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3.2 Effects of Radiation on DNA and Chromosomes Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Structure of DNA

Two separate long polymer chains wound around each other in the form of a double helix
The polymer chains are formed from sugar units and phosphate units that alternate with each other to make up the strands.
The two strands are wound around each other in opposite polarity and are held together by means of hydrogen bonding which occurs between pairs of bases that are attached to the sugar units of each strand.
Adenine on one strand can only pair with thymine on the opposite strand, and guanine on one strand can only pair with cytosine on the opposite strand.
The two sugar- phosphate strands are wound around each other, making one full revolution every 3.4 nm (1nm = 10−9 m) in a right-­handed spiral, which is wound around a central axis, such that a major grove and a minor grove are formed.
The base pairs are spaced at intervals of 0.34 nm along the chain.
The result is an extremely long, thin molecule which reaches up to 1 mm in length and diameter of 2 nm.

DNA ladder or molecule

Base Sequence and the Genetic Code

The precise sequence of bases along the DNA molecule forms the code that carries the genetic inform­ation.
The comple­mentary base pairing endows the molecule with the ability to provide an exact copy of itself.

DNA Replic­ation

Replic­ation is not continuous but occurs at a definite part or phase of the cell division cycle, the S phase.
The two (old) strands of the DNA molecule are separated and two (new) strands are made with the exact compli­mentary base pairing along the two old strands so that two new DNA double helix molecules are formed each made up of one old and one new strand.
The two new DNA molecules eventually separate to two daughter cells so that the process of replic­ation copies the genetic inform­ation in the mother cell and permits its transm­ission to two identical daughter cells.

DNA replic­ation

Target for Radiation Damage

In simplistic terms, the living cell consists of an outer cell membrane, a cytoplasm, a nuclear envelope or membrane and a nucleus. The nucleus contains the deoxyr­ibo­nucleic acid (DNA), which is the backbone of the chromo­somes and carries all the inform­ation that determines the nature of the cell and regulates its operation.
The sensitive site for radiat­ion­-in­duced cell death is believed to be located in the nucleus as opposed to the cytoplasm.

Single Strand Breaks

The number is linearly related to the dose over a wide range (<0.2Gy to 60,000Gy).
Most are induced via the OH* radicals of water.
The number induced in oxygenated cells is three to four times that found in cells irradiated under hypoxic condit­ions.
Repair is very rapid and efficient and involves the excision of the strand containing the defective piece of DNA.
The comple­mentary (undam­aged) single strand is used as the template for the resynt­hesis of a new length of DNA.
SSBs are much less important than DSBs in determ­ining cell death.
Non-re­paired SSBs can take part in the formation of DSBs

Single Strand Breaks

Double Strand Breaks

Double strand breaks of DNA, if not accurately repaired, can lead to cell death or the birth of an abnormal (cance­rous) cell.
The relati­onship between the number induced and radiation dose is believed to be 'linear quadratic' (P = αD + βD2).
They are produced by the passage of one ionising event (αD) or as a result of two indepe­ndent SSBs (βD2).
They were initially thought to be unrepa­irable and this idea formed the basis for the long-s­tanding view that DSBs were the lethal radiat­ion­-in­duced lesions.
Recent measur­ements show that many can be repaired or at least rejoined.
These methods can only detect whether the free ends of a broken DNA molecule have joined together; they cannot indicate whether the original base pairing of the genetic code has been re-est­abl­ished.
The techniques cannot detect the presence of 'mis-r­epair' or 'error prone' repair which might be a cause of signif­icant genetic damage.
In the absence of a perfect template, it is difficult to see how repair can be achieved without some erroneous base-pair acquis­ition or loss.

Double strand break

DNA Base Damage

Damage to bases of DNA was first recognised in bacteria.
Highly sensitive tests can now measure such lesions, especially thymine damage.
The number is linearly related to dose.
They arise via the OH* radicals of water.
Thymine damage is more frequent in mammalian cells than SSBs however, there is no direct evidence showing that this forms a biolog­ically important lesion.
Excision repair mechanism is respon­sible for rapid and efficient removal of damaged bases.

