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Soil stabilization technical reference Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

for reference during on-site

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Applic­ation Rate: L/m3

0.2L per cubic meter

1 drum (200L) of Roadpacker Plus can accomm­odate a road base with dimension of 5,000sqm (consi­dering 1km x 5m) by 0.2m depth of treatment or a road base volume of 1,000 cubic meter.

Dilution Rate: Stabilizer to Water

1:50 - Fair Weather (consi­dering sunny weather and dry materials)

Water is just a carrying agent, it varies depends with the factors that may encounter during site activities such as; (1) weather, (2) material charac­ter­istics, (3) current material moisture content, (4) area, if in open area, shady, rain forest & etc that may affect the stabil­iza­tion.

Comput­ati­on/­For­mula: Liters

Area (L x W) x Depth (Road base Thickness) x Applic­ation Rate (0.2L per cubic meter)

FDT improv­ement result

Average of 100% to 108%; it can go higher than this

Load Bearing (CBR) improv­men­ts/­result

CBR value can increase of 30%

Road Mix Compos­itions

60% gravel, 30% in-situ soil, 10% sand (All weather Roads w/o surface course)
25% in-situ soil, 75% blended materials (can be subbase or base course­)(All weather Roads w/o surface course)
50% in-situ soil, 50% aggreg­ate­s(s­ubbase or base course­)(p­rovided with surface course
100% in-situ soil (provided with surface course)

Area Stabilized per Drum / Liter

1 Drum (200L)
1 square meter : 0.04 Liter (RP+)
25 square meter : 1 Liter (RP+)
1,250 square meter : 50 Liters (RP+)
2,500 square meter : 100 Liter (RP+)
3,750 square meter : 150 Liters (RP+)
5,000 square meter : 200 Liters or 1 Drum (RP+)

Volume Stabilized per Drum/ Liter

1 cubic meter : 0.2 Liter (RP+)
5 cubic meter : 1 Liters (RP+)
250 cubic meter : 50 Liters (RP+)
500 cubic meter : 100 Liters (RP+)
750 cubic meter : 150 Liters (RP+)
1,000 cubic meter : 200 Liters or 1 Drum (RP+)

Testing Parameters

100% passing sieve 3" and atleast 15% passing seive 200 to adopt minimum clay content requir­ement. The specific test we will require is the Particle Size Analysis.
Plasticity Index
10 to 15% (this is not for clay content but for checking plasticity and for soil compos­ition analysis)
Soil PH
7 and 8
Laboratory Compaction Test