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[F203] IFRS 17 by

Key differ­ences from prudential reporting

IFRS 17 Liabil­ities: Generally higher due to inclusion of CSM on profitable contracts.
Day-One Profits:
Prudential Reporting: Recognizes profit immedi­ately in own funds.
IFRS 17: Defers profit recogn­ition over the coverage period via CSM.

GMM - Genera­lised Measur­ement Model

Default Model for most insurance contracts.
Discou­nting Required when it materially affects provisions or as mandated by legisl­ation.
Need to disclose liability before discou­nting, and the assump­tions used
Consider for discount rate:
Reflects the assets backing the liabil­ities
Excluded assets - premium debtors
Taxation - tax deductible
Perfor­mance Timing: Affects the timing of profit emergence, not actual perfor­mance.

Building blocks

Best Estimate Future Cashflows (BEL)

Includes: All cashflows within the contract boundary.
Contract Boundary
Period where the insurer is obligated to provide coverage.
Ends when the insurer can reassess risk and reprice.
Differ­ences from Prudential Reporting:
Includes acquis­ition and mainte­nance expenses.
Different discount rates and contract bounda­ries.
Includes tax-re­lated flows.
Requires unbundling certain contracts.

Risk Adjustment (RA)

Compen­sation for uncert­ainty in amount and timing of cashflows.
Similar to: Risk margin in prudential reporting.
Method­ology: Not prescr­ibed; confidence level must be disclosed.
Release: Recognized in profit as risk expires over time.

Contra­ctual Service Margin (CSM)

Represents unearned future profits on a group of contracts.
Initial Recogn­ition:
For profitable contracts: CSM = -(BEL + RA) to make initial liability zero.
For onerous contracts: CSM = 0; losses recognized immedi­ately.
Release Pattern
Based on coverage units (e.g., benefi­t-w­eighted policies)
Recognized in profit over the coverage period.


Adjusts cashflows to present value using approp­riate discount rates.

PAA - Premium Allocation Approach

Simplified Model for short-­dur­ation contracts.
Eligib­ility Criteria
Contracts where: PAA measur­ement ≈ GMM measur­ement (not materially different)
And Coverage period ≤ one year.
Key Features
Similar to: Unearned Premium Reserve (UPR).
No Explicit: CSM or RA (implicit in the unearned premium).
Onerous Contracts: Loss component recognized at inception, similar to an unexpired risk reserve


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