This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Document Summary
<html>...</html> |
<head>...</head> |
<title>...</title> |
页面标题 |
<body>...</body> |
Document Information
<base/> |
<meta/> |
<link/> |
链接CSS |
<style>...</style> |
定义CSS |
<script>...</script> |
链接JavaScript |
Document Structure
<h1...h6>...</h1...h6> |
标题 -- 1级到6级 |
<div>...</div> |
块级容器 |
<span>...</span> |
行内容器 |
<p>...</p> |
段落 |
<br/> |
换行符 |
<hr/> |
水平线 |
<!--...--> |
注释 |
<img/> |
src="url" |
图片地址 |
alt="text" |
图片未正常显示时的文字 |
height="" |
高度 |
width="" |
宽度 |
align="" |
对齐方式 |
border="" |
边框 |
<map>...</map> |
<map name="">...</map> |
<area /> |
shape="" |
coords="" |
Text Formatting
<strong>...</strong> |
强调内容,加粗 |
<b>...</b> |
粗体 |
<em>...</em> |
强调内容,倾斜 |
<i>...</i> |
斜体 |
<tt>...</tt> |
<strike>...</strike> |
<cite>...</cite> |
<del>...</del> |
<ins>...</ins> |
<blockquote>...</blockquote> |
<q>...</q> |
<abbr>...</abbr> |
<acronym>...</acronym> |
<address>...</address> |
<dfn>...</dfn> |
<code>...</code> |
代码块 |
<pre>...</pre> |
用等宽字体显示整段代码 |
<sub>...</sub> |
<sup>...</sup> |
<small>...<small> |
Collective Character Objects
" " |
" |
< < |
< |
> > |
> |
space -- 空格 |
© © |
© -- Copyright 符号 |
& & |
& |
@ Ü |
@ |
• ö |
• -- 间隔点 |
™ û |
™ |
<ol>...</ol> |
有序列表 |
<ul>...</ul> |
无序列表 |
<li>...</li> |
列表的条目 |
<dl>...</dl> |
层级菜单 |
<dt>...</dt> |
层级菜单项目 |
<dd>...</dd> |
层级菜单的条目 |
<a href="">...</a> |
超链接 |
<a href="mailto:">...</a> |
指向邮箱的超链接 |
<a href="tel://###-###">...</a> |
<a name="name">...</a> |
<a href="#name">...</a> |
<form>...</form> |
定义表单 |
action="url" |
提交地址 |
method="" |
提交方法 --GET 或者 POST |
encrypt="" |
autocomplete |
novalidate |
accept-charsets |
target |
<fieldset>...</fieldset> |
<label>...</label> |
元素的标签 |
<legend>...</legend> |
<input/> |
输入控件 |
<table>...</table> |
表格 |
<caption>...</caption> |
<thead>...</thead> |
所有表头 |
<tbody>...</tbody> |
所有表格主体 |
<tfoot>...</tfoot> |
<tr>...</tr> |
行 |
<th>...</th> |
表头单元格 |
<td>...</td> |
表格内容的单元格 |
<colgroup>...</colgroup> |
<col>...</col> |
HTML New Tags
<header>...</header> |
页眉 |
<footer>...</flooter> |
页脚 |
<article>...</article> |
<aside>...</aside> |
<section>...</section> |
<details>...</details> |
<summary>...</summary> |
<dialog>...</dialog> |
<figure>...</figure> |
<figure>...</figure> |
<figcaption>...</figcaption> |
<mark>...</mark> |
<nav>...</nav> |
<menuitem>...</menuitem> |
<meter>...</meter> |
<progress>...</progress> |
<rp>...</rp> |
<rt>...</rt> |
<ruby>...</ruby> |
<time>...</time> |
<wbr> |
Input Type Attributes
type="" |
控件类型 |
name="" |
value="" |
size="" |
maxlength="" |
required |
width="" |
height="" |
placeholder="" |
pattern="" |
min="" |
max="" |
autofocus |
disabled |
已禁用 |
<textarea>...</textarea> |
<select>...</select> |
checked |
已选中 |
Input Type Value
text |
文本 |
password |
密码 |
radio |
单选 |
checkbox |
多选 |
file |
上传文件 |
image |
图片形式的提交按钮 |
submit |
提交 |
button |
执行JavaScript脚本 |
reset |
重置表单 |
hidden |
隐藏字段 |
Select Attributes
name="" |
size="" |
multiple |
required |
autofocus |
<option>...</option> |
Option Attributes
value="" |
selected |
<button>...</button> |
Objects and iFrames
<object>...</object> |
height="" |
width="" |
type="" |
<iframe>...</iframe> |
iFrame Attributes
name="" |
src="" |
srcdoc="" |
height="" |
width="" |
<param /> |
<embed>...</embed> |
Embed Attributes
height="" |
width="" |
type="" |
src="" |