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MSK II: Bone & Joint Disorders Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Inflam­mation of the tendon
Tenosy­novitis Definition
Inflam­mation of the enclosed tendon shealth
Overuse injuries and systemic disease (arthr­itides)
Clinical Features
Pain with movement, swelling, impaired function. Commonly in rotator cuff, patella, hip, flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris, flexor digitorum. May resolve w/in a few weeks, but also recurrent.
Ice, rest, stretc­hing, NSAIDs. Cortic­ost­eroid + lidocaine inject­ions. Excision of scar tissue last resort. (Scar tissue from repetitive tissue microt­rauma)


An inflam­matory disorder of the bursa (thin-­walled sac lined with synovial tissue) caused by trauma or overuse
Clinical features
Pain, swelling, tenderness x weeks. Commonly in subacr­omial, subdel­toid, trocha­nteric, ischial, prepat­ellar, suprap­atellar ("ho­use­maid's knee")
Prevent precip­itating factors, rest, NSAIDs, steroid inj.


Inflam­mation of the bone caused by a pyogenic organism. Described by duration (acute­/ch­ronic), cause (surgical, etc.), site, extent, and patient type
Most common pyogenic organism
Stap. aureus
Most commonly affects long bones of children
Acute hemato­genous osteom­yelitis
Patients with sickle cell anemia at risk for
salmonella osteom­yelitis
When viable bacterial colonies harbor in necrotic and ischemic tissue even after original infection treated, and this can lead to recurrent of infection
Chronic hemato­genous osteom­yelitis
Results from open fracture or surgery
Exogenous osteom­yelitis
Clinical features - Acute Hemato­genous Osteom­yelitis
Pain, loss of motion, soft-t­issue swelling, drainage is rare
Clinical features - Chronic Hemato­genous Osteom­yelitis
Recurrent flare-ups of tender, warm, sometimes swollena reas. Malaise, anorexia, fever, weigh loss, night sweats, pani and drainage from sinus tract
Lab Studies
Culture or bone bx to ID organism, WBC/CR­P/ESR might be elevated, can see changes on x-ray after 7-10 days, MRI earlier
Acute-­->3 wk course of abx (1wk IV, 2wks oral). Chroni­c--­>at least 4wks to 24mo of IV and PO abx. Surgical drainage and treatment possibly necessary.