DNA Base Damage

Other Mechanisms of DNA Damage

Normal metabolic processes:
Free radical generation during metabolism
DNA replic­ation may be associated with transc­ription errors, repaired through a number of pathways
External sources:
Non-io­nising radiation, such as UV electr­oma­gnetic radiation, can cause crosslinks between adjacent bases
Chemicals may react with DNA, causing adducts (additions to the DNA molecule that disrupt its structure) or crosslinks
Heat can cause breakage of DNA molecules
Base mismatch, which often occurs during DNA replic­ation, is repaired with mismatch repair proteins (MMR). Bulky DNA lesions or adducts are repaired by nucleotide excision repair (NER). Other processes to remove specific adducts are also present.

Summary of Assays for DNA Damage and Repair

DNA damage is assessed by: Comet Assay, Pulsed Field Gel Electr­oph­oresis (PFGE), or Micron­ucleus Assay.
Cells that are more sensitive to radiation will show increased fragme­ntation of DNA, detectable with pulsed field gel electr­oph­oresis or the comet assay. The micron­ucleus assay is capable of detecting DNA breaks by measuring the formation of micron­uclei, which occur when DNA fragments are not aligned on the mitotic spindle.
DNA repair can also be assessed using these methods. By allowing cells to survive for some time after radiation exposure, and comparing the fragme­ntation of DNA with cells immedi­ately sacrif­iced, the amount of repair that occurs is quanti­fiable.

Comet Assay for DNA Damage­/Repair

Single­-cell electr­oph­oresis
Single cells are placed on a glass slide, held in suspension by an agarose gel. They are then exposed to radiation (or some other stimulus) before being lysed by an aqueous solution. The DNA is unable to escape the agarose gel, whereas the remainder of the cell is removed by the solution. The DNA occupies this space (the nucleoid).
The slide is then immersed in an electr­oph­oresis solution and has a current applied. Undamaged DNA remains trapped in the nucleoid, whereas damaged DNA is small enough to move through the agarose gel. Once the current has been applied for a specified time, the slide is stained for DNA molecules and visualised under a specia­lised micros­cope, often with image analysis software to calculate the presence of DNA damage.
The term comet assay is derived from the appearance of the nucleoid after electr­oph­oresis has taken place. The undamaged DNA remains in the nucleoid in a sphere, the 'head' of the comet. The damaged DNA travels towards the anode, forming the 'tail' of the comet.
Detects differ­ences in DNA damage (and repair) at a single cell level and is commonly used for biopsy specimens from tumours.

Pulsed Field Gel Electr­oph­oresis (Assay)

Gel Electr­oph­oresis works because fragments of DNA have a negative charge, causing them to migrate towards the anode if a charge is run through the gel containing the DNA molecules.
This approach is limited due to poor sensit­ivity to large (over 50 kbp: kilo-base pairs) fragments of DNA, which tend to move at the same rate through the gel.
Pulsed field gel electr­oph­oresis involves three pairs of electr­odes, aligned at 0°, 120°, and -120° with respect to the direction of travel. Charge is run through the sample for 10 - 60 seconds between a pair of electr­odes, with an equal time spent on each group for a net forward migration (see Figure 2.10). Larger fragments take longer to realign themselves to the changing voltage, and therefore there is increased separation of DNA fragments.

Micron­ucleus Assay

A micron­ucleus is the aberrant formation of a third, small nucleus during a mitotic division.
These micron­uclei form when there is a piece of DNA not attached to the mitotic spindle (due to double strand breaks).
For this experi­ment, dividing cells are exposed to a stimuli that causes double strand breaks. Cytoki­nesis is inhibited by cytoch­ala­sin-B. The cells are then stained and examined under a micros­cope; the number of cells that contain micron­uclei are counted. About 1,000 cells need to be counted for an accurate result.

DNA Repair

Sensing of DNA Damage: Several genes are involved in the response to ionising radiation. The actual genes involved depend on the damage inflicted as well as the stage in the cell cycle.
Basics of DNA Repair: For therap­eutic radiation, the repair of double strand breaks (DSBs) is the most important as these seem to be the lesions that lead to cell death.
DSBs are difficult problems for the cell to repair. The two ends may dissoc­iate, although the histone molecules may provide some structural support. If several breaks are formed in a cell, then the cell may unite the strands incorr­ectly. The final problem is that there may not be an approp­riate template to repair the damage, partic­ularly in G1 and early S phases.
DSB repair is performed by two cellular processes: Homologous Recomb­ination (HR) and Non-Ho­mol­ogous End Joining (NHEJ)
Repair by NHEJ operates throughout the cell cycle but dominates in G1/S-p­hases. The process is error prone because it does not rely on sequence homology.
HR utilises sequence homology with an undamaged copy of the broken region and hence can only operate in late S- or G2- phases of the cell cycle.
Other DNA repair mechanisms such as base excision repair (BER), mismatch repair (MR) and nucleotide excision repair (NER) respond to damage such a base oxidation, alkyla­tion, and strand interc­ala­tion.

