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Enterprise Systems Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Module 1 - Introd­uction to ERP


Inform­ation System (IS)

An inform­ation system (IS) is a collection of components that work together to provide inform­ation to help in the operation and management of an organi­sation.


SAP (Systems, Applic­ations, and Products) ERP was the first software that delivers real-time ERP integr­ation.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Acts as a company wide computing enviro­nment
Includes a database that is shared by all functional areas
Can deliver consistent data across all business functions in real time.
ERP eliminates redundant efforts and duplicated data; can generate savings in operations expense.
It also helps to produce goods and services more quickly
A company that doesn’t implement ERP might be forced out of business by a company that does have ERP.
Cost savings and increased revenue occur over many years.

Strengths and Weaknesses of ERPs

Covers many business functions
Expensive and very complex
Strong workflow capabi­lities
Demands highly trained staff
Currently implem­ented in many large firms
Lengthy implem­ent­ation time
Supports the concept of data entered once at its source
Creates internal conflict in organi­sations

Module 2 – Business Functions, Processes and ERP



A collection of software systems that help to manage business processes for an entire organi­sation.
Designed to integrate all inform­ation processing support for an entire organi­sation.

Business Processes

Collection of activities that take one or more kinds of input and creates an output that is of value to the customer.
Viewing a business through business processes helps managers to look at their organi­sation from a customer’s perspe­ctive.

SAP R/3 System

SAP is software. The way in which software elements and the relati­onship between them are structured is called software archit­ecture. Archit­ecture is how the software system is designed/ struct­ured. Software system is composed of 3 layers; presen­tation layer, applic­ation layer & data base layer.

Functional Areas of Operation

Functional Areas & Business Processes

Marketing & Sales
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Accounting & Finance
Human Resources

Differ­ences between Function & Process


Module 3 - Business Process Reengi­neering & ERP