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GI system Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

year one exams, cts modu

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Digestive processes

1. ingestion
2. secretion
3. motility
4. digestion
5. absorption
6. defecation

visceral muscle contra­ctions

small intestine
segmental, MMC
segmen­tation, mass movement

layers of the GI tract

GI control

intrinsic set of nerves, neurons extending from esophagus to anus, 2 plexuses: myenteric (GI tract motility) & submucosal (contr­olling secret­ions)
extrinsic set of nerves; parasy­mpa­thetic stimul­ation increases secretion & activity by stimul­ating ENS
sympat­hetic stimul­ation decreases secretions & activity by inhibiting ENS

regulation of acid secretion

muscarinic antagonist
PGE2 acid, misopr­ostol = PGE2 analogue
gastrin receptor antagonist
H2 receptor antago­nists
cimeti­dine, raniti­dine, famotidine
PPI'S - protein pump inhibitors
omepra­zole, pantop­razole, rabepr­azole, esomep­razole

accessory organs

salivary glands
three sets: parotid, sublingual & subman­dibular
endocrine - insulin & glucagon, exocrine - digestive enzymes & bicarb­onate
excretion of bile pigments (bilirubin & bilver­din), bile salts e.g. deoxyc­hoilic acid emulsi­fic­ation of fats

major structures

small intestine - duodenum, jejunum, ileum
large intestine - ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anus

hormonal control

promotes gastric juice secretion, increases gastric motility, promotes growth of gastric mucosa
stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice & bile that are rich in bicarb­onate ions
stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice rich in digestive enzymes, causes bile ejection from gallbl­adder & opening of sphincter of hepato­pan­creatic ampulla (sphincter of Oddi), induces satiety


mostly water (99.5%)
0.5% solutes - ions, dissolved gases, urea, nitric acid, mucus, immuno­glo­bulin A, lysozyme & salivary amylase (acts on starch) & muramidase (anti-­bac­terial)
subman­dibular & sublingual glands produce mucin rich saliva
paratoid glands produce salivary amylase
salivated is controlled by ANS, parasy­mpa­thetic stimul­ation promotes secretion of moderate amount of saliva, sympat­hetic stimul­ation decreases salivation

small intestine

circular fols called the plicae circulares are permanent ridges of mucosa & submucosa that encourage turbulent flow of chyme
two muscle layers, has serosa not adventitia
absorptive cell - digests & absorbs nutrients
goblet cell - secretes mucus
entero­end­ocrine cell -secretes hormones secretine, cholec­ystokin or GIP
paneth cell - secretes lysozyme & is capable of phagoc­ytosis

major valves - sphincters

oesophagus - upper oesoph­ageal sphincter
pharynx & oesophagus
oesophagus - lower oesoph­ageal sphincter
oesophagus & stomach
stomach - cardiac sphincter (LOS)
oesophagus & stomach
stomach - pyloric sphincter
stomach & duodenum
small intestine
sphincter of Oddi
large intestine - illeoc­aecal sphincter
ileum & caecum
large intestine - internal anal sphincter
involu­ntary smooth muscle
large intestine - external anal sphincter
voluntary skeletal muscle

large intestine

approx. 5 feet in length
starts with ileocecal valve & has four parts: the cecum, colon (ascen­ding, descen­ding, transv­erse, sigmoid), rectum & anal canal
no circular folds/­villi
mucosa = mostly absorptive epithelium mainly for water
microvilli are plentiful
inters­persed goblet cells produce mucous but no digestive enzymes secreted

gastric glands & cell types

surface mucous cell
secretes mucus
mucous neck cell
secretes mucus
parietal cell
secretes HCl & intrinsic factor
chief cell
secretes pepsinogen & gastric lipase
G cell
secretes gastrin hormone


lies posterior to greater curvature of stomach
pancreatic juice secreted into pancreatic duct & accessory duct & to small intestine
pancreatic duct joins common bile duct & enters duodenum ay hepato­pan­creatic ampulla
pancreatic juice = 1200 -1500 ml daily, composed of mostly water, sodium bicarb­onate (buffers acidic stomach chyme), enzymes (pancr­eatic amylase, proteo­lytic enzymes - trypsin secreted as trypsi­nogen, chymot­rypsin, carbox­ype­pti­dase, elastase), pancreatic lipase, ribonu­clease & deoxyr­ibo­nuc­lease
histology: 99% of cells are acini, exocrine, secrete pancreatic juice (fluid + digestive enzymes)
1% of cells are pancreatic islets (islets of Langer­hans), endocrine, secrete hormones glucagon, insulin, somato­statin, & pancreatic polype­ptide

GI histology notes

collap­sible, muscular tube that lies posterior to the trachea & connects pharynx to stomach, has adventitia
stomach (internal anatomy)
rugae of mucosa , oblique, circular & longit­udinal layers of muscle

GI tract functions

bite, chew, swallow
pharynx & oesophagus
mechanical disrup­tion; absorption of water & alcohol
small intestine
chemical & mechanical digestion & absorption
large intestine
absorb electr­olytes & vit B, K
rectum & anus

digestion phases

cephalic phase - stimulates gastric secretion & motility
gastric phase - neural & hormonal mechanisms
intestinal phase - neural & hormonal mechanisms