Homologous Recomb­ination (HR)

The ideal repair pathway, but it requires an undamaged copy of the DNA to function (and replace the damaged section).
This means that homologous recomb­ination only occurs after duplic­ation of the DNA has occurred in prepar­ation for mitosis.
The first step in HR is the detection of the DSB. This is performed by the ATM/ATR gene products, as well as the MRN complex. When activated, these proteins signal numerous other molecules (including p53), inducing a cell cycle arrest. The ends of the damaged DNA strand are processed and damaged bases are removed.
The resulting repair process attracts the sister chromatid, unwinds it and uses the undamaged DNA strand of the sister chromatid to fill in gap left by the double strand break. Then there is DNA synthesis of the missing nucleo­tides on the undamaged templates and ligation. This creates a complex strand crossover between the damaged and undamaged strands known as a Holliday junction, which is finally resolved before the repair process is complete.

Non-Ho­mol­ogous End Joining (NHEJ)

Used in all phases of the cell cycle, as it does not require a sister chromatid to function.
Not as accurate as HR as it does not use a template for repair. It is still a relatively accurate repair pathway, as it is respon­sible for DNA damage repair in most cells at some time.
NHEJ also starts with recogn­ition of the strand break and signaling to the cell that damage has occurred. PRKDC plays an important role in attracting repair proteins as well as preventing the ends from dissoc­iating.
As a first step, each end of the double strand break must be 'proce­ssed', removing damaged bases and adding bases if necessary (this is where the error comes in).
The second step involves the ligation of the two ends.
Each side of the double strand break is recognised by XRCC5 and XRCC6 (Ku-70 / Ku-80). These attract PRKDC to the break, which bridges the gap and notifies the cell that damage has occurred through phosph­ory­lation of numerous signalling molecules.
A collection of NHEJ related proteins then processes each end before ligating the ends together.



Base Excision Repair (BER) / Single Strand Break Repair (SSBR)
Perhaps the most straig­htf­orward repair pathway.
If a base is altered by any means, it causes an abnorm­ality in the shape of the DNA helix; this can be detected by glycos­ylase which removes (excises) the damaged base.
The DNA is then 'nicked' by the AP endonu­clease enzyme; the sugar/­pho­sphate backbone of the affected base is also removed by APE1, leaving a single strand break.
The altern­ative method of arriving at this situation is when radiation induces a SSB, which is then recognised by the PARP protein. The ends are processed (cleaned by PNK) to leave a 'clean' single strand break.
The end process of both methods is a gap in one strand of the DNA helix, which must be repaired. Short patching is performed by POLB (polym­erase beta), which inserts the correct base (replaces damaged base), and LIG3 which unites the strand.
Long patching is more compli­cated, involving the removal of a section of the DNA around the single break and recons­tru­ction of the region by polymerase and ligation of the ends.

Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER)

Used when a stretch of DNA has been damaged.
Partic­ularly important in the response to ultrav­iolet radiation, which can cause bulky DNA adducts (not typical of ionising radiat­ion).
NER is carried out by an array of proteins. The damaged strand is detected, and incisions made up and downstream of the lesion by 5 - 10 bases. The entire section is removed and the gap in the DNA is then copied from the undamaged side of the DNA strand and ligated onto the free ends.

Mismatch Repair (MMR)

Occurs during DNA replic­ation, and ensures highly accurate transl­ation of DNA (important in carcin­oge­nesis).
If an incorrect base is inserted by DNA polyme­rase, the MMR proteins are able to detect the abnormal shape of the DNA helix (incorrect pairing of bases) and excise the incorrect base.
These abnormal bases are excised with a small margin of bases on either side. The gap is then filled by DNA polymerase and the ends ligated - repair of the lesion.

