HTML: configs, layouts, ...
Learn more about options for consuming the API{/link}, Map UI Patterns and Calcite (Esri's Design System). Basics
MapView eventsTo learn more about events and watching changes please check these demo apps: MapView events, watch for changes and sketch widget events explorers Layers
Learn more about how to use Data layers in ArcGIS, Layers and data in the JS API and Querying and filtering data. Popups
Go to the API reference to learn more about the Popup and PopupTemplate modules. Preview popup chart types Widgets
Use geographicToWebMercator and webMercatorToGeographic to convert geometries with Geographic coordinates (wkid 4326: lon, lat) to Web Mercator (wkid 3857: x, y) and vice versa. Also use geometryFromJSON and geometryJsonUtils to create a geometry from a JSON object. Symbols
Use the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x symbol playground and the CIM Symbol builder to help you create new Esri symbols. Symbol types (preview) Renderers
Configure renderers using the new Map Viewer (or the classic one) and then use the JSON object with the rendererFromJSON or rendererJsonUtils snippets to instantiate a renderer class. Read Data-driven visualization to learn more about renderers. Preview renderers Miscelanea
VSCode ArcGIS JS API 4.x snippets Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by hhkaos
Build compelling web apps that unlock your data’s potential with interactive user experiences and stunning 2D and 3D visualizations.
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.