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Odin's project CSS Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

To include CSS

As an attribute of a tag like style=­"­color: red". Avoid this!
Inside head tag use this <st­yle­></­sty­le> and add your CSS. Avoid this!
Use this code in head tag to add an external CSS <link rel="st­yle­she­et" type="t­ext­/cs­s" href="s­tyl­e.c­ss">

Basic ideas in CSS

Body is a selector, font and color are properties to be applied, 14px and navy are values, separated by semico­lons.
body {
font-size: 14px;
color: navy;
Some common units to measure in CSS, px are not necesarily pixels when zoom.
px, em pt, %, pc, cm, mm, in.
Colors in hex
For colors we use hex, start with # and divide in 3, 2 digits for red, 2 for green and 2 for blue. For example: #ff000­0=#f00
/* This is a comment*/

Text properties

This is the font itself, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Verdana.
Sets the size of the font.
States whether the text is bold or not. Try: bold, normal, 100-900
Posible: italic and normal
Posible: underline, overline, line-t­hrough
Will change the case of the text. Posible: capita­lize, uppercase, lowercase, none
Property will indent the first line of a paragraph, lenght or percen­tage.
Will align the text inside an element to left, right, center, or justify.
Sets the height of the lines in an element.
For spacing between letters.
For spacing between words.

Box Model

Properties of margins and padding

Defines the length of margin, check box model. Use length units
Defines the length of padding, check box model. Use length units
can add -top, -bottom, -left and -right to any of those


The values can be solid, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge, inset and outset.
Sets the width of the border, most commonly using pixels as a value.
Can be top, right, bottom or left.
Sets the color.

Interm­edate CSS
This dot will define a class, tag here is optional, properties will be applied to tags with attribute class=­"­nam­e".
Properties here will be applied to tags with attribute id="­nam­e".
h1, p, h2
Can give properties to multiple selectors at the same time.
#top h1
Can nest selectors, makes h1 have extra poperties on #top
Gives properties to selectors with special perope­rties such as: "­visited links"(­vis­ited) and unvisited links(­link)
Those apply when something happens to something, posible: active, hoover, focus.
"­fir­st-­chi­ld" will select only the first tag, inside another tag.
margin: top right bottom left;
Margin or padding properties can be grouped like that.
padding: tb lr;
by stating two measures, first is top bottom, second is left right.
border: width color style;
Not sure if width can contain top left right and left.
font: style weight size/height family;
For the family: start with font family of choice, then som others to choice from.
first-­letter, first-­line, self explan­atory.
select­or:­before (or after)
A pseudo­element to add content even without touching html.
the property "­con­tent: "
When using pseudo­ele­ments before or after are used, you add content, can be "any string­", open-q­uote, close-­quote or url( ). Also can add style as a block.


If the selectors are the same then the last one will always take preced­enc­e.(if you select red, and then blue, you will see blue)
Calcul­ating specif­icity: HTML selectors value: 1. Class selectors value: 10. ID selector value: 100. Sum all the values in your selectors to know preced­ence. Higher value, Higher precedence


display: inline
Like hiperl­inks, makes things appear directly in the same line.
display: block
Gives a break before and after the block so it will fill the entire line. This allows greater manipu­lation of padding margins and stuff.
display: none
It will not appear.
Missing tables, said they are rarely used.