DNA in Chromo­somes

Chromo­somes are thread­-like structures of DNA and protein.
The basic DNA molecule is associated with beads or discs of proteins (histones) around which the DNA is wrapped and the protein discs are packed to form a fibre that can be seen under the electron micros­cope. This fibre is looped, folded and branched in an irregular fashion to form the chromo­somes that are visible under the light microscope during metaphase.
A single continuous DNA molecule extends from one end of the chromosome to the other. Somewhere along the length of chromo­somes is a region that does not stain, called the centro­mere.
The chromosome therefore comprises two strands (the chroma­tids) held together at the centromere region.
In cell division, the centromere divides the chromosome and each daughter cell receives one chromatid from each chromo­some. The presence of a centromere is essential, therefore, for the migration of chromo­somal pieces to the poles of the cell.

Chromosome Damage

The arms of chromo­somes are subject to breakage.
Exposure to ionising radiation increases the frequency of breaks, these occur when the radiation passes through the chromo­somal thread. The thread breaks into parts, but broken ends of chromo­somes are 'sticky', and because of this, the parts frequently stick together again. This process of healing, called restit­ution, occurs following most chromosome breaks, probably in more than 90 percent of them.
Restituted chromo­somes either lose no genetic matter or so little that cells bearing them function normally enough to escape detection. Occasi­onally, however, restit­ution does not follow a break resulting in chromosome aberra­tions. Breakage of chromo­somes without restit­ution is lethal if cell division occurs after the chromosome break. Cell death, as a result of chromosome breakage, is known as 'mitotic death'. It is a principal mechanism of cell killing in radiot­herapy.
Chromosome damage arises when a single chromosome is broken before the material has been duplicated in S phase.
When the chromatin generates an identical strand, it replicates the break caused by the radiation. Hence, a chromosome aberration is visible at mitosis, as there are identical breaks in a pair of strands.
Chromatid damage results from damage to one arm of the duplicated chromo­some, with no damage to the other.
The radiation dose is given later in interp­hase, after DNA has been doubled, the arms are separated, and the radiation only breaks one chromatid. This leads to chromatid abbera­tions.

Dicentric Chromosome

An example of a lethal aberration
Produced when breaks occur in two chromo­somes within the same nucleus.
If the 'broken ends' are within close proximity, they may rejoin to produce a dicentric chromosome with an accomp­anying fragment.
A ring is formed when both ends are lost from the same chromo­some. The chromosome then attaches its new ends together, leading to formation of a ring.
An anaphase bridge is formed when a duplicated chromosome loses both ends of a paired arm. The arms then unite, and when the cell tries to divide at mitosis it is unable to separate the fused arms.

Dicentric Chromosome

Assays for Chromosome Damage

Conven­tional Smear: the cells must be specially prepared to view the chromo­somes:
Ideally a highly mitotic population is cultured
Cells are arrested in metaphase
The cells are treated to cause swelling of the nucleus and spreading out of the chromo­somes
The cells are plated on a slide and left to dry
The slide is stained for DNA molecules
This method allows chromo­somes to be visualised under light micros­copy, where they can be counted and observed for abnorm­alities. Abnorm­alities such as transl­oca­tions are often difficult to visualise with this method, however lethal chromosome abnorm­alities are typically visible.
In Vivo Lymphocyte Assay: Peripheral lympho­cytes can be harvested after radiation exposure. They can be simulated to divide in culture (eg. with phytoh­aem­agl­utt­inin), and then arrested in metaphase. Chromosome smears can then be performed to judge the number of abnorm­alities present.
In-Situ Hybrid­isation: involves a a variety of techniques that have a similar process:
A probe is used to bind to a specific sequence of DNA, RNA or protein
If required, an antibody directed against the probe is added to the cell. This antibody is capable of creating a visible effect when bound to the probe.
Silver In-Situ Hybrid­isation (SISH) is more commonly used for gene number counting.
The antibody used in SISH causes silver atoms to collect in the region of the gene. The number of genes can then be counted using a normal light microscope (the silver appears as a dark spot).
Fluore­scense In-Situ Hybrid­isation (FISH): DNA strands can be targeted by specific probes. These can either be 'chrom­osome painting', which cause each chromosome to fluoresce a difference colour; or can be directed against specific genes.
Chromosome painting is partic­ularly useful at detecting transl­oca­tions, as the transl­ocated arm will be a different colour to the host chromo­some. FISH requires a specific microscope which can cause the molecules to fluoresce.

