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fi groups Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

arrangements and forma.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


- provisions for liabil­ities
- employee and subcon­tractor remune­ration
- directors intere­st-free advances (money you take from your company's accoun­ts that cannot be classed as salary, dividends or legitimate expenses.)
- comp B loses money (a deduction) and gives comp A ability to lower tax burden. (shelt. strata)
- if stock reduce in value, the reduction in the stock value you take to P/L account as a cost.

tradit­ional systems (hidden routes)

underg­round bank
mirror transfer
对敲交易 (knockout trade)
informal value transfer system (IVTS)

fund management

multiple millions should never be sitting in one bank ever.
other than cash for daily needs, the number should be kept small. keep everything else in a treasury money market account (no bank risk, face the country sovereign)
the cash kept on hand can be in a bank and monitor those instit­utions very carefully.


senior partner = > 25
junior partner = < 25

fee structure (fund)

capital gains on assets:
total assets under manage­ment:
total fees = 20% of profits + 2% on total assets

taxation liabil­ities

- to reduce tax liability. Play junk bonds inside retirement account (or similar vehicle) or otherwise shield any earnings from taxes.
- can invest in various junk bonds via mutual funds to lessen the the probab­ility of losing the principal deployed in the case that the issuing company files for bankru­ptcy.


local bank
daily transa­ctions
private bank
wealth management
intern­ational bank
foreign exchange

quick pace deals (qpd)

knock down price for frozen assets
have assets unfrozen by judge
extract surplus from asset

return on money

for income
more long term horizon
charging at interest
there is only 3 ways to make a return on money you already possess.*

savings should be a portion of income and invest­ments a portion of your savings.*

the furlough problem

the average cost of furlough in the UK was double that in mainland europe.
this created a discou­rag­ement of working. Incent­ivising people to be non-pr­odu­ctive, essent­ially you are diluting the currency of a nation as currencies by default represent value.

opport­unity cost

capital must be produced
a method to increase what has been produced
mechanisms to compound what has been made and multiplied

liability reduction

company structure
non-ta­xable income stream
pension contri­butions


explor­ation license
export license
broker license
exclusive trade license

ambani strata.

raise cap. against assets
extend debt maturity
sell equity
obtain fresh lenders
borrow money from abroad (long term debt):
@6-7% interest
hedge for (foreign country currency):
@3-5% risk deprec­iation
total cost:
government return:


net-60 (ideal)
2/10 (2% discount if payment made within 10 days) net (otherwise net is due) 30 (in 30 days)


- can utilise registered agents for businesses in countries like Bahamas.

ltv rates

90% ltv:
85% ltv:
80% ltv:
75% ltv:
60% ltv:


If you can’t price for risk, you can’t effect­ively extend the risk.

capital gains

the profits realised from the sale of an asset. It is the difference between the purchase price (or cost basis) of the asset and the selling price.
if the selling price is higher than the purchase price, the investor has a capital gain; if it's lower, they have a capital loss.*
short term:
gains realised from the sale of assets held for one year or less. (typically taxed at ordinary income tax rates, which are generally higher than long-term capital gains tax rates.)
long term:
gains realised from the sale of assets held for more than one year. (taxed at lower rates, done to incent­ivise invest­ment)


- record revenue from prepay­ments for services as deferred revenue, which is common in subscr­ipt­ion­-based software companies.
- full contract prepay­ments cause non-cu­rrent deferred revenue to decline unless another large prepayment occurs.
- use marketing sponso­rships with indebted resellers and shell companies to replace receiv­ables lost from dropped client negoti­ations.
- marketing expenses 0.5% of total revenue.

acquire control in secrecy (case study)

[X] gave $20 million (N2 billion) to [Y] to acquire UBA shares in 2005.
[Y] persuaded [X] to hold onto the shares despite [X]'s initial intention to sell.
[X] became Transcorp Hotel Chairman in 2007 with a 5% shareh­olding.
[Y] quietly acquired shares in Transcorp without [X]'s knowledge.
[X] went bankrupt in Nigeria in 2008.
[Y] took over [X]'s UBA shares to cover [X]'s loan interest.
[Y] also acquired [X]'s shares in Africa Finance Corpor­ation.
[X] agreed to sell his Transcorp shares to an American firm, which turned out to be [Y].
This revelation led [X] to resign as Chairman of Transcorp Hotel.
In 2012, [X] expressed interest in the power business to [Y], specif­ically Ughelli Power Plant.
[Y] outbid [X] and acquired Ughelli Power Plant for $300M.


charitable donations
office supplies
employee salaries
profes­sional fees

earnings (personal)

primary ->
residuals ->

first loss lending (first loss position)

a type of guarantee in which the guarantee provider agrees to bear losses incurred up to an agreed percentage in the event of default by the borrower. (great mechanism to attract lenders, if the level of risk could be considered high)

agent deal struct.

amount + [50%][ sell-on clause] + [right to purchase percentage points in the future]

elu strata.

