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python midterm 2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


def rec_find_gcd(a, b):
    if a%b == 0:
        return b
    return rec_find_gcd(b, a%b)
reverse string
def reverse_string(s):
    if len(s) <= 1:
        return s
    return s[-1]+reverse_string(s[:-1])
recursive function returning a tuple with quotient and remainder of 2 integers
def rec_div(a, b):
    if a < b:
        return 0, a
    new_tuple = rec_div(a-b, b)
    return new_tuple[0]+1, new_tuple[1]
takes in string of positive numbers and letters and returns a string of all the numbers in order
def rec_num_find(s):
    if len(s) == 0:
        return ''
    if s[0].isdigit():
        return s[0] + rec_num_find(s[1:])
        return rec_num_find(s[1:])
def rec_num_find2(s):
    if len(s) <= 1:
        if s.isdigit():
            return s
        return ''
    a = rec_num_find2(s[: len(s)/2])
    b = rec_num_find2(s[len(s)/2 :])
    return a + b
Takes a string and a pattern and determines if pattern is in string(no in operator)
def rec_detect(s, pat):
    if len(pat) > len(s):
        return False
    return pat==s[:len(pat)] or rec_detect(s[1:], pat)
counts periods in the string argument
def rec_period(s):
    if len(s) == 0:
        return 0
    if s[0] == '.':
        return 1 + rec_period(s[1:])
    return rec_period(s[1:])
takes a string of characters and prints all combinations = original length
def rec_all_strings(s, result=''):
    if len(result) == len(s):
        print result
        return None
    for char in s:
        rec_all_strings(s, result+char)

Recursion Continued

power function that raises a to the power of b
def power(a, b):
    if b == 0:
        return 1
    return a * power(a, b-1)
function that takes an integer and returns binary representation in list
def bin_rep(n):
    if n <= 1:
        return [n]
    return bin_rep(n/2) + [n % 2]
takes in tuple, returns set of all possible tuples using the original elements
def power_set(atuple):
    if len(atuple) == 0:
        return {atuple}
    temp = power_set(atuple[1:])
    result = set()
    for item in temp:
        new_tuple = (atuple[0], ) + item
    return result
super digit is sum of digits continuously until it is a single number ie. 9875 = 2
def super_digit(n):
    if n < 10:
        return n
    temp = 0
    for digit in str(n):
        temp = temp + int(digit)
    return super_digit(temp)

Basic Recursion

def recursive_sum(n):
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    return n + recursive_sum(n-1)
def recursive_factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    return n*recursive_sum(n-1)
def multiplication(x,n):
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    return x + multiplication(x, n-1)
def reverse_string(s):
    if len(s) <= 1:
        return s
    return s[-1]+reverse_string(s[:-1])
def is_palindrome(s):
    if len(s)<=1:
        return True
    return s[0] == s[-1] and is_palindrome(s[1:-1])
def min_list(list1):
    if len(list1) == 1:
        return list1[0]
    min_rest = min_list[1:]
    if min_list[0] < min_rest:
        return list1[0]
    return min_rest
def product(list1):
    if len(list1) == 1:
        return list1[0]
    return list1[0] * product(list1[1:])
def rotate_right(list1, n):
    if n == 0 or len(list1) == 0:
        return list1
    return rotate_right(list1, n-1)
def rec_flatten(nested_list):
    if len(nested_list) == 1:
        return nested_list[0]
    return nested_list[0] + rec_flatten(nested_list[1:])
def rec_fib(n):
    if n<=1:
        return n
    return rec_fib(n-1) + rec_fib(n-2)
def rec_fib_efficient(n, d):
    #use a dictionary to store values in the sequence
    if n in d:
        return d[n]
    x = rec_fib_efficient(n-q, d) +rec_fib_efficient(n-2, d)
    d[n] = x
    return x


Defining a tuple with one value
singleton = (3,)
Tuple packing
=a, b... or return a, b...

Tuple Operators
+, *, 'in'
Tuple Methods
tuple.c­ou­nt(a) will count the number of times a is in the tuple
tuple.i­nd­ex(a) will give the index of a

for i in range(­len­(tu­ple)) iterates over the indicies of the items
thus you will
print tuple[i]

for i in tuple will iterate over the items directly
thus you will
print i

sequence unpacking
t = (1, 10, 100)
first, second, third = t


dictionary = dict() OR dictionary = {}
to add key-va­lue.... dictio­nar­y[1­2345] = 'John'
dictio­nar­y[1­2345] will print 'John'

get retrieves value associated with a certain key(re­turns None if not in dictio­nary)
get dictio­nar­y.g­et(key) gives the value associated with key
keys dictio­nar­y.k­eys() gives all keys
values dictio­nar­y.v­alues() gives all values
items dictio­nar­y.v­alues() gives a list of key-value pairs

