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History of Human Rights Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

The History of Human Rights

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Human rights, as we understand them today, are the result of a long & complex historical evolution
These rights, considered universal, have roots in various cultures, religions & philos­ophies throughout history

Early Concepts: Ancient Civili­sations

The Code of Hammurabi (c.1754 BCE)
One of the earliest known legal codes, establ­ished laws governing various aspects of life in ancient Babylon. Introduced the idea of justice & the protection of indivi­duals, at least within certain societal hierachies
The Cyrus Cylinder (539 BCE)
Often referred to as the first charter of human rights, issued by Cyrus the Great of Persia. Proclaimed freedom of worship & allowed displaced peoples to return to their homelands
Ancient Greece
Concepts of democracy & citize­nship in Athens, laid groundwork for later ideas. These rights were limited to small segment of population
Ancient Rome
Roman law introduced concept of "­natural law" which influenced later thinkers

The Influence of Religion & Philosophy

Judeo-­Chr­istian Tradition
The idea of inherent human dignity, central to the teachings of Judaism and Christ­ianity, contri­buted to the develo­pment of human rights. Concepts like the sanctity of life and the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you") have been influe­ntial
Islamic Contri­butions
Islamic teachings also emphasize the dignity of the individual and include early concepts of social justice, charity, and the rights of the poor. The Consti­tution of Medina, created by the Prophet Muhammad, laid out principles of religious freedom and mutual protection
Enligh­tenment Philos­ophers (17th-18th Centuries)
John Locke (1632-­1704): Locke's theories of natural rights, partic­ularly the rights to life, liberty, and property, were founda­tional. He argued that these rights were inalie­nable and that govern­ments should protect them.
Jean-J­acques Rousseau (1712-­1778): Rousseau introduced the idea of the social contract, arguing that indivi­duals have rights simply by virtue of being human.
Voltaire and Montes­quieu: These thinkers further developed ideas about freedom of expres­sion, the separation of powers, and individual liberties.

The Age of Revolu­tions: Codifying Human Rights

The American Revolution (1775-­1783)
The Declar­ation of Indepe­ndence (1776): Written by Thomas Jefferson, this document asserted the right to "­life, liberty, and the pursuit of happin­ess." It was a revolu­tionary statement of individual rights against oppressive govern­ment.
The French Revolution (1789-­1799)
The Declar­ation of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789): This document proclaimed that all men are born free and equal in rights. It establ­ished principles such as freedom of speech, the right to security, and the right to resist oppres­sion.
The Abolition of Slavery
The 19th century saw the abolit­ionist movement gain momentum, leading to the end of the transa­tlantic slave trade and slavery itself in many parts of the world. The British Slavery Abolition Act (1833) and the U.S. Emanci­pation Procla­mation (1863) were critical milest­ones.

20th Century: Birth of Modern Human Rights

The Aftermath of World War I
The League of Nations: Establ­ished in 1920, the League sought to prevent future conflicts and promote peace. Although it had limited success, it set the stage for later intern­ational cooper­ation on human rights.
The Horrors of World War II
The atrocities committed during World War II, partic­ularly the Holocaust, highli­ghted the need for a global human rights framework. The war’s devast­ation led to a stronger resolve to protect human dignity.
The United Nations and the Universal Declar­ation of Human Rights (1948)
Formation of the United Nations (1945): The UN was created to promote peace, security, and cooper­ation among nations. Human rights became a central part of its mission.
The Universal Declar­ation of Human Rights (1948): Drafted by a committee chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt, this document is a landmark in human rights history. It asserts that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, covering a broad range of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights.
Post-War Human Rights Conven­tions
The Geneva Conven­tions (1949): These treaties establ­ished standards for humani­tarian treatment in war, including the protection of civilians and prisoners of war.
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948): This was the first human rights treaty adopted by the UN, aiming to prevent future genocides.

The Global Human Rights Movement

Decolo­nis­ation and the Right to Self-D­ete­rmi­nation
Following World War II, many nations in Asia and Africa gained indepe­ndence from colonial powers. The right to self-d­ete­rmi­nation became a central theme in the fight for human rights during this period.
The Civil Rights Movement in the United States (1950s­-1960s)
The U.S. Civil Rights Movement sought to end racial segreg­ation and discri­min­ation, leading to landmark legisl­ation like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Human Rights in the Cold War Era
Both the U.S. and the Soviet Union used human rights rhetoric to criticize each other, while often violating these rights within their own spheres of influence. The Helsinki Accords (1975) were an important develo­pment, linking security and human rights issues in East-West relations.
The Fall of Apartheid in South Africa
Intern­ational pressure and internal resistance led to the end of apartheid in the early 1990s, with Nelson Mandela becoming the country’s first black president in 1994.
The Rise of Intern­ational Human Rights Organi­zations
Organi­zations like Amnesty Intern­ational (founded in 1961) and Human Rights Watch (founded in 1978) have played crucial roles in monitoring and advocating for human rights globally.

Human Rights in the 21st Century

Challenges & Progress
The 21st century has seen signif­icant advanc­ements in recogn­izing the rights of women, LGBTQ+ indivi­duals, and people with disabi­lities. However, challenges remain, including ongoing conflicts, author­ita­ria­nism, and human rights abuses.
Intern­ational Human Rights Law
The Intern­ational Criminal Court (ICC), establ­ished in 2002, prosecutes indivi­duals for crimes of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, reflecting the growing importance of intern­ational law in human rights.
The Digital Age and Human Rights
The internet and social media have become powerful tools for both promoting and violating human rights. Issues like privacy, freedom of expres­sion, and digital survei­llance are increa­singly important in the modern human rights discourse.


The history of human rights is a testament to humanity’s ongoing struggle for dignity, freedom, and justice
While signif­icant progress has been made, the journey is far from complete
he challenges we face today require a renewed commitment to these universal princi­ples, ensuring that human rights are protected and respected for all people, everywhere