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ComSci IBDP 1 Cheat Sheet by

A cheatsheet for computer science, python and pseudocode


From Hexade­cimal to decimal
From Binary to Hexade­cimal
BF=B*161+ F*160=11*161+ 15*160=171+1­5=191
1) Find the biggest power of 16 that fits in - number of positions
3501- 16, 256, 4096
2) Find the biggest multiplier
x*256, that fits? x=13=D
Y16<173, 1016=A*16
173-16­0=13, 13=D
From Binary to decimal
From Decimal to binary
Just multip­lying 1 or 0 by 2 in the power of position
1) find the biggest power of 2 that fits - number of positions
2) Find the biggest multiplier
63-32=31, 24
31-16=15, 23
15-8=7, 22
7-4=3, 2^1
3-2=1, 2^0
Hexade­cimal to binary
Decimal to hexade­cimal
1)Each number should represent the four digits in the binary number
191:16­=11.R => R*16=.9­37­5+16=15
BF => 8 digits
if the number before is less than 16, then it is the first digit, if not, then keep counting
B=11, 11=1011
11 => B
F=15, 15=1111
BF, reading backwards

Or gate

X() gates

These are XAND and XOR gates, they are exclusive
So for XAND only if both inputs are identical it will give a 1
For XOR only if they are both different, it will give a 1

And gate

N() gates

The gates with N, such as NOR, NAND, XNOR, NOR, XNAND, are just gates with a NOT after them

Not gate

File Processing



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