1) make target take loan on a conver­tible note stipul­ation, then convert targets shares to cover the loan in awake of turmoil
2) contro­lling shares interest (voting stock)
3) collect dividends/ remitt­ances/ repatr­iation of dividends


investment made into a pool -> high-tax income -> low-tax capital gains


stock parking companies


post annualised returns of 31% since inception.*

deal structure compos­itions

principal [100M] + debt [560M] (660 lot size) -> [1.6B]
[940M] profit


most places can't stealth capital.
anon. companies not permitted.
heavy aml.
all counties within eu have a registry that discloses all benefi­ciary owners.


- does not allow LIFO (last in, first out).
- emphasises fair value measur­ement.
- develo­pment costs capita­lised if certain criteria are met.
- more flexib­ility in presenting financial statem­ents.
- no concept of extrao­rdinary items.
- allows LIFO.
- more conser­vative, often prefers historical cost.
- generally expensed as incurred.
- prescr­iptive format and specific line items.
- includes extrao­rdinary items separately on the income statement.
liabil­ities can = mark to market via "fair value through profit or loss" (FVTPL),


price inflation:
drive up prices
use various jurisd­ictions and agents, brokers, advisors and other interm­edi­aries to represent buyer.
ultra secure Freeport wareho­uses:
use to store art pieces. In these locations, mercha­ndise is classed as “in transit” and is exempt from customs duty, making it a tax haven for legitimate buyers.
changing of ownership:
artwork stored in free-ports can also techni­cally change ownership multiple times through selling and reselling, putting further distance between the latest transa­ction and the earlier ones.
usage of corporate struct­ures:
interm­edi­aries such as shell companies or non-profit organi­sations (NPOs) to obscure the transfer of high-value art, hide the source of funds, and conceal the identities of sellers and buyers.

consortium (group relief)

a trading company where 75% or more of its shares are owned by multiple companies, each holding 5%-74%, qualifies as consor­tiu­m-o­wned.

if a consor­tiu­m-owned company owns at least 90% of a trading subsid­iary, both can be part of the consor­tium.

a company owning 10% of a consor­tiu­m-owned company, if 75% or more owned by another, becomes a link company, extending relief into that group.




more money:
can offer a stupid number.
give control:
offer a board seat (you can still run the company indepe­nde­ntly, we won’t interfere with you, we will only give you some advice going forward and ensure you have resour­ces).
member of board has a lot more inform­ation than a shareh­older does and has the ability to influence decisions the company is making in a regular fashion*
bear hug:
an offer to buy a publicly listed company at a signif­icant premium to the market price of its shares.
it is an acquis­ition strategy designed to appeal to the target company's shareh­olders. bear hugs are used to pressure a reluctant company's board to accept the bid or risk upsetting its shareh­olders.*
shareh­older rights plan:
to force a bidder to negotiate with the target's board and not directly with the shareh­olders. (the effects are twofold: It gives management time to find competing offers that maximise the selling price).


- buy world class assets for 30 cents on the dollar
- make ~20% return
- reduce fixed cost (20-25% off)
- separate boards (feder­ations)
- small head office
- multiple managers running things with there own style
- dcentr­alise power in the operating business to a point just short of abdication
- minimise the maximum loss (minimax strategy) utilise mixed strategies (random)

wet (aircraft) lease

an arrang­ement where one airline leases an aircraft, along with its crew, mainte­nance, and insurance, to another airline.

schemes and t-reliefs

- utilise (EIS) enterprise invest scheme to raise cap.

schemes and t-reliefs

- utilise (EIS) enterprise invest scheme to raise cap.

viatical settlement

financial transa­ction in which a person with a terminal illness sells their life insurance policy to a third party for a lump sum payment, in order to benefit from the process while alive.