Dictionary Code

Reverse Lookup
def find_key(d, value_to_find):
    for key in d:
        if d[key] == value_to_find:
            return key
    return None

grouping grades
grade_list = [100, 98, 76, 65, 61, 80, 75, 96, 90, 67, 87]

hist = {}
for i in range(1, 5):
    hist['bucket '+str(i)] = 0
for grade in grade_list:
    if grade >= 90:
        hist['bucket 1'] += 1
    elif grade >= 80:
        hist['bucket 2'] += 1
    elif grade >= 70:
        hist['bucket 3'] += 1
        hist['bucket 4'] += 1

for i in range(1, 5):
    print 'There are', hist['bucket '+str(i)], 'grades in bucket', i


Set is an unordered collection of unique elements. All elements are immutable
defining an empty set

empty = set()
using {} gives a dict
sets are good for fast membership testing regardless of how many elements are in the set
IE. set1 = {'BC', 'BU', 'NEU', 'BC', 'BC'}

Set methods
set.add(a) adds element a to the set­ter­sec­tio­n(blue) gives the inters­ection of blue and red
red.up­dat­e(blue) updates red with the union of itself and blue
red -= {1, 2} is set differ­ence. It is set red - 1 and 2

Search Algorithms

def lin_search_general(input_list, value):

    """Implementation of the Linear Search Algorithm for an arbitrary list
    Determine whether a given value (number) exists in a list of numbers that is ordered in an ascending (increasing) fashion.
    Input arguments input_list--any list of numbers (sorted or not sorted)value--any number"""

    if len(input_list) == 0:
        return False
    for i in range(len(input_list)):
        if value == input_list[i]:
            return True
    return False

def lin_search(ordered_list, value):

    """Implementation of the Linear Search Algorithm.
    Input arguments ordered_list--any list of numbers that is sorted in an ascending fashion value--any number"""

    if len(ordered_list)==0 or ordered_list[-1]<value:
        return False
    for i in range(len(ordered_list)):
        if value == ordered_list[i]:
            return True
        if value < ordered_list[i]:
            return False
    return False

def binary_search(ordered_list, value):

    """Implementation of the Binary Search Algorithm.
    Determine whether a given value (number) exists in a list of numbers
    that is ordered in an ascending (increasing) fashion.

    Input arguments
    ordered_list--any list of numbers that is sorted in an ascending fashion
    value--any number"""

    if len(ordered_list)==0 or ordered_list[-1]<value or value<ordered_list[0]:
        return False
    low = 0
    high = len(ordered_list) - 1
    while low <= high:
        mid = (low + high) / 2
        if value == ordered_list[mid]:
            return True
        if value < ordered_list[mid]:
            high = mid - 1
            low = mid + 1
    return False

def binary_search_rec(ordered_list, value):
    if len(ordered_list)==0 or value<ordered_list[0] or ordered_list[-1]<value:
        return False
    return binary_search_helper(ordered_list, value)

def binary_search_helper(ordered_list, value):
    if len(ordered_list) == 0:
        return False
    mid = (len(ordered_list)-1) / 2
    if value == ordered_list[mid]:
        return True
    if value < ordered_list[mid]:
        return binary_search_helper(ordered_list[:mid], value)
    return binary_search_helper(ordered_list[mid+1:], value)

Sort Algorithms

def selection_sort(in_list):
    """Implementation of the Selection Sort algorithm (in-place)."""
    n = len(in_list)
    for i in range(n-1):
        # finding the min value in a portion of the list
        min_value = in_list[i]
        min_index = i
        for j in range(i+1, n):
            if in_list[j] < min_value:
                min_value = in_list[j]
                min_index = j
        # swap the min w/ the current value
        in_list[min_index] = in_list[i]
        in_list[i] = min_value        
    return None

def insertion_sort(in_list):
    """Implementation of the Insertion Sort algorithm (in-place)."""
    n = len(in_list)
    for i in range(n-1):
        j = i + 1
        value = in_list[j]
        while j>=1 and value<in_list[j-1]:
            in_list[j] = in_list[j-1]
            in_list[j-1] = value
            j -= 1
    return None

def merge_sort(in_list):
    """Implementation of the Merge Sort algorithm (Return the sorted list)."""
    n = len(in_list)
    if n <= 1:
        return in_list
    right_half_sorted = merge_sort(in_list[n/2:])
    left_half_sorted = merge_sort(in_list[:n/2])
    return merge(left_half_sorted, right_half_sorted)

def merge(list1, list2):
    """Merge two sorted lists such that the merged list is also sorted."""
    merged = []
    while len(list1)>0 and len(list2)>0:
        if list1[0] <= list2[0]:
    merged += list2
    return merged