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National policy on older persons

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

national policy statement

strengthen the legitimate place of old people in society.
allow them to live their last years with peace, dignity, purpose
similar to "­quality of life" principle in Old Americans Act in USA

guiding principles of NPOP

Affirm­ative action plan for elderly, especially for females (triple neglect: gender, old age, widowhood)
empowe­rment, active and productive partic­ipation and involv­ement of old people
Age integrated society, building of care-g­iving capacity
partne­rship of indivi­duals, families and commun­ities with the govt.
client­-or­iented and user-f­riendly services for the aged

" life cycle as a contin­uum­"

views 60+ age as an integral part of life cycle
productive aging- philos­ophical keystone of NPOP

financial security

better return on provident fund
expansion of pension coverage under strong regulatory authority
tax relief from medical deductions
income generation after retirement
long term saving instru­ments
rights of elders to be supported by their children

healthcare and housing and education

long term management of illness at home
10% urban and rural low income housing for elders
inform­ation and continuing education
heavily subsidized for poor elders
ground floor apartments
education material to strengthen interg­ene­rat­ional bonds
primary health care services, special counters for elders at hospitals
community based amenity needs
outreach programmes in schools to interact with elders
medical profes­sionals to be trained in geriatric care
group housing of older persons
welfare fund for elders
NGOS-m­obile health services, special health camps
contri­bution of elderly will be highli­ghted in media
encour­agement of informal neighb­orhood groups