Cin |
is the same as input |
Cout |
is same as print |
<< and >> |
point to where the information is going to. |
difference between the ++ being before the variable or after |
++x adds 1 to the x variable before doing the math statement, x++ adds 1 after the math statement. |
setprecision(3) |
cout << setprecision(3) << 1.23456<< endl; 3 total numbers, 2 after the decimal =1.23 |
setprecision command with fixed notation |
cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << 1.23456 << endl; 4 total numbers, 3 after the decimal = 1.235 |
Math Libraries |
ceiling goes up to next int and floor goes to the int below ceil(3.5) = 4 floor(3.5)=3 Abs(-3.5) = 3.5 |
setw |
sets the field witdth to be used on the display |
function |
a way to modularize code and make it reusable. They help us manage, reuse, and organize our code. must include return type, name, parameters and {}. int AddFive(int a) {return x+5}} |
parameter passing by value |
aka pass by copy, modifies a copy of the variable so that original stays the same. int addfive(int a) { return a = a +5}; int b = 5; addfive(b); shows 5 |
parameter passing by reference |
modifies the actual variable being passed in. void addfive(int& a) { a= a+5;} int b = 5; addfive(b); shows 10. |
.h aka header file |
allows us to link our program to library code #include "main.h" |
.cpp |
source code files - methods for the definitions listed in .h file are here |
classes |
Student class {} within .h file, have member variable and member functions. default visibility of private |
class scope |
private: only available within that function, public: available throughout the code and protected |
Constructors |
a member function of a class that is executed whenever we create new objects of that class, it is named after the class and gives our member variables values. student(); |
default constructor |
creates an empty object, numeric values to 0, character and string values to blank "", and sets objects to empty. can be written in line or initialized list. Student() : id_(0), name_(""), email_(""){} |
General Constructor |
creates an object with user chosen values given to the member variables. can be in line or a list but not both. Student(int id, std::string name, std::string email) : id_(id), name_(name),email_(email) {} |
Setters |
gets details from contructors either general or default and add them to the variables list. void SetId(int id); |
Getters |
a way for the user of the class to see the values without having direct access to them. int GetId() const {return id_;} |
structs |
similar to class but can group several related variables in one place. |
If statement |
executes when the condition is true. double up on ifs and code executes for all true statements. if(force <10){} |
else if |
executes the first true statement. then skips the rest. else if(force < 25){} |
for loops |
(start, end, change) for(int i = 2; i < 12, i++) {} i-- for counting down |
while loops |
iterates while a condition is true. while (num <= 10){} |
do/while loops |
same as while but If the condition is false to begin with it will go through at least once. It can also cut down on code. do() while(); |
try/catch |
try to make this block of code work, if it doesnt use the catch statement to show an error message |
throw |
creating an error message within a definition or within main. Any throw will work as long as catch has (…) next to it. |
Overloaded Operators: classes
Overloaded Function |
same name different parameters, need these to be able to do basic math/comparisons on objects student1 vs int 5 |
Member Functions - binary |
Box operator+(box const &rhs)const adding a box variable to a rhs |
Member Functions - binary - definition |
Box Box::operator+(Box const &rhs) const {}. |
Member functions unary |
only the implicit argument is required. |
Friend functions |
not members of the class. given access to the private member variables. used specifically when you want to be able to use an object on the rhs rather than the lhs. friend Box operator+(Box const &lhs, Box const &rhs); |
friend function as insertion operator |
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,Item &item); DEFINITION: ostream& operator<<(ostream &out,Item &item) { out << "Name: " << item.name_ << " Description: " << item.description_ << " Price: " << item.price_; } |
global |
can be accessed from anywhere in the program, not placed in a function |
local |
also known as block scope. between [] |
function |
between {} of a function |
namespace |
defined in the namespace. |
defining a string |
string s1("Man"); or string s2 = "Beast"; or string s3; |
combining strings |
use the + operator. s3 += "" and "" + s2 |
Getline |
reads up to an enter aka new line getline(cin, name); |
cin |
reads up to a space cin >> name; |
fixes for getline when coming after a cin |
add a cin.ignore(); before the getline statement |
.size() and .length() |
do the same thing, finds the length of the string |
Concatenating with numbers |
use to_string. string full = str + to_string(value); |
comparing strings |
same idea as values A is smaller in askii than B, Lower case values are larger than upper case in the askii table. |
.find() |
returns the position of the search item.specify a start position of search str.fing("iss); can also look for the option after the first time pos = str.find("iss"); str.find("iss", pos +1) |
string::npos |
no position aka not found |
substring |
returns a portion of the string and specifies the end. int space = str.find(" "); string school = str.substr(0, space); |
.at vs [] for iterating over strings |
.at is read only where as [] is read and write, .at will terminate if you are looking for something out of range [] will display random junk |
cstring vs std::string |
c-string pros: fixed length and prmitive data type. cons: watch for out of bounds. std::strings more intuitive to use and checks for out of bounds. |
#include <sstream> |
adds strings, objects and values into a stream, parse streams and strings into values |
<< |
used to add to the stringstream. .str() function converts the stream to a string. stringstream sout; sout << "add words"; |
parsing |
string str = "one two three four"; stringstream sout; sout << str; string temp; while(sout >> temp) {cout << temp << endl;} |
class member functions example
example main, cpp and h files
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