cold feet insurance

policy that compen­sates one party for financial losses incurred due to another party backing out of a planned event such as a wedding. (Stipu­lation is that the claim must be made 1 year before the wedding date)

term life insurance

provides coverage for a specified period, paying a death benefit only if the insured person dies during a specified term.
these policies have no value other than the guaranteed death benefit and don’t feature a savings component (as is found in permanent life insurance products).*

whole life insurance

provides lifelong coverage with a guaranteed death benefit and includes a savings component that builds cash value over time.
the cash value of a whole life policy typically earns a fixed rate of interest.*

withdr­awals and outsta­nding loan balances reduce death benefits.*


a unidir­ect­ional contract clause stating that anything A states is considered public domain where as anything said by B is propri­etary and cannot be repeated or disclosed.
compen­satory and punitive damages for causing “severe and irrepa­rable” harm” through the “egregious misapp­rop­ria­tion” of closely guarded trade secrets, which violates the companies confid­ent­iality agreem­ents.*

term sheet

highlights financial and deal-s­pecific features.

letter of intent (LOI)

prelim­inary commitment of one party to do business with another, what both parties are seeking to happen, outlines chief terms of a prospe­ctive deal (such as a minimum purchase price.)

memorandum of unders­tanding (MOU)

emphasises object­ives, respon­sib­ilities and the extent of cooper­ation of all parties involved in a negoti­ation.

confid­ential info. memorandum (cim)

a document detailing a company's operat­ions, financ­ials, and investment opport­unities in an effort to solicit indica­tions of interest from potential buyers.
lengthy (typically 50–150 pages) marketing document that provides potential buyers with a detailed first impression of your business before they would meet the selling company in person.*

provis­ional patent apps.

- no formatting rules
- drawings (persp­ective, top, bottom, left, right, front, back, internal, process, before and after.)
- every features specified in claims must be on a drawing, and designated by a reference
- show all necessary views
- don’t need to have all parts drawn exactly to scale
- usually do not indicate dimensions
- in limited cases, photog­raphs can be used.
for regular patent applic­ations: stricter rules and formatting is required.*

broad patent = non-ap­proval or more risk to litiga­tion.*

patent troll

legal extortion (go after a company and claim infrin­gement, strategy is to ask for company accused for just less than it will cost to litigate.)


refers to a security interest or lien on an asset to secure a debt or obligation
fixed charges: putting a specific asset down as security. (Asset cannot be sold without the charger holders (lender) approval)
floating charges: covers things that changes, such as stock or cash in the bank. You can usually trade/sell these assets as part of usual business operat­ions. In the event business goes into liquid­ation this floating charge becomes crysta­llised and can no longer be sold)
fixed charges safer and better for the lender, floating charge is better for the borrower*

- a fixed and floating charge over all assets.
- contains fixed charge.
- contains floating charge.
- floating charge covers all the property or undert­aking of the company.
- contains negative pledge = prevents borrower pledging certain assets to other creditors.
- security over cash deposits = using a cash deposit as collateral to secure a loan or obliga­tion.


pledging stocks involv­es the transfer of ownership of shares from the shareh­older to the lender, as collateral security for a loan.
bank or financial instit­ution holds the shares until the loan is fully repaid.*


being able to collat­eralise your wealth is a different type of confidence as oppose to obtain debt from fiat.


an accounting term for the reduction in the book value of an asset when its fair market value ­(FMV) has fallen below the carrying book value, and thus becomes an impaired asset
write-down is the opposite of a writ­e-up, and it will become a writ­e-o­ff if the entire value of the as­set­ be­comes worthless and is eliminated from the account altoge­ther.*

awrite down is necessary if the fair market value (FMV) of an asset is less than the carrying value currently on the books.*

ip structure

two part structure;
period payments to X [1M a month for a period of years]
If X is a small public company, this revenue can be valued at a multiple.
a lump sum cash payment. buy a new class of newly created preferred stock (this is registered as an investment for Party B)
X reserves the right to convert the preferred stock to non-di­vidend paying common stock.
newco created retains ownership of patents, 2% of newco revenues, 2% of other companies that newco licenses to.

legal loophole

a gap or ambiguity in the law that allows someone to avoid the law's intent without techni­cally breaking it.

estate planning pro forma

- last will and testament
- power of attorney (poa)
- healthcare proxy
- living will


the process of locating and agreeing to terms and purchasing goods, services, or other works from an external source, often with the use of a tendering or compet­itive bidding process.

increasing shareh­older value (m3)

revenue growth:
increasing revenue through market expansion and new products drives higher cash flows and shareh­older returns.
profit­ability and cost manage­ment:
effici­ently managing costs and improving profit margins ensure revenue growth translates into actual value for shareh­olders.
return on invested cap. (ROIC):
high ROIC reflects effective capital use, leading to increased stock prices and dividends, thereby enhancing shareh­older value.
these three factors - revenue growth, profit­ability and cost management, and return on invested capital - are interl­inked and together form the foundation of long-term shareh­older value creation.*