Primitive types
bool |
8 bits, boolean |
string |
An immutable array of bytes. All Unicode characters are UTF-8. Indexing a string produces a byte, not a rune nor another string. Indexes correspond to bytes in the string, not Unicode code points. Use single or double quotes to denote strings. |
rune |
32 bits, unicode code point (~character), alias for u32. To denote runes, use ` (backticks). |
i8 |
8 bits, signed integer |
i16 |
16 bits, signed integer |
int |
32 bits, signed integer (the default int type) |
i64 |
64 bits, signed integer |
u8 |
8 bits, unsigned integer (alias for byte?) |
u16 |
16 bits, unsigned integer |
u32 |
32 bits, unsigned integer |
u64 |
64 bits, signed integer |
isize |
System-dependent signed integer, 64 bits on x64 |
usize |
System-dependent unsigned integer, 64 bits on x64 |
f32 |
32 bits, floating-point number |
f64 |
64 bits, floating-point number (the default float type) |
Can be converted to a UTF-8 string by using the .str() method: rocket := ` ` assert rocket.str() == ''
Can be converted to UTF-8 bytes by using the .bytes() method: rkt := `` assert rkt.bytes() == [u8(0xf0),0x9f,0x9a,0x80]
Hex, Octal, and Unicode escape sequences work in rune literals: assert `\x61` == `a` assert `\141` == `a` assert `\u0061` == `a`
Multibyte literals work too: assert `\u2605` == `★` assert `\u2605`.bytes() == [u8(0xe2), 0x98, 0x85] assert `\xe2\x98`.bytes() == [u8(0xe2),0x98] assert `\342\230`.bytes() == [u8(0xe2),0x98]
String interpolation
Use $ before a variable name. The variable will be converted to a string and embedded into the literal: name := 'Bob' println('Hello, $name!') // Hello, Bob!
Works with fields: 'age = $user.age'
And with expressions: 'can register = ${user.age > 13}'
Format specifier pattern${varname:[flags][width][.precision][type]}
* flags: - to left-align output within the field, + to right-align (default), 0 (zero) to use 0
as the padding character instead of the default space * width: integer value - minimum width of total field to output * precision: an integer value preceded by a . Guarantees the number of digits after the decimal point, if the input is a float. Ignored if integer. * type: f or F - float, rendered as float; e or E - float, rendered as exponent; g or G - foat, small values rendered as float, large values as exponent; d - integer, rendered as decimal; x or X - integer, rendered as hexadecimal; o - integer, rendered as octal; b - integer, rendered as binary; s - string (almost never used). Format strings are parsed at compile time, specifying type can help detect errors. |
x := 123.4567 '[${int(x):010}]' // left-pad with 0 => [0000000123] '[${10.0000:.2}]' // strip insignificant 0s at the end => [10] println('${10.1234:.2}') // => 10.12 println('[${10.0000:.2f}]') // show 0s at the end
A collection of data elements of the same type: mut nums := [1, 2, 3] println(nums[0]) // `1` - zero-indexed nums << 4 // appending element, [1, 2, 3, 4] nums << [5, 6] // appending array, [1, .., 5, 6] 1 in nums // true x := nums[999] // panic, use or { default value }
Arrays: Fields (read-only)
len: length - the number of pre-allocated and initialized elements in the array; cap: capacity - the amount of memory space which has been reserved for elements, but not initialized or counted as elements. The array can grow up to this size without being reallocated. mut nums := [1, 2, 3] println(nums.len) // "3" println(nums.cap) // "3" or greater nums = [] // The array is now empty println(nums.len) // "0" data is a field (of type voidptr) with the address of the first element. This is for low-level unsafe code. |
Arrays: Initialization
Array type is determined by the first element: [1, 2, 3]
is an array of ints ( []int
) ['a', 'b']
is an array of strings ( []string
) [u8(16), 32, 64]
is an array of u8 ( []u8
) Second initialization syntax: mut a := []int{len: 10000, cap: 30000, init: 3} len (default 0), cap and init (type default) are optional users := []int{} // empty array
c := []int{len: 3, init: it} // [0, 1, 2] - it=index
Arrays: Multidimensional
mut a := [][]int{len: 2, init: []int{len: 3}} a[0][1] = 2
mut a := [][][]int{len: 2, init: [][]int{len: 3, init: []int{len: 2}}} a[0][1][1] = 2
Fixed size arrays
Arrays with fixed size (length). You cannot append elements to them, nor shrink them. You can only modify their elements in place. Access to the elements of fixed size arrays is more efficient, they need less memory than ordinary arrays, and unlike ordinary arrays, their data is on the stack, so you may want to use them as buffers if you do not want additional heap allocations. |
Most methods are defined to work on ordinary arrays, not on fixed size arrays. You can convert a fixed size array to an ordinary array with slicing: mut fnums := [3]int{} // fnums is a fixed size array with 3 elements. fnums[0] = 1 fnums[1] = 10 fnums[2] = 100 println(fnums) // => [1, 10, 100] println(typeof(fnums).name) // => [3]int fnums2 := [1, 10, 100]! // short init syntax that does the same (the syntax will probably change) anums := fnums[..] // same as `anums := fnums[0..fnums.len]` println(anums) // => [1, 10, 100] println(typeof(anums).name) // => []int
