key Principles: Realism emphasizes the inevit­ability of conflict, the importance of military power, and the concept of balance of power as a means to prevent war.

Liberalism Approach

Key Concepts: Liberalism argues that cooper­ation is possible in intern­ational relations through instit­utions, democracy, and trade. It focuses on the role of intern­ational organi­zat­ions, economic interd­epe­ndence, and the spread of democratic values.
Major Thinkers: John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Woodrow Wilson.
Key Principles: Liberalism promotes the idea that intern­ational law, instit­utions like the United Nations, and economic cooper­ation can lead to a more peaceful and prosperous world.

Constr­uct­ivism Approach

Key Concepts: Constr­uct­ivism emphasizes the role of ideas, identi­ties, and norms in shaping intern­ational relations. It argues that the intern­ational system is socially constr­ucted, and that state behavior is influenced by histor­ical, cultural, and social factors.
Major Thinkers: Alexander Wendt, John Ruggie, Martha Finnemore.
Key Principles: Constr­uct­ivism challenges the materi­alist assump­tions of realism and libera­lism, highli­ghting how percep­tions and beliefs shape global politics.

Marxism & Critical Theories

Key Concepts: Marxist theory views intern­ational relations through the lens of class struggle and economic exploi­tation. It argues that global capitalism perpet­uates inequality and conflict.
Major Thinkers: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Antonio Gramsci.
Key Principles: Critical theories, including Marxism, question the power structures and inequa­lities in the global system, focusing on the role of capita­lism, imperi­alism, and global inequa­lity.

Feminism in IR

Key Concepts: Feminist theories in IR highlight how intern­ational politics is shaped by gendered power dynamics. They critique the tradit­ionally male-d­omi­nated perspe­ctives in the field and emphasize the importance of gender in global issues.
Major Thinkers: Cynthia Enloe, J. Ann Tickner, Christine Sylvester.
Key Principles: Feminist IR seeks to uncover the ways in which global politics affect men and women differ­ently, advocating for the inclusion of gender as a critical lens in analyzing intern­ational relations.

The Westph­alian System (1648)

Treaty of Westphalia: Marked the beginning of the modern state system, establ­ishing the principles of state sovere­ignty and non-in­ter­ference in the internal affairs of other states. This treaty ended the Thirty Years' War in Europe and laid the foundation for the current intern­ational order.

The 19th Century: Balance of Power

The 19th century was charac­terized by the European balance of power system, where major powers, such as Britain, France, and Austria, sought to prevent any one state from dominating the continent. The Congress of Vienna (1815) aimed to maintain this balance and prevent large-­scale wars in Europe.

The World Wars and the League of Nations

World War I (1914-­1918): The war led to unprec­edented devast­ation and the collapse of empires. The aftermath saw the creation of the League of Nations, an early attempt at collective security, though it ultimately failed to prevent World War II.
World War II (1939-­1945): The war reshaped global politics, leading to the establ­ishment of the United Nations (UN) and the beginning of the Cold War.

The Cold War (1947-­1991)

Bipolarity: The Cold War was charac­terized by a bipolar intern­ational system, with the United States and the Soviet Union as the two superp­owers. The compet­ition between these powers led to proxy wars, nuclear arms races, and ideolo­gical conflicts.
Contai­nment and Detente: U.S. policy focused on containing the spread of communism, while periods of détente saw reduced tensions and arms control agreem­ents, such as the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT).
End of the Cold War: The dissol­ution of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the end of the Cold War and the beginning of a unipolar moment, with the United States as the predom­inant global power.

Post-Cold War Era and Global­ization

Unipol­arity: The 1990s saw the U.S. as the dominant global power, promoting liberal democracy and economic global­iza­tion. However, this period also witnessed ethnic conflicts, humani­tarian interv­ent­ions, and the rise of non-state actors.
Global­ization: The post-Cold War era saw increased global interc­onn­ect­edness, with advances in techno­logy, trade, and commun­ica­tion. Global­ization has reshaped intern­ational relations, creating new opport­unities and challe­nges, such as transn­ational terrorism and economic inequa­lity.

