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Package Manager

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


pacman <op­era­tio­n> [options] [targets]


-D, --database
Operate on the package database
-Q, --query
Query the package database
-R, --remove
Remove package(s) from the system
-S, --sync
Synchr­onize packages
-T, --deptest
Check depend­encies
-U, --upgrade
Upgrade or add package(s) to the system
-F, --files
Query the files database
-V, --version
Display version and exit
-h, --help
Display syntax for the given operation


-b, --dbpath
Specify an altern­ative database location
-r, --root
Specify an altern­ative instal­lation root
-v, --verbose
Output paths such as as the Root, Conf File, DB Path, Cache Dirs
--arch <ar­ch>
Specify an alternate archit­ecture
--cachedir <di­r>
Specify al altern­ative package cache location
--color <wh­en>
Specify when to enable coloring
--config <fi­le>
Specify an alternate config­uration file
Display debug messages
--gpgdir <di­r>
Specify a directory of files used by GnuPG to verify package signatures
--hookdir <di­r>
Specify an alternate directory containing hook files
--logfile <fi­le>
Specify an alternate log file
Bypass any and all "Are you sure?" messages
Cancels the effects of a previous --noco­nfirm
Disable defaults for low speed limit and timeout on downloads
--sysroot <di­r>
Specify an altern­ative system root