Note that slicing will cause the data of the fixed size array to be copied to the newly created ordinary array. |
Structs are allocated on the stack. |
struct Point { x int // immutable y int // immutable } mut p := Point { x: 10 y: 20 } println(p.x) // Struct fields access p = Point{10, 20} // Alt syntax when <= 3 fields
Struct fields are private (accessible within the module) and immutable by default. This can be changed with pub and mut modifiers. There are 5 options in total: struct Foo { a int // private immutable (default) mut: b int // private mutable c int // another one pub: d int // public immutable (readonly) pub mut: e int // public, mutable only in parent module __global: // Not recommended f int // public and mutable everywhere }
Structs: Default field falues
struct Foo { // fields are zeroed by default n int // n is 0 by default s string // s is '' by default a []int // a is allocated (`[]int{}`) by default p int = -1 // custom default value r int [required] // must be initialized by hand } _ = Foo{} // Error, r must be initialized explicitly
Structs: Trailing struct literal arguments
my_fn(text: 'Click me', width: 100) // same as my_fn(BtnCfg{text: 'Click me', width: 100})
Note if struct BtnCfg
is annotated with [params]
, my_fn
can be called without explicit parameters, as my_fn()
(default field values are used). |
Structs: Methods
struct User { age int } fn (u User) can_register() bool // u == this / self { return u.age > 16 } println(usr.can_register()) // true
Structs: Heap structs
Use & to alloc on the heap and get reference p := &Point{10, 10} // The type of p is &Point println(p.x) // Same syntax for field access
struct Foo { mut: x int } fa := Foo{1} // On stack mut a := fa // a is a copy of fa a.x = 2 assert fa.x == 1 assert a.x == 2
mut fc := Foo{1} // Must be mut, as we mut c := &fc // can't have mutable ref to immutable c.x = 2 assert fc.x == 2 println(c) // &Foo{ x: 2 }, Note `&`
Structs: Embedded
struct Size { mut: width int height int } fn (s &Size) area() int { return s.width * s.height } struct Button { Size // Size fields/methods embedded in Button title string } mut button := Button { title: 'Click me' height: 2 } button.width = 3 assert button.area() == 6 // Use explicit struct name to avoid assert button.Size.area() == 6 // ambiguous fields / methods
Initialize embedded struct:mut button := Button { Size: Size { width: 3 height: 2 } }
Or assign values:button.Size = Size { width: 4 height: 5 }
a := 123 // Declare a new int variable, assigning 123
a := 0x7B // Same int variable in hexadecimal notation b := 0b01111011 // Same in binary notation c := 0o173 // Same in octal notation
_ can be used as a separator: 1_000_000 0b0_11 3_122.55 0xF_F 0o17_3
To declare variables of types other than int, use casting: a := i64(123) b := u8(42) c := i16(12345) f := 1.0 // f64 is the default float type f1 := f64(3.14) // f64 is the default float type f2 := f32(3.14) f3 := 42e1 // 420 f4 := 123e-2 // 1.23 f5 := 456e+2 // 45600
name := 'Bob'
assert name.len == 3 // number of bytes
name[0] == u8(66) // indexing gives a byte
name[1..3] == 'ob' // slicing -> string 'ob'
cr_lf := '\r\n' // escape special chars like in C
assert '\xc0'[0] == u8(0xc0) // `\x##` hex number
aardvark := '\141ardvark' // \### octal
star_str := '\u2605' // ★ Unicode as hex `\u####`
assert star_str == '\xe2\x98\x85' // UTF-8
For raw strings, prepend r. Escape handling is skipped: s := r'hello\nworld' // the `\n` is two characters
String operatorsbobby := 'Bob' + 'by' // "Bobby" mut s := 'hello ' s += 'world' // "hello world" println('age = ' + 10.str()) // must be same type
Converting strings to integers'42'.int() == 42 // all '0xc3'.int() == 195 // int '0o10'.int() == 8 // literals '0b1111_0000_1010'.int() == 3850 // are '-0b1111_0000_1010'.int() == -3850 // supported
Converting strings to runes'Bob'.runes() // == [`B`, `o`, `b`]
Converting strings to bytes'Bob'.bytes() // == [u8(66), 111, 98]
Array methods
a.str() |
converts a to string |
a.clone() |
produces a new array, containing a copy of data in the original array |
a.filter(it % 2 == 0) |
produces a new array, containing a copy of elements of the original, that make the expression evaluate to true ( it refers to every element of the original array, consecutively). Can accept anonymous function: a.filter(fn (x int) bool { return x % 2 == 0 })
| |
produces a new array, each element is the value of the expression in parenthethes ( it refers to every element of the original array, consecutively). Can accept anonymous function: (w string) string { return w.to_upper() })
a.repeat(n) |
concatenates the array elements n times |
a.insert(i, val) |
inserts a new element val at index i and shifts all following elements to the right |
a.insert(i, [3, 4, 5]) |
inserts several elements |
a.prepend(val) |
