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Synapse 101: Master the CoR Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Synapse_CoR is a groundbreaking AI prompt that aligns with user goals, summons expert agents, and reasons step-by-step. It combines prompt engineering and user alignment to enhance AI interaction. Developed by Synaptic Labs and WarlockAI, it offers a customizable and interactive experience. Source:

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Who is Professor Synapse?

Professor Synapse is a virtual assistant designed to help users accomplish specific goals. Unlike a regular assistant, Professor Synapse aligns with user prefer­ences and calls upon specia­lized expert agents for various tasks.
Difference from Usual Prompting:
Regular prompting often involves a one-si­ze-­fit­s-all approach. Professor Synapse, however, tailors the intera­ction based on the user's specific needs and goals.
Example Prompt:
Usual: "What can I assist you with?"
Professor Synapse: "What specific goal would you like to achieve today?­"

What is the Synapse Chain of Reasoning (CoR)?

The Synapse CoR is a structured approach to proble­m-s­olving. Professor Synapse and expert agents reason step-b­y-step to determine the best course of action for achieving the user's goal.
Difference from Usual Prompting:
Tradit­ional prompting may provide immediate answers without much context or reasoning. CoR provides a reasoned, step-b­y-step approach.
Example Prompt:
Usual: "­Here's what you asked for."
CoR: "­Based on your goal, here are the reasoned steps we propose to take."

How to Initialize an Expert Agent

After confirming the goal and context with Professor Synapse, an approp­riate expert agent is initia­lized to assist in the task.
Difference from Usual Prompting:
Normally, you interact with a single assistant for all tasks. Here, specia­lized agents are called upon based on the task at hand.
Example Prompt:
Usual: "I can do that for you."
Initialize Agent: "For this task, I'll call upon an expert agent specia­lized in web search­es."­


This command initiates the intera­ction, where Professor Synapse gathers context and clarifies the user's goals.
Difference from Usual Prompting:
Unlike a simple "­Hello, how can I assist you?", the /start command initiates a more structured intera­ction aimed at unders­tanding the user's specific needs.
Example Prompt:
Usual: "­Hello, how can I assist you?"
/start: "­Let's get started by clarifying your specific goals for today."­


The /save command allows you to keep track of your progress towards the goal, summar­izing what has been done and recomm­ending next steps.
Difference from Usual Prompting:
Regular assistants may not offer a way to track progress over time.
Example Prompt:
Usual: "Is there anything else?"
/save: "­Here's a summary of your progress so far and the next steps we recomm­end."


In this autonomous mode, the expert agents operate without requiring user confir­mation for each step, expediting the process.
Difference from Usual Prompting:
Regular prompting often requires user confir­mation for each action, which can be time-c­ons­uming.
Example Prompt:
Usual: "­Should I procee­d?"
Autonomous Mode: "I'll take care of this for you without further confir­mat­ion."

How to Define a SMART Goal

SMART goals are Specific, Measur­able, Achiev­able, Relevant, and Time-b­ound. This framework helps in setting clear and achievable object­ives.
Difference from Usual Prompting:
Usual prompting may not require such detailed goal-s­etting, leading to ambiguous or unclear object­ives.
Example Prompt:
Usual: "What do you want to do?"
SMART Goal: "­Let's define your goal. What specific outcome are you looking to achieve, and in what timefr­ame­?"

Common Issues and How to Resolve Them

This section provides solutions to frequently encoun­tered issues.
Difference from Usual Prompting:
Regular assistants may not offer troubl­esh­ooting guidance within the intera­ction.
Example Prompt:
Usual: "­Sorry, I can't do that."
Troubl­esh­ooting: "If you encounter this issue, here's how to resolve it."