Cytoge­netic Dosimetry

The detection of the presence or absence of dicentric chromo­somes in cells, partic­ularly in lympho­cytes, is a method routinely used to identify or exclude people who are suspected of being irradi­ated.
Situations can occur when either:
1. the exposure registered on the personal monitor, such as a thermo­lum­ine­scent dosimeter (TLD), does not appear to reflect dose received by the wearer
2. the person having suspected overex­posure was not wearing any type of physical dosimeter.
The dicentric chromosome is a sensitive and reliable indicator of dose in persons having recent radiation exposures because it:
1. is easily identi­fied;
2.occurs with a low background frequency;
3. is rarely observed following exposure to chemicals.
The Lymphocyte Culture System: To calibrate dose and effect, aliquots of whole blood from normal adults are exposed to 60Co γ radiation (or x-radi­ation) to doses 0.25 to 5.0 Gy (25 to 500 rads).
The lympho­cytes are incubated in culture medium at 37°C for sufficient time to allow a large proportion of the lympho­cytes to complete one round of DNA synthesis (appro­xim­ately 48 hours).
The cells are then arrested (halted in the cell cycle) after division by the addition of an inhibitor and are then harvested, stained and examined under a microscope to determine the frequency of dicentric induction.
Approx­imately 500 cells are examined although the actual number depends on the level of exposure and statis­tical certainty required.
It has been found that the dose dependency for yield of dicentrics is adequately described by the linear­-qu­adratic model, Y = αD + βD2 where Y is dicentric yield (dicen­trics per cell), D is radiation dose, and α and β determine the relative importance of single and two hit events

Radiob­iol­ogical Definition of Cell Death

Cells are generally regarded as having been “killed” by radiation if they have lost reprod­uctive integrity, not by whether they physically survive in the popula­tion.
Loss of reprod­uctive integrity can occur by apoptosis, necrosis, mitotic catast­rophe or by induced senesc­ence. Although all but the last of these mechanisms ultimately results in physical loss of the cell this may take a signif­icant time to occur, e.g mitotic death may not happen until several divisions have taken place.
Apoptosis or programmed cell death (previ­ously called interphase cell death) is a strong feature in embryo­logical develo­pment and in lymphocyte turnover.
Apoptosis (which is non-in­fla­mma­tory) can be identified by micros­copy: shrinkage of cellular morpho­logy, conden­sation of chromatin, nucleosome laddering indicating chromatin degrad­ation, and cell membrane blebbing.
Apoptosis occurs in particular cell types after low doses of irradi­ation e.g. lympho­cytes, serous salivary gland cells, and certain cells in the stem cell zone in testis and intestinal crypts.
Mitotic Death occurs if a cell proceeds through mitosis without proper alignment of chromo­somes on the metaphase plate, the division of the cell may lead to aneuploidy in both daughter cells. The cells die due to loss (or gain) of signif­icant genetic material
This may be due to loss of genes that allow mitosis to occur or due to inability of the cell to pass on genetic material once the catast­rophe has occurred.
Mitotic death is the principal mechanism of cell killing in radiot­herapy
A rapid fall of cell numbers after irradi­ation is likely to be due to apoptosis but may also occur by mitotic death in rapidly prolif­erating popula­tions.
Whether apoptosis reflects overall cell killing in tumour cell inacti­vation by radiation is currently unresolved and may only be the case for certain types of tumour cells.
Necrosis is typified by cell edema, poor staining of nuclei, increase of membrane permea­bility, shut down of cell metabo­lism, and an accomp­anying inflam­matory response. Cellular necrosis generally occurs after high radiation doses.
Bystander Effect: The induction of biologic effects in cells that are not directly traversed by a charged particle, but are in proximity to cells that are.
Heritable biologic effects do not require direct damage to DNA!
Experi­ments indicate that irradiated cells secrete a molecule (capable of killing cells) into the medium that can transf­erred onto unirra­diated cells.
Senescence or replic­ative senesence (RS) is a programmed cellular stress response to the accumu­lation of damage to a cell.
It is observed when cells stop dividing, and this differs from the behaviour of stem cells and tumour cells which do not show these limita­tions. Senescent cells are somewhat edematous and show poor cell-cell contact, increased polypl­oidy, decreased ability to express heat shock proteins, and shortening of telomeres (caps at the end of chromo­somes).
It silences genes necessary for the transition from G1 to S phase of the cell cycle.
Autophagic Cell Death: the cell consumes itself. It is thought to be induced by radiot­herapy and chemot­herapy.