inserts a value at the beginning, equivalent to a.insert(0, val) |
a.prepend(arr) |
inserts elements of array arr at the beginning |
a.trim(new_len) |
truncates the length (if new_length < a.len, otherwise does nothing) |
a.clear() |
empties the array without changing cap (equivalent to a.trim(0)) |
a.delete_many(start, size) |
removes size consecutive elements from index start – triggers reallocation |
a.delete(index) |
a.delete_many(index, 1) |
a.delete_last() |
removes the last element |
a.first() |
equivalent to a[0] |
a.last() |
equivalent to a[a.len - 1] |
a.pop() |
removes the last element and returns it |
a.reverse() |
makes a new array with the elements of a in reverse order |
a.reverse_in_place() |
reverses the order of elements in a |
a.join(joiner) |
concatenates an array of strings into one string using joiner string as a separator |
a.all(it == 2) |
true if the expression evaluates to true for all elements of a. (it refers to every element of the array, consecutively) |
a.any(it > 2) |
true if the expression evaluates to true for at least one element of a. (it refers to every element of the array, consecutively) |
Array methods: Chaining
// using filter, map and negatives array slices files := ['pippo.jpg', '01.bmp', '_v.txt', 'img_02.jpg', 'img_01.JPG'] filtrd := files.filter(it#[-4..].to_lower() == '.jpg').map(it.to_upper()) // ['PIPPO.JPG', 'IMG_02.JPG', 'IMG_01.JPG']
Array slices
A slice is a part of a parent array. Initially it refers to the elements between two indices separated by a .. operator. If a right-side index is absent, it is assumed to be the array length. If a left-side index is absent, it is assumed to be 0. Slices are arrays themselves (they are not distinct types). |
nums := [0, 10, 20, 30, 40] nums[1..4] // [10, 20, 30] nums[..4] // [0, 10, 20, 30] nums[1..] // [10, 20, 30, 40]
A slice is always created with the smallest possible capacity cap == len. Because of this, when the size of the slice increases, it is immediately reallocated and copied to another memory location, becoming independent from the parent array (copy on grow). In particular pushing elements to a slice does not alter the parent: |
mut a := [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] mut b := a[2..4] b[0] = 7 // `b[0]` is referring to `a[2]` println(a) // [0, 1, 7, 3, 4, 5] b << 9 // b is reallocated println(a) // [0, 1, 7, 3, 4, 5] no change println(b) // [7, 3, 9]
Appending to the parent array may or may not make it independent from its child slices. The behaviour depends on the parent's capacity and is predictable: |
mut a := []int{len: 5, cap: 6, init: 2} mut b := a[1..4] a << 3 // no realloc - fits in cap b[2] = 13 // a[3] is modified a << 4 // cap exceeded, reallocated b[1] = 3 // no change in a println(a) // [2, 2, 2, 13, 2, 3, 4] println(b) // [2, 3, 13]
Call .clone() on the slice, if you want an independent copy right away: |
mut a := [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] mut b := a[2..4].clone() b[0] = 7 // NOT referring to a[2] println(a) // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] println(b) // [7, 3]
Array slices: Negative indexing
Negative indexing starts from the end of the array towards the start, for example -3 is equal to array.len - 3. Negative slices have a different syntax: a#[..-3]. The result is "locked" inside the array.The returned slice is always a valid array, though it may be empty: |
a := [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] a#[-3..] // [3, 4, 5] a#[-20..] // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] a#[-20..-3] // [0, 1, 2] a#[..-1] // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] // Empty arrays a#[-20..-6] // [] a#[20..10] // [] a#[20..30] // []
Keys can be strings, runes, integers, floats or voidptrs. |
mut m := map[string]int{} //
string keys and
int values m['one'] = 1 m['two'] = 2 println(m['one']) // "1" println(m['bad_key']) // "0" println('bad_key' in m) // `in` to detect if such key exists println(m.keys()) // ['one', 'two'] m.delete('two')
Map can be initialized using this short syntax: numbers := { 'one': 1 'two': 2 }
If a key is not found, a zero value is returned by default: println({ 'abc': 'xyz' }['bad key']) // '' println({ 1: 123, 2: 456 }[3]) // 0
Or use an or {} block to handle missing keys: mm := map[string]int{} val := mm['bad_key'] or { panic('key not found') }
Check if a key is present and get its value (if present): m := { 'abc': 'def' } if v := m['abc'] { println('the map value for that key is: $v') }
Just like structs, unions support embedding. struct Rgba32_Component { r byte b byte g byte a byte } union Rgba32 { Rgba32_Component value u32 } clr1 := Rgba32 { value: 0x008811FF } clr2 := Rgba32 { Rgba32_Component: Rgba32_Component { a: 128 } } sz := sizeof(Rgba32) unsafe { // Union member access must be in unsafe block println('Size: ${sz}B, clr1.b: $clr1.b, clr2.b: $clr2.b') }
Note that the embedded struct arguments are not necessarily stored in the order listed. |