Security and Conflict

Nuclear Prolif­eration: The spread of nuclear weapons remains a signif­icant concern, with efforts to prevent prolif­eration through treaties like the Non-Pr­oli­fer­ation Treaty (NPT) and diplomatic negoti­ations, such as the Iran nuclear deal.
Terrorism: The rise of global terrorism, partic­ularly after the 9/11 attacks, has transf­ormed intern­ational security, leading to the War on Terror and ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and beyond.
Cybers­ecurity: In the digital age, cybers­ecurity has become a critical issue, with states and non-state actors using cybera­ttacks to disrupt, steal, or influence.

Intern­ational Organi­zations & Global Governance

The United Nations: The UN plays a central role in mainta­ining intern­ational peace and security, promoting human rights, and facili­tating cooper­ation on global issues like climate change and develo­pment.
Intern­ational Financial Instit­utions: Organi­zations like the Intern­ational Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are crucial in managing the global economy, though they are often criticized for promoting neoliberal policies that may exacerbate inequa­lities.
Regional Organi­zations: Entities like the European Union (EU), African Union (AU), and ASEAN play important roles in regional govern­ance, trade, and security.

Human Rights & Humani­tarian Issues

Human Rights Violations: Ongoing issues include political repres­sion, genocide, and violations of civil liberties in various parts of the world. Intern­ational human rights organi­zations and treaties aim to address these abuses, though enforc­ement remains challe­nging.
Humani­tarian Interv­entions: The intern­ational community has sometimes intervened in sovereign states to prevent or stop human rights abuses, leading to debates over sovere­ignty, respon­sib­ility, and the effect­iveness of such interv­ent­ions.

Global Economy & Trade

Global­ization: The integr­ation of global markets has led to economic growth, but also to challenges such as inequa­lity, labor exploi­tation, and enviro­nmental degrad­ation. Trade agreements like NAFTA and the Trans-­Pacific Partne­rship (TPP) shape economic relations between states.
Economic Crises: Global financial crises, such as the 2008 recession, demons­trate the interc­onn­ect­edness of global economies and the potential for widespread economic disrup­tion.

Enviro­nmental Issues

Climate Change: As one of the most pressing global challe­nges, climate change requires intern­ational cooper­ation to mitigate its impacts. Agreements like the Paris Accord represent efforts to address this issue, though achieving consensus and compliance remains difficult.
Sustai­nable Develo­pment: The concept of sustai­nable develo­pment emphasizes the need to balance economic growth with enviro­nmental protection and social equity. The UN's Sustai­nable Develo­pment Goals (SDGs) provide a framework for addressing these challenges on a global scale.

Shifting Power Dynamics

The rise of China and the reasse­rtion of Russia as global powers challenge the unipolar world order dominated by the United States. This shift could lead to new power dynamics, alliances, and conflicts in the intern­ational system.
Multip­olarity: The future of intern­ational relations may involve a multipolar world with multiple influe­ntial states and regional powers, leading to a more complex and potent­ially unstable global order.

Non-State Actors

Transn­ational Corpor­ations (TNCs): Corpor­ations like Google, Amazon, and Apple wield signif­icant power, influe­ncing global politics, economics, and techno­logy.
NGOs and Civil Society: Non-go­ver­nmental organi­zat­ions, activists, and social movements play increa­singly important roles in advocating for human rights, enviro­nmental protec­tion, and social justice on a global scale.

Techno­logical Advanc­ements

Artificial Intell­igence and Automation: Advances in technology could reshape intern­ational relations, affecting everything from warfare and espionage to economic production and labor markets.
Space Explor­ation: The increasing involv­ement of private companies and new state actors in space explor­ation raises questions about the future of space govern­ance, milita­riz­ation, and resource exploi­tation.

Global Governance Challenges

The effect­iveness of global governance instit­utions will be tested by issues such as pandemics, climate change, cyber threats, and the spread of author­ita­ria­nism. The ability of the intern­ational community to cooperate and adapt will be crucial in addressing these challe­nges.


Intern­ational Relations is a dynamic and multif­aceted field that provides essential insights into the workings of the global system
By unders­tanding the theories, historical context, and key issues in IR, we can better comprehend the comple­xities of global politics and contribute to the pursuit of peace, security, and justice in the world
As we move forward, the study of intern­ational relations will remain crucial in navigating the challenges and opport­unities of an increa­singly interc­onn­ected and interd­epe­ndent world