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Chromebook Crouton Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by [deleted]

A quick guide to installing Linux on Chromebook

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Powerwash Device (optional)

Make sure Chromebook is on without anybody signed in.
Press and hold CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + R.
Click Restart.
In the box that appears, click Reset and sign in with your Google Account.
Follow the steps that appear.

Enable Developer Mode (BACKUP LOCAL DATA FIRST)

Make sure you are logged into your Chrome­book.
Press and hold ESC + REFRESH + POWER till your Chromebook reboots into Recovery Mode.
When you see Recovery Mode pop up, press CTRL + D.
When the prompt asks if you want to turn on Developer Mode, press ENTER to continue.
There will be a reboot cycle and screens popping up. This may take 15 minutes or so.
When finished, the device will return to a screen with a red exclam­ation point. Leave it alone until it reboots into Chrome OS.

Install Crouton

Download Crouton
Altern­ative Crouton Download Link
Install the Crouton Integr­ation Extension into your Google Chrome.
Press CTRL + ALT + T to open a terminal.
Type the following command to open a linux shell:
Run the following command to install Crouton
sudo sh ~/Down­loa­ds/­crouton -t core,x­iwi­,ke­ybo­ard­,x1­1,c­li-­ext­ra,­ext­ension