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Mod 5 - Requirements Analysis & Design Definition Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Manage the requir­ements and designs for a project


Specify & Model Requir­ements - analyzing needs using a variety of models.

Verify Requir­ements - ensures that the requir­ements & models are of sufficient quality to be used for further work.

Validate Requir­ements - ensures that all requir­ements deliver value to the business, contribute to the fulfil­lment of goals and objectives and meet a specific stakeh­older need.

Define Requir­ements Archit­ecture- describes how the requir­ements are organized into various models & documents.

Define Design Options- define the solution approach, identify opport­unities to improve the business, allocate requir­ements across solution components and represent design option that achieve the desired future state.

Analyze Potentials Value & Recommend Solution - determ­ining which design options will be selected to meet the stakeh­older requir­ements.

Requir­ement Analysis Techniques


Tasks, Inputs & Outputs Diagram


Business Process Analysis


Allocate Requir­ements



repres­ent­ation of a real-world process, device or concept
Business Process Analysis
used in any method­ology that is aiming to improve process performce

Study Q & A

What is the difference between requir­ement verifi­cation & valida­tion?
Verifi­cation of requir­ements ensures that the requir­ements and models are of sufficient quality to be used for further work.
making sure that requir­ements are ready for stakeh­older
review and approval.
making sure that requir­ements provide all the inform­ation
needed for the next steps in constr­ucting the solution (i.e. ready for design
Requir­ement validation ensures that all requir­ements deliver value to the business, contribute to the fulfil­lment of goals and objectives and meet a specific stakeh­older need.
BA should Tie the requir­ement to a business value that will be
Define evaluation criteria and process
Define any depend­encies the requir­ement has in order to gain
desired result (including assump­tions)
Make sure the requir­ement aligns to the business case

Discuss the tasks of Define Design Options and Analyze Potential Value & Recommend Solution

How does a BA Evaluate and manage requir­ements to keep the